Just then, the toughened glass door in front of him suddenly opened, and a man came out, wearing a white coat. Ye Feng immediately winked at 019, and they ran there at the same time.

The white coat's face changed when he heard the footsteps, but just as the door behind him closed automatically, he immediately began to put his finger on the fingerprint lock and wanted to open the door again.

But just as the toughened glass door opened, Ye Feng had reached behind him, strangled his opponent's neck, blocked the door with his feet, and walked towards the door with his white coat.

019 immediately went up, picked up the legs of the white coat, helped Ye Feng drag the man into the door, and the door closed automatically again.

After Ye Feng and 019 dragged the man into the door, they saw that there was no one in the corridor, and there was a small door nearby. They immediately dragged the man into the small door on one side.

After going in, I found that it was a changing room, which was full of changing cabinets, and there was no one. Ye Feng released the man.

The man looked at Ye Feng in horror and asked in surprise, "who are you? What do you want to do? "

Ye Feng took a look at the person's work card in his chest pocket, which said the position of technician, and then asked, "where is this building?"

After looking at Ye Feng for a long time, the man said, "this is the research building. Who are you?"

Ye Feng immediately asked the humanitarian, "where is the headquarters of this base? Can you take us? "

The man immediately said, "there are several buildings separated from here. We can't go there. Even if we can get there, we can't get in. I can only live near this building!"

When Ye Feng saw the man talking, his eyes twinkled. Obviously he didn't tell the truth. Then he nodded and said to 019, "since he's useless, kill him directly, and we'll find other useful people!"

019 as soon as he heard this, he immediately put the muzzle of his gun against the head of his white coat. As soon as he started loading the pistol, the man immediately said, "don't kill me, I can take you there!"

Ye Feng reached out and pressed 019's hand. He frowned at his white coat and said, "didn't you just say that there are several buildings separated from here, and you can't go there, even if you can get there? Can we go now? "

White coat immediately explained to Ye Feng, "from the ground, these buildings are independent individuals, but underground, all the buildings in the base are interlinked!"

Ye Feng smell speech complexion tiny move way, "you mean, you can take us from underground?"

White coat immediately nodded, but then said, "secretly, it should be safer on the ground. After all, there are few people on the ground, but I can't get in because every door needs fingerprint identification. My fingerprint can only be used in this building, and I can't open the door there! Although the underground is interlinked, there are many people. If you meet someone, you may be found out, and you can't go there at that time, so you think about it yourself! "

At this time, Ye Feng casually opened a locker and took out two sets of clothes from it. After he changed one, he immediately took the pistol in 019's hand and continued to point to the white coat. Then he asked 019 to change his clothes.

After 019 changed his clothes, Ye Feng found two white coats and put them on. Then he said to the white coat in front of him, "now it should be ok?"

The white coat said to Ye Feng and 019, "it's no use for you to put on your clothes. You need working documents here. You need to check every door!"

But Ye Feng sneered and put a pistol on the white coat's head and said, "do you want to deceive me? Three people pass the door, do three people need to test? Don't you just open the door by yourself? "

White coat a listen to this words, complexion immediately move, Zheng Zheng ground looking at Ye Feng, didn't say a word for a long time.

Ye Feng pointed a gun at his white coat and said, "you can refuse now, but you are useless to us! I will not force it

As soon as the white coat heard this, he immediately said to Ye Feng, "not reluctantly, not reluctantly, not reluctantly at all!"

Ye Feng nodded and then said to the white coat, "please?"

White coat just stood up, Ye Feng immediately hid the pistol in white coat's sleeve, then put it against white coat's waist, let him take himself and 019 out.

After going out, the white coat has been walking along the corridor with Ye Feng and 019. At the end of the corridor is an elevator, and the elevator button is also fingerprint identification.

After the white coat opened the elevator door, three people walked in and stood. Ye Feng found a camera in the corner. He immediately turned his back to the camera, and the muzzle of the gun hit the white coat again.

White coat naturally understand Ye Feng's meaning, if he dares to ask for help through the camera, he will die here immediately, he can only obediently, standing in the same place.

The elevator went down all the way and soon stopped on the fourth floor underground. After the elevator door was opened, there was another corridor in front of it. However, it looked much dimmer than the corridor above. There was a light in each of the more than ten units, but the light was not very bright.White coat continued to take Ye Feng and 019 to walk forward. The corridor seemed to have no end. After walking for ten minutes, it seemed that there was still a long way ahead.

Ye Feng then asked the white coat, "how long do you want to go?"

The white coat said immediately, "fast!" Just then, another elevator appeared on one side of the corridor, but the front corridor still extended out, and the white coat didn't stop at this elevator, but took Ye Feng and 019 to go on.

Ye Feng roughly knows that each elevator may represent a building on the ground, and then he meets the first elevator, which indicates that they have just entered another building from the previous building.

About half an hour later, after passing three elevators and walking a little further, Bai Shuo stopped in front of a pair of elevators and said to Ye Feng and 019, "this is the base headquarters building!"

Ye Feng smell speech heart next move, immediately signal white coat will lift door to open a way, "quickly open the door!"

But the white coat said, "it's not that I don't open it. My authority can't enter the headquarters. Once my fingerprint is pressed on it, if it doesn't match, the alarm will ring immediately. At that time, you will disturb the whole base and you can't even run away!"

Listen to white coat so say, leaf maple heart can't help but move, 019 then frown toward leaf maple say, "that we are not white to come?"

But the white coat immediately said to Ye Feng and 019, "no white, how did you get into the building on the ground at that time?"

Ye Feng immediately understood the meaning of the white coat. He wanted them to continue to wait here. When someone can get out of the elevator, he can take that person and enter the base headquarters building.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng winked at 019. 019 immediately understood and hit the back of the white coat with a punch. The white coat immediately snorted and fell to the ground.

019 immediately dragged the white coat to one side, and then stood at the elevator door with Ye Feng, waiting for the next rabbit to come to the door.

But after waiting for more than half an hour, no one took the elevator down. 019 was a little impatient. He said to Ye Feng, "this guy is not cheating us, is he?"

Ye Feng did not speak, then saw the display light on the elevator door began to show that the elevator began to go down, he immediately toward 019, "coming!"

019 smell speech can't help but also looked up, immediately muttered, "finally come!"

Ye Feng is toward 019, "we are standing on both sides of the elevator door!"

019 understanding, immediately and Ye Feng were standing on both sides of the elevator door, hand tightly holding a pistol.

Waiting for about a minute, finally heard the elevator "Ding" sound, Ye Feng and 019 took a deep breath.

However, as soon as the elevator door was opened, I heard a few "bang" shots, and there were several more bullet holes on the opposite wall.

Ye Feng and 019 were going to rush in to take hostages at the moment when the elevator door was just opened. Unexpectedly, when the elevator door was just opened, they were met by bullets.

Ye Feng knew in an instant that either they had been found after they entered, or the white coat didn't know what method had been used to send out the news of their entry.

But Ye Feng didn't think much at this time, because he saw that the elevator door was slowly closing, and he was about to close.

Ye Feng immediately fell to the ground, immediately shot into the elevator, instantly saw the elevator that person was Ye Feng hit the chest, fell to the ground motionless.

019 see immediately rushed in, originally thought there were many people inside, did not expect only one person, and Ye Feng has been killed.

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