The wolf on the ground hummed twice, then immediately pouted again. He stood up and shook his head, as if the electric shock just now made his head unconscious.

And behind looking at the "twins" see, know that after the wolf sober, will immediately attack Ye Feng, take advantage of this time, two people immediately rushed up, one against the wolf is a knife.

The wolf just stood up, consciousness is not fully awake, immediately fell in the pool of blood, "twin" brothers is also a sense of collapse sitting on the ground, looking at Ye Feng asked if he has anything.

Ye Feng hasn't slowed down until now. Fortunately, just now, through a wild wolf, the current is transmitted from the wolf's body to himself, which is equivalent to helping him resist a lot.

But fortunately, he cut off the power in time, otherwise, once the current is directly transferred from the wolf's body to his body, there is no difference between the wolf's body and his body.

At this time, Ye Feng wanted to stand up, but he still felt weak, as if he had just been run over by a truck. Not only did he have no strength, but also his bones seemed to be falling apart. We can see how high the voltage was just now.

After a long rest, Ye Feng slightly slowed down and looked at the twins who were staring at him. He nodded to them and said he was OK.

"Twins" see Ye Feng so, this just each relieved a breath, looking at Ye Feng after nothing, can't help laughing out.

But Ye Feng didn't feel like he had survived. What he had to do now was to recover as soon as possible. He simply lay on the ground and let himself have a good rest. After a while, he sat up.

After sitting for a while, he got up again, and after a little exercise, he and the twins asked for their Swiss Army knife.

Holding two Swiss Army knives, Ye Feng began to sit in front of the barbed wire, and began to cut the barbed wire with the Swiss Army knife. Although the Swiss Army knife is very sharp, the barbed wire is also very hard.

After grinding for a long time, a piece of wire was broken, but the wires all intersect. As long as a head was broken, it would be easy to do next.

Ye Feng immediately put down the Swiss Army knife and began to pull out the broken wire. However, he just pulled out one of them. After grinding another one, he started to pull out the wire from two points and soon pulled out a hole.

"Twins" saw that Ye Feng actually broke the wire mesh, and they could not help but put out their thumb to Ye Feng. At this time, a gun suddenly broke the silence here.

Ye Feng and "twins" face is a move, listen to the gunfire, as if it is not far from here near some barbed wire, Ye Feng immediately let "twins" and himself, directly lying down in the grass.

After a while, I saw a jeep in the base driving slowly towards the gate. After leaving the gate, there was another gunshot, and soon it was calm again.

"Twins" can't help but ask Ye Feng in a low voice, "it must be the boss. There's something wrong with them. Do we want to help them?"

Ye Feng is pondering for a while. At this time, he hears the sound of the engine of the car. Soon, the jeep that drove out slowly drove back to the base. Ye Feng looked into the base from the barbed wire fence, but saw that his beard was being handcuffed by two people in camouflage suits, but he didn't see the other two people with his beard.

Lying in the grass, "twins" see, immediately want to get up to save whiskers, but Ye Feng was pressed, wait for the car to drive away, "twins" this just asked Ye Feng, "why stop us?"

Ye Feng immediately said to them, "you go now, but you just waste a few bullets! Your boss is not in danger for the time being! "

One of the twins was immediately surprised and said, "is there no danger? He's all taken away. Isn't he in danger? "

Ye Feng said, "if you want to kill him, a bullet will be solved. Now they want to take him back alive. They must want to dig out some news from his mouth, so there will be no danger for the time being!"

Another "twin" asked Ye Feng, "what are we going to do now? Are you still in? "

Ye Feng hears speech after pondering for a while, this just says toward two people, "you go back now, inform your brother, let them be a little uneasy, I first a person go in to see the situation, come out to look for you again!"

One of the "twins" immediately said, "it's too dangerous for you to go in alone. One of us will go back to report and the other will go in with you to help you!"

Ye Feng smell speech to see one eye two people, immediately nodded a way, "also good!"

At this time, the two "twins" began to argue about who would stay and who would report back.

Ye Feng said to them directly, "don't argue, you two stone scissors, who won will stay, lost back to report!"

Two people listen to Ye Feng so say, this just began stone scissors cloth, the first to divide the victory and defeat, lost that person had to return the same way, the other followed Ye Feng from the barbed wire hole drilled in.After entering the base, Ye Feng let the man follow him closely. Without his own instructions, never shoot, and don't run around. They have been close to a building in front of them along the edge of the barbed wire.

When they got near the building, they found a shelter to hide. Ye Feng knew that the building should be a research institute according to the map he had drawn before, but he didn't indicate what he was doing or tell him.

Ye Feng and the man hid behind the shelter to observe the environment. Then they approached the door of the building. No one was seen along the way, and there was no camera.

Even so, they were still careful and didn't make any noise. When they got near the gate, Ye Feng took a look. The gate was a toughened glass door that could only be opened by fingerprint identification, and his eyebrows could not help wrinkling.

The man said to Ye Feng, "we don't even know where the boss was caught!"

Ye Feng then asked the humanitarian, "are you familiar with the terrain here?"

The man shook his head and said, "I used to work in a building all the time, and I never came out. The only time I came out was when our boss took us to escape. There were so many people at that time, so I was in a panic, and there were pursuers, so I didn't have time to watch it at all!"

Ye Feng can't help pondering, but his eyes are looking at the smooth glass door, and his mouth says to the man, "we can only wait for someone to come in or out, and then we must use the shortest time to hold that person, and then enter the building!"

The man nodded toward Ye Feng, who then asked him, "how do you call me?"

But the man said to Ye Feng, "my name is Ruan Zhongxing, Vietnamese, but not us. My brother and I have inherited the memory of Ruan Zhongxing before, but now my name is 589009, and my brother's name is 589035! You can call me 019, call me brother 035! "

Ye Feng frowned and asked 019, "that is to say, 589 represents Ruan Zhongxing, and 019 and 035 are clone numbers?"

019 smell speech a dismay, immediately nodded a way, "before we have not thought about this problem, but listen to what you say, really may be!"

Ye Feng then asked 019, "how did you leave this island?"

019 said, "it was all planned by our boss at that time. He knew that a ship would come to the island every month, and the only time he could leave the island was that day. So the boss made preparations one month in advance and launched an uprising on the day when the ship landed. However, there were nearly 200 people involved at that time, and only 40 people left, Some of them died on the ship, and we are the only ones left in the end! "

Ye Feng can't help sighing when he hears the speech. Then he says to 019, "what's wrong with your body? Why can't I see that? "

019 then said to Ye Feng, "I'm deaf in one ear. If you talk to me, I can't hear you in the other ear! My brother 035 is a kidney broken! "

Hearing this, Ye Feng took another look at 019 and said, "can't you see it outside?"

019 Chao Ye Feng said, "I've seen it many times. It's useless. It can't be cured at all. In the words of the boss, it's because our genes are born with defects, so the outside medicine can't solve it at all. Only when we come back here can we solve it completely!"

019 added, "I don't care. I just can't hear in one ear. I'm mainly for my brother 035. One of his kidneys is completely necrotic, and the other kidney has problems. If we don't solve the problem, we'll die. There are other people, many of them have problems with their organs, so we have to fight to death!"

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