019 listening to Ye Feng's words, he kept shaking his head and muttering, "we are all the same kind of people. God is too unfair to us. Why are we born or become cannon fodder? Or suffer from all kinds of diseases? Why do we exist? Since our province is a mistake, why did it create us? "

Ye Feng looked at 019 with a trance. He knew that 019 must have been affected by this event all his life. He seemed to have been unable to get out of this strange circle. Now he thought that these clones were as poor as they were, and he couldn't get rid of them.

Just thinking about how to persuade 019, I heard the sound of machine gun fire. Countless bullet holes were punched directly in the bunker, and even bullets penetrated the bunker directly. Ye Feng immediately fell to the ground.

Then Ye Feng thought of 019 again, immediately dragged him to the ground and said in a loud voice, "don't be silly. There are too many poor people in the world. You pity them. Who will pity you?"

Ye Feng's voice stopped with the gunfire, and then came a slight sound of footsteps. It was obvious that the clone corps had begun to move closer to Ye Feng 019.

Ye Feng's heart suddenly moved, immediately pushed 019, and said, "get up quickly, follow me..."

However, as soon as the sound of the words fell, Ye Feng saw a blood stain and bullet hole on the bunker just now. Immediately, he looked at 019, only to find that there were several blood stains on his back. When he turned over again, he found that he had already lost his breath.

Seeing this, Ye Feng's heart is full of different tastes. I really don't know whether it's better to say 019 is stupid or kind-hearted, but no matter he is stupid or kind-hearted, he has already paid the price of his life for it. Now he should not tangle with these at all.

Ye Feng immediately took the machine gun in 019's hand, holding the machine gun in both hands, two butts against his waist, and then ran forward quickly, fell to the ground in an instant, sliding forward on the floor.

When Ye Feng passed by, the machine guns in both hands pulled the trigger at the same time. In an instant, the people who crept over there fell a large area in an instant.

Ye Feng immediately took advantage of the inertia, immediately glided to the other side of the wall, holding the machine gun in both hands, took a deep breath, ready to rush out and fight with the other party's clone corps, but suddenly heard a voice, "you can't kill it! Don't waste your time

Ye Feng heard the sound like Virgil's, but it came from the nearby stereo. He immediately looked around, but after listening to the stereo, he immediately said, "you don't have to look, I'm not nearby!"

Hearing this, Ye Feng's heart is suddenly a Lin. he knows that there must be a camera nearby, and his every move can be seen clearly by the other side. He immediately looks up at the corner of the wall and really sees the camera.

Ye Feng immediately shot at the camera, but at the same time, Virgil's voice came from the stereo and said, "it's useless for you to break the camera. Since you haven't landed on the island, I've begun to pay attention to your every move. Have you forgotten your purpose of coming to the Island?"

Ye Feng took a deep breath, but listened to Virgil continue to say, "do you risk your life for so many failed clone products? Are you not going to save your two confidants? "

Ye Feng a listen to this words, immediately loud way, "where are they?"

Virgil didn't seem to hear Ye Feng's voice, and continued to say, "and I've captured all your inferior friends in the forest, and I've got Monica by my side. Now you have no capital to resist, and even the bargaining chips are gone!"

When Ye Feng hears the words, he is shocked and immediately sits down on the ground. In fact, since he boarded the island, his every move has been under the surveillance of Virgil. The reason why he agreed to help them is that he was moved by their fight against the unfair fate.

Now I think that I'm really hot blooded. I don't care about the safety of Monica, and I don't care about the safety of Zhuo wanqiu and Scarlett. The most important thing is that I want to help them with their beards. Now I find that my ability is very poor.

Just thinking about it, there was a sound of footwork coming from one side of the wall. Ye Feng could hear it. It should be the sound of a woman's high-heeled shoes. His heart suddenly moved.

At this time, Virgil's voice came from the nearby stereo and said, "give up resistance, so far I still regard you as my friend! Not the enemy! Dixie is looking for you. You can put down your weapon and come to me with him

As soon as Virgil's voice fell, a woman had already stood on one side of the wall. Ye Feng instinctively pointed a gun at the woman, but looked up at the familiar face standing in front of her. It was Dixie who had not seen her for a long time.

There was no weapon in his hand, and there was no expression on his face. His eyes were calm and he looked at Ye Feng, and said faintly, "put down your weapon and follow me!"

Ye Feng stares at Dixie for a long time. He knows that Dixie is also cloned by Virgil. But in his eyes, there is no essential difference between her and Dixie. Even in Ye Feng's heart, he feels that she is Dixie.Seeing Ye Feng staring at him, Dixie frowned and said, "don't you want to save Zhuo wanqiu and Scarlett?"

When Ye Feng heard this, he leaned against the wall and stood up. After taking another look at Dixie, he threw two machine guns out of the wall.

Dixi Si this just relaxed a breath, immediately toward leaf maple a nod way, "well, now come with me!"

Dixie said immediately turned away, corridor immediately heard Dixie's high heels sound.

After taking a deep breath, Ye Feng came out from behind the wall, only to see that on both sides of the corridor stood more than 20 clone legions with machine guns, one by one aiming at Ye Feng.

Dixie stopped at this time. After a wave of his hand, the clone Corps immediately put away their guns and quickly left the scene.

Dixie immediately took another look at Ye Feng and said, "follow me!" Then he went to the elevator.

At the door of the elevator, Dixie pressed the button, and soon the elevator arrived. The elevator door opened and Dixie went in. There were several bloody corpses under her feet, and the stainless steel wall in the elevator was also covered with blood. But Dixie stood inside and didn't frown, as if it had nothing to do with her.

Ye Feng stands in the same place and looks into the elevator, but sees Dixie pressing the button, but her eyes look at Ye Feng, with no expression at all, just like Ye Feng is a stranger to her, and even no difference from these corpses on the ground.

Seeing these, Ye Feng feels that she is not Dixie, at least not the Dixie she is familiar with, but his feet unconsciously walk towards the elevator door.

After Ye Feng stepped over the body at the door and went in, Dixie released the hand pressing the button, the elevator door instantly closed, and then began to go up.

The elevator didn't stop until it reached the 8th floor, and the door opened immediately. Ye Feng saw a corridor in front of him. There were liquid monitors on the wall of the corridor, on which all kinds of experimental scenes were playing, and there was a door at the end. There was nothing else.

After walking out of the elevator, Dixie walked slowly to the front, which was completely different from her previous walking speed. It seemed that she deliberately slowed down her pace so that Ye Feng could enjoy everything on the liquid display on the corridor wall along with her.

And Ye Feng is really walking, looking at the situation on the monitor. Some monitors show the same place as a modern chemical plant. Everything in it is intelligent automatic control, and there is no one at all.

In addition, on some monitors, you can see countless huge containers, in which there are all kinds of naked bodies with wrinkled skin soaked by liquid, including men and women.

Further on, you can see the seaside of the island, you can see the scene on the sea, and on one of the monitors, Ye Feng can see that there is a ship on it. The smoke is rolling and it is gradually sinking.

Ye Feng heart immediately move, this is not the beard, they carry their own to Suxi island that ship? Already sunk by Virgil's men? Is Zhalong Peng buried at the bottom of the sea?

Just as she was thinking about it, she had reached the door, reached for her hand and knocked on it. Then Virgil's voice came from inside and said, "come in!"

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