Ye Feng and 019 saw that the man was dead, and the stainless steel baffle behind the elevator was covered with blood stains. Ye Feng immediately pulled the man's fingers on the fingerprint lock, trying finger by finger, and asked 019 to break the camera in the elevator.

019 after listening to Ye Feng's words, he immediately raised his gun to the camera. At this time, Ye Feng also tried his fingerprints, and the elevator door immediately closed. Ye Feng pressed all the floors of the main building, and then looked back at the camera.

After confirming that the camera was broken, Ye Feng winked at 019, and then stood with 019 on one side of the elevator to prevent someone from attacking them when opening the door, just like Ye Feng had just attacked the person in the elevator.

019 at this time, his forehead was already sweating, and his chest was fluctuating. His face began to turn red. I didn't know whether he was nervous or excited.

Ye Feng looked at 019 and said, "don't worry!"

019 is toward Ye Feng said, "I don't worry, I came with the determination to die, what's to worry about?" Then he began to load the machine gun in his hand, but the sweat had already trickled into his eyes, and immediately rubbed his eyes.

At the same time, the elevator stopped on the first floor. After a "Ding" sound, the elevator door opened slowly. As soon as the door opened, a sound of machine gun fire was heard. Suddenly, the stainless steel behind the elevator was full of bullet holes.

The body of the man who was shot by Ye Feng had been beaten into a sieve by machine gun, and he could not recognize the original appearance.

Ye Feng immediately pressed the button to let the elevator close. When the elevator door slowly began to rise to the second floor, it was still the same as on the first floor. As soon as the elevator door was opened, he heard the gunshot.

019 at this time, after Ye Feng closed the elevator door, he said, "it seems that every floor is guarded. Instead of hiding here, it's better to rush out and fight with them!"

When Ye Feng and 019 were surprised, they heard a crisp sound. A black object was thrown in the elevator door.

Ye Feng fixed his eyes, and suddenly his face moved. It was a grenade. Fortunately, the thing of the grenade bounced to his feet after a collision at the back. Ye Feng didn't want to, and immediately kicked out the thing of the grenade.

As soon as he kicked out, he heard a loud bang. Ye Feng and 019 even felt the elevator shaking.

But Ye Feng didn't think much about it. He rushed out with a machine gun. When the grenade exploded outside, the other party might still be in a panic. This is the best time for them to fight back.

As soon as Ye Feng got out of the elevator door, he pulled the trigger. No matter whether there was anyone in front of him, he started shooting at the other end of the elevator.

At the same time, 019 rushed out of the elevator and yelled a few times. The machine gun in his hand was the same as that of Ye Feng. When he pulled the trigger, he and Ye Feng began to work back-to-back.

In an instant, the people hiding on both sides of the elevator were directly shot by Ye Feng and 019's machine guns and fell to the ground. The floor was covered with blood, and the glass screen on one side and all kinds of equipment in the office were also devastated by them.

After a burst of machine gun fire, the whole floor seemed to be half quiet, only a broken bathtub on the desk began to drip water to the ground, and goldfish on the desk kept flapping their tails due to dehydration and lack of oxygen.

019 at this time, he looked at the situation on his side, did not find a living person, immediately cried out, "come out, all out! Get out of here! " With that, he pulled the trigger again, and suddenly there was another burst of gunfire.

But the whole floor, still no sound, Ye Feng then glanced at the safety channel, a pat 019 shoulder said, "don't take the elevator, take the safety channel!"

019 nodded towards Ye Feng, still walking back-to-back with Ye Feng towards the safe passage. At this time, he stepped on a person's arm, and the person called out.

Ye Feng and 019 face is a move, under the fire of their two people, actually there are survivors, Ye Feng did not think much, immediately pulled the man toward the safety passage.

After arriving at the safe passage, Ye Feng asks 019 to guard the door. He squats down and looks at the man in front of him. His face is very pale and his mouth is full of blood. However, Ye Feng feels familiar.

Thinking of Ye Feng, he immediately said to 019, "come and have a look, do you know him?"

019 after hearing this, he looked back at the man. After a long time, he squatted down and wiped the blood off his face. Then his face moved and said, "he is He's 799! "

Ye Feng smell speech eyebrow immediately a wrinkly way, "799?"

019 nodded as like as two peas. "Yes, one of the 799102 people we came here is exactly the same as he is!"

Ye Feng this just secret way, no wonder oneself feel this guy looks familiar, think immediately tore open each other's sleeve, raised his arm to have a look, armpit has a string of numbers "799808".019 a see this string of numbers, the facial expression suddenly a change ground looking at leaf maple way, "how can be like this?"

Ye Feng didn't say anything, and immediately opened the door of the safe passage. After dragging a corpse in the door, he pulled open the sleeve of the other party, and then saw a series of numbers under the armpit of the corpse.

Ye Feng immediately understood what, toward 019 way, "the guards of the base are clones?"

019 a listen to this words, immediately a consternation, Zheng Zheng ground looking at Ye Feng, immediately toward the 799808 road lying on the ground, "isn't it?"

When 799808 wanted to say something, he suddenly had a sweet throat, a mouthful of blood gushed out, coughed a few times, blood gushed out of his mouth and nose, and his body stopped moving after a spasm.

When Ye Feng saw this, Chao 019 said, "it should be like this. Anyway, there are many clones here. It's not safe to use clones instead of transferring people from outside. It's safer and cheaper to use clones!"

019 smashed his fist against the wall and said coldly, "they don't treat us as human beings at all, they just treat us like watchdogs!"

Ye Feng's heart moved. He wanted to say something, but he didn't say it. The watchdog still has a bone to eat. In fact, these clones don't even have the same treatment as the watchdog. They just sent out cannon fodder to die.

Before Ye Feng and 019 could say anything, they heard the sound of rapid footsteps coming from the stairs above and below the safe passage, which indicated that there were already people coming towards them on both sides, and it seemed that there were still many people listening to the sound of footsteps.

Ye Feng immediately pulled 019 out of the safe passage, but as soon as he came out, he saw a sudden "Ding" sound from the elevator side. After the elevator door was opened, six or seven armed guards came out immediately.

Ye Feng immediately pulls the trigger and shoots at the door of the elevator. In an instant, several people fall to the ground. Ye Feng then walks slowly towards the elevator. As soon as he gets to the door, he sees a man inside holding out a gun and shooting at Ye Feng.

See so, Ye Feng immediately a fly to the ground, just at the door of the elevator, the body in the air to the elevator a burst of shooting, the elevator two people were immediately killed by Ye Feng.

At this time, Ye Feng checks the dead body on the ground. When he sees that there is no living body, he looks at 019. However, 019 is slowly walking towards this side with a machine gun. Looking at the corpses on the ground, he is extremely depressed, as if he has been greatly stimulated.

Seeing 019 like this, Ye Feng asked 019, "what's the matter with you?"

019 then cried, "all clones, these clones!"

Just then, the door on the other side of the safe passage has been pushed open. When Ye Feng saw that 019 didn't seem to notice it at all, he immediately said to 019, "be careful." at the same time, he shot at the safe passage with his gun.

The door of the safe passage was hit with bullet holes instantly. The person who pushed the door fell to the ground immediately, but the person in the safe passage did not dare to push the door out again.

At the same time, Ye Feng immediately pulled 019 over, then found a shelter and hid behind with 019. Then he yelled at 019, "what are you doing? Why not

019 even threw the machine gun on the ground and cried, "it's all clones! These are clones

Ye Feng frowned and looked at 019, thinking that the change of this guy started from knowing that these base guards were clones.

Originally, Ye Feng didn't quite understand what happened to 019, but at this time, he seemed to understand that this guy himself was a clone, and the people who came to kill them were also clones. They were all the same kind of people, so 019's sympathy for these clones?

Thinking of this, Ye Feng immediately patted 019's mouth and said, "sober up, although they are clones like you, they are different from you. If you don't shoot, they will shoot you. Do you understand?"

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