Since we can't get in from the barbed wire, we have to think of other ways. Ye Feng squatted in front of the barbed wire and looked around. Fortunately, there was no camera nearby, otherwise they would have been exposed to each other's vision.

This may not be due to the carelessness of the base people. It's just because there are no other people on the island. They don't need cameras except to guard against some wild animals, so they are given the opportunity.

Beard asked Ye Feng anxiously, "what shall we do now?"

After pondering for a moment, Ye Feng said to his beard, "now there are two plans. One is to cut in from the front door, but it's more dangerous. After all, if you break into the front door, you will be found by the other party!"

Beard smell speech can't help but also a while after pondering toward Ye Feng way, "if there is really no other way, also can only like this!" Then he immediately asked, "what's the other plan?"

Ye Feng immediately said, "the second plan is to start from other places, but there is electricity on the barbed wire. We must find a way to cut off the power supply!"

Beard is a while after pondering, toward Ye Feng said, "at present, is the second plan more insurance?"

Ye Feng said, "is it necessary to say? The second plan must be more secure! But it's not easy to find power, and we don't have tools! "

After listening to Ye Feng for a long time, he said directly, "it's really no good. Then we'll attack directly from the main gate. Anyway, we're going to fight with them!"

Ye Feng's heart can't help but move when he hears that. He doesn't know whether the essence of beard is such a brainless character.

He thought, and then he said, "let's divide ourselves into two teams. We'll surround the center with this side and observe the fence with barbed wire on both sides. We'll observe it first. If there's any other way, if there's no way, we'll discuss the way to enter through the main gate with you later."

As soon as Beard heard this, he immediately nodded his head and agreed. The other four people said to beard and Ye Feng, "we listen to you!"

Ye Feng immediately divided the people into two groups, bearded with two people, he also took two people, separated from here, around the barbed wire toward the front of each groping.

Ye Feng with two people is just a pair of "twins", two people crept behind Ye Feng, Ye Feng is entrusted to them, without their own orders can not shoot, also don't touch the barbed wire.

Continue to walk in front for a long time, see almost to the main door, Ye Feng suddenly saw one side of the barbed wire in a wire exposed, one side of the link in the barbed wire, the other side is buried in the ground.

Ye Feng see so, heart immediately move, looking at the wire side there is a PVC pipe has been completely cracked, should be the result of a long time in the sun and rain.

Then Ye Feng stopped, waved to the two people behind him, motioned them to stop, pointed to the wire in the wire mesh, and then whispered, "we need to find a way to break this wire!"

"Twins" Wen Yan nodded, one of them asked Ye Feng, "we have no engineer scissors, how to do?"

Another echoed, "the mesh of the barbed wire is so small that you can't put your hand in, can you?"

Ye Feng looked at the barbed wire in front of him. The mesh was really small, but if he held his hand tightly, maybe he could just stretch it in.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng tries to squeeze his fist and stretch out to the wire mesh, trying to see if he can get in.

The twins could not help crying, "be careful, there's electricity on the Internet!"

Ye Feng was almost shocked by their sudden words and died of electric shock. He immediately hissed at them.

That pair of "twins" this just covered mouth, no longer speak, opened wide eyes to stare at Ye Feng to see.

Ye Feng took a deep breath at this time, and then clenched his fist again and stretched out to the wire mesh. In fact, his heart began to plop. The power that could directly power the fox or the wolf must be high-voltage power. If he directly gave his life to him, it would be OK, but he was electrified just like the fox or the wolf. Think about it They are afraid.

Ye Feng stretched out his hand and took a few deep breaths in succession before he began to put his fist in. In fact, the difficulty of the mesh lies in his fist. As long as his fist can pass, his wrist is not as big as his fist, so the space for movement at that time is much larger.

That pair of "twins" also pinched a sweat for Ye Feng at this time, staring at Ye Feng's hand, and even one of them felt cold sweat on his forehead.

At this time, Ye Feng stretched out his fist carefully. Although he didn't touch the barbed wire, he could feel the current on the barbed wire.

After extending his hand, Ye Feng took a breath and immediately reached out to grab the wire. He began to pull it hard, but the end of the wire connected to the wire mesh was welded with tin. He didn't pull it for a long time.

Since Ye Feng couldn't move, he changed a way and began to shake slowly. He wanted to break the thread slowly, but he needed to be patient and slow.One side of the "twins" looking at Ye Feng so, for Ye Feng pinch a sweat, anxiously looking at Ye Feng.

At this time, Ye Feng felt that there was electric current on the barbed wire and began to move towards his wrist. Every time he felt a numbness on his wrist, Ye Feng immediately stopped all movements to prevent his wrist from banging on the barbed wire in confusion.

After the feeling of the current disappeared, Ye Feng continued to twist the wire. At this time, a "twin" suddenly said, "it seems that something is coming behind!"

Another "twin" immediately looked back, only to find a wolf standing under a tree and staring at them.

Ye Feng at this time also stopped the action in the hand, looked back, he saw that the wolf looked at them as if in the green light, this is to give up the attack signal to them.

Ye Feng immediately toward the two "twins" way, "you give me block the wolf, try not to shoot, I will soon be good!"

At this time, the twins instinctively picked up their guns. They listened to Ye Feng and immediately put away their guns. They each took out a Swiss Army knife and held it in their hands.

Ye Feng didn't see this and scolded secretly. He had a knife to say that he had been here for a long time with his bare hands. He had been cut off by a Swiss Army knife for a long time.

at this time, the wild wolf in the forest has slowly approached them, as if the wild wolf is not afraid of human beings.

One of the twins sneered and said, "it looks like wolf meat tonight."

As soon as the voice fell, the wolf speeded up, from the beginning of the pace into a small step, and then more and more speed, toward the "twins" on the past.

Although the twins had the Swiss saber in their hands, they felt a little guilty when they saw that the wolf was so brave. At this time, they stood back to back, holding the Swiss saber tightly.

At this time, Ye Feng listens to the rustling sound of the wolf running behind his ears. Now he can't look back to prevent distraction. He can only harden his head and continue to twist the wire.

At this time, he heard the wolf's murmur behind him. Ye Feng knew that it was the voice of the wolf when he launched the attack.

At this time, the "twins" watched the wolf come to them and jumped directly towards them. The two with Swiss Army knives stabbed the wolf in front of them.

But the wolf didn't seem to be aiming at them. He jumped higher than both of them, jumped directly over their heads and ran towards Ye Feng.

"Twins" see heart is a Lin, are Leng in the spot, when they react, the wolf has come to Ye Feng's back, directly open mouth toward Ye Feng's neck bite in the past.

Ye Feng didn't look back, but when he heard the sound of the wolf running, he knew it was aimed at him. At this time, he suddenly hit the wolf on the neck and grabbed the fur of the wolf.

When the wolf saw that Ye Feng suddenly attacked him, he immediately opened his mouth to bite Ye Feng's wrist. At the same time, he suddenly began to tremble and wail.

It turns out that Ye Feng directly drags the wolf and presses it on the barbed wire. However, when the wolf is electrified, Ye Feng's whole body is electrified and vibrates with the wolf.

But at the same time, Ye Feng's other hand stretched out in the barbed wire pulled hard, actually directly pulled the wire, immediately the numbness disappeared, Ye Feng immediately sat on the ground.

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