Beard is toward Ye Feng said, "usually the base is not seen, only in a specific time, the base will put some miscellaneous out, some chemical waste away!"

Ye Feng smell speech heart next move, immediately ask beard way again, "usually base don't have the soldier on duty and so on?"

Whiskers and Ye Feng explained, "this is an isolated overseas island. Except for the wild animals in the forest, there are no people at all, so there are no soldiers at all. They are all scientific researchers, only a few soldiers, but they are all guarding in some important construction departments. If not, we dare not come back so rashly!"

After all, the nature of Stewart Island is different from that of New Zealand. It's a military organization base, but Susi island is a scientific research Island, and it can't be found on the map outside the sea, so there is almost no danger. There are several symbols Soldiers with sex are good.

But it's good news for Ye Feng and whiskers. After all, there are not many soldiers, so it's much safer for them.

When Ye Feng thought of it, he thought of why he had been on the top of the mountain before, and why he said that there was no feasible plan, but he just rushed in and worked recklessly. It turned out that he knew there were not many soldiers on duty here.

After pondering a little for a while, Ye Feng said to his beard, "take a rest for half an hour, and then find some smart people to go in with me and see what's going on inside."

Beard listen to Ye Feng so say, saw Ye Feng after one eye, nodded a way, "I calculate one, I look for three helpers again!" Then she took another look at Monica and said, "I don't think she has any experience, so there's no need to follow us to take risks, right?"

Ye Feng nodded and then said to his beard, "then I'll leave her here. Let your people take good care of her. Don't make any mistakes!"

Beard smell speech staring at Ye Feng looked for a long time, this just asked, "there is a problem, I have not asked!"

Ye Feng then said to his beard, "I know what you want to ask. What's the relationship between me and her? Why do you come to this island? Why did you take her with you? "

Whiskers nodded and said, "you said you were going to Suxi island to save your friends, and then you knew that this island is Suxi island in your mouth! I always doubt your purpose. If you don't make it clear, it's hard for me to completely believe you! "

Ye Feng can't help but smile at his beard and say, "if I'm really suspicious, why do you believe me at the top of the mountain? Are you really not afraid that I'm with the people in the base?"

Beard shook his head and said, "no, if it is, you won't drift on the sea!"

Ye Feng then toward the beard way, "perhaps this is to lead you to take the bait of the routine?"

The beard still shook his head and said, "no! I believe in my intuition, you should have a lot of connections with the people on the island, but you are definitely not with them! "

Ye Feng smell speech a shrug, wry smile a way, "with intuition, you dare to kill back, it seems that you are really suffering from the body's pain is not light!"

The beard then continued to look at the leaf maple way, "you still don't want to say?"

Ye Feng took a deep breath at this time, looked at his beard and said, "don't you have a lot of things, and you don't want to talk to me?"

The beard smell speech brow can't help a wrinkly way, "I should say of all have already said!"

Ye Feng then toward the beard way, "I should also have said, the rest of the nature is not to say!"

After that, Ye Feng didn't wait for his beard to ask him anything, and immediately added, "many things are not that we shouldn't say, nor are we unwilling to say, it's impossible to talk about, and it has nothing to do with you, but at least I can guarantee that you and I may not be true friends, but we must not be enemies!"

After hearing what Ye Feng said, he pondered for a long time, then nodded to Ye Feng and said, "OK, I believe you!"

Ye Feng nodded and asked for a cigarette to light. After smoking, he walked towards Monica and sat beside her. Then he said, "I'll sneak into the base with some of them to check the situation, so you don't have to follow me!"

As soon as Monica heard this, she said, "are you going to stay with me?"

Ye Feng looked at Monica and said, "at present, the danger of you following me is greater than staying here. You know, I'm more nervous about your safety than you are!"

As soon as Monica hears this, her heart moves. She looks at Ye Feng in a dazed way. She is moved to see Ye Feng staring at herself.

Who knows at this time, Ye Feng continued, "you are here, I still have bargaining chips to negotiate with Virgil. If you have something unexpected or lost, I don't even have the chance to negotiate with Virgil!"

Monica was still moved. At least Ye Feng was so worried about his safety. But at this time, listening to Ye Feng's words, he could not help sighing. It turned out that he was just worried that he would lose his bargaining chip with Virgil.Ye Feng saw that Monica didn't say a word, and immediately held her hand and said, "I know what you are thinking in your heart, but I don't want to cheat you. Every step of our walk from Angela to here is extremely difficult. The purpose is to come here, save my friend, and then take your safety belt away from here. Now that we are here, I will never give up halfway, but you can't let me go Heart, I will not give up rescuing my friend, so I will not give up you

After listening to Ye Feng's words, Monica can't help but move again. Ye Feng is right. They have walked step by step from Angolan prison to now. Every step is like walking on thin ice. It's difficult for them to survive several times. Now they have come to this step. There's no reason for Ye Feng to give up rescuing his friends at this time, right?

Before and Ye Feng experience, scene by scene appeared in Monica's mind, as if the film general kept turning, his several times of life and death, Ye Feng is willing to save himself, such a man, what can't trust, what can't entrust?

Think of here, Monica clenched Ye Feng's hand, toward Ye Feng way, "according to your own plan, I listen to your arrangement!"

Ye Feng listen to Monica say so, can't help but reach out to hold Monica in the arms, in her forehead after a kiss, this just said, "then you stay here and wait for me to come back!"

At this time, whiskers has selected four more capable men and told them that they will sneak into the base together with Ye Feng, and then told the other men to stand by. If they encounter danger, they will take care of Monica when they come back.

Wait for whiskers to explain, Ye Feng also came over and asked whiskers, "how's the preparation?"

Beard nodded to Ye Feng, then called the four people he selected, asked Ye Feng, "just the four of them, how?"

Ye Feng has a look, these four have a pair of "twins", four people look very see, and look very smart, Ye Feng immediately nodded, "just them, go!"

With that, Ye Feng immediately walked towards the base. Whiskers and the other four immediately followed Ye Feng and began to walk upright. When they saw the base not far away, all six of them squatted and slowly approached the base.

And every few steps they took, the six men found a shelter, dodged for a while, observed the surrounding conditions, and then moved on.

Soon to the barbed wire, one of the men immediately want to stretch out his hand to pull the barbed wire, Ye Feng immediately stopped, "there's electricity, don't bang!"

That person smell speech facial expression immediately move, the beard is surprised to look at Ye Feng way, "how do you know to have electricity, I didn't see the place of the link power supply, and I remember also have no electricity before?"

Ye Feng pointed to the side of the barbed wire side road, "you see what that is?"

A few people looked over there, but they saw a wild animal lying on the ground not far away. It had been burnt and could not tell whether it was a wolf or a fox.

Everyone was shocked to see this, especially the man who just wanted to stretch out his hand to pull the iron net. He felt that his spine was cooling. If Ye Feng hadn't stopped him, he might have come to that end.

At this time, Ye Feng said to his beard, "is there an engineer's scissors?"

Beard smell speech brow a wrinkly, immediately ask the following four people, "have you?"

See four people all shook to shake head after, the beard then Dynasty leaf maple way, "have no!"

Ye Fengxin next move, if there is no engineer cut open the barbed wire, there is no way to pass, these guys kill back, how no preparation, really a headache.

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