Dixie pushed the door open, and then looked back at Ye Feng. Ye Feng took a look inside the door, but saw that the decoration inside the door was very simple, just whitewashed, with LED lights hanging on his head, a simple wooden sofa and a wooden tea table. A man was sitting on the sofa with his legs cocked, looking at Ye Feng at the door.

as like as two peas looked at the man in front of him, his eyebrows were slightly wrinkled. But he saw that the man was exactly the same as the long Ding. The only difference was hairstyle. It was the first time he saw Virgil himself, but not really, but I really don't know Dante had such a twin brother.

After Ye Feng went in, Dixie said to Virgil, "I'm at the door, please call me!"

Virgil nodded to Dixie with a smile. Dixie immediately closed the door. Virgil then stood up, arranged his shirt, and said with a smile to Ye Feng, "Satan, it's better to meet you than to be famous!"

After staring at Virgil for a long time, Ye Feng asked, "what about Zhuo wanqiu and Scarlett, and what about Monica?"

Virgil shrugged to Ye Feng, and then said faintly, "don't talk about such a realistic thing when we meet. Sit down first!" After that, he took the lead to sit down and began to take out a set of tea sets from under the tea table.

As Virgil straightened out the tea set, he said to Ye Feng, "I didn't drink tea, but the tea on this island is really good. It's more addictive than smoking. You can also check it out. You are Chinese, so you should like it!"

Virgil began to boil water, then took out some tea and put it in the tea set. Then he looked back at Ye Feng, who was still standing, and said, "what? Even if you can't be a friend, it's OK to sit down and have a cup of tea together, isn't it? "

Ye Feng didn't say a word. After shrugging, he sat down on the single sofa and looked at Virgil. "I don't think we can be friends!"

Virgil said with a smile, "if you can't be a friend, you can have other relationships! Such as partner, superior subordinate relationship, or relative relationship! "

Ye Feng smell speech but brow a frown ground looking at Wei Jill way, "relation?"

Virgil said with a smile to Ye Feng, "you and Monica are in such a good relationship now. I think it's only a matter of time before you become my brother-in-law, isn't it?"

Listening to Virgil's words, Ye Feng can't help frowning and looking at Virgil. Then he picks up the cigarette on the tea table and lights one. Then he looks at Virgil and says, "you try every means to find Monica, but it's not to find yourself a brother-in-law, is it?"

After staring at Ye Feng for a long time, Virgil shrugged his shoulders and said, "yes, I think you know a lot about it. There's no need to hide it from you. Monica died many years ago. You went to Angola to save a clone, Monica!"

Ye Feng see Virgil actually so frankly admitted, can't help but look at Virgil way, "Monica is the only perfect clone?"

Virgil shrugged his shoulders and said, "yes, there have been many fatal defects in cloning technology, which has been a headache for our technicians for so many years. Even the most perfect clone will gradually leak out after a period of time. This is a headache. Only Monica has not appeared any physical problems since she was born She has not even had a headache or a cold. She can't describe it perfectly! She will be a representative of all human beings and the virgin of the new world. All new human beings will be proud of her in the future

Ye Feng smell speech heart next move ground looking at Virgil way, "you?"

Listening to Ye Feng's words, Virgil frowned and said, "I? What can I do for you? "

Ye Feng continued to look at Virgil with a cigarette and said, "are you proud of her?"

Virgil shrugged at once. "Of course, is that a question? She is so perfect, even in any human vocabulary can not find a word to describe her perfect, of course, I am proud of her

Ye Feng continued to smoke cigarettes, squinting at Virgil and said, "you don't understand me. I mean, are you proud of your sister or your products?"

After listening to Ye Feng's words, Virgil immediately frowned and stared at Ye Feng for a long time without saying anything. He didn't know whether he was asked by Ye Feng's words.

Ye Feng said this, meaning is very obvious, is to ask, Virgil at this time will be Monica as his own sister, or his base to develop a perfect clone.

Ye Feng is still smoking cigarettes, with provocative eyes continue to stare at Virgil, but at this time the side of the kettle boiling water, resolve Virgil's embarrassment.

Virgil immediately picked up the kettle and began to make tea. "You try this tea first. You can't drink it anywhere, only on this island!"

At this time, Ye Feng continued to smoke cigarettes. "Where's Dixie?" he said

Virgil is holding a kettle to make tea, listening to Ye Feng ask himself, immediately said, "she didn't say, just standing outside the door!" After making the tea, he put down the kettle and looked at Ye Feng. "I said, you are so affectionate. Here are Zhuo wanqiu and Scarlett. There are my sister and I are already flirting with each other. But here you are thinking about DixieBut Ye Feng looked at Virgil solemnly and said, "I'm asking you, is Dixie also a defective product?"

As soon as Virgil heard this, her face moved slightly. Then she took a sip of tea from her cup and said, "for her, I won't use defective products to describe her. She's just not as perfect as Monica! But you can rest assured that now that Monica is back, Dixie will be more and more perfect No, all clones will have a perfect upgrade

But Ye Feng frowned at Virgil and said, "upgrading? How to upgrade? "

Virgil poured a new cup of tea and then said, "you seem to be very interested in my cloning technology. Do you want to consider joining us? I'm sure we can be the best partners!"

Ye Feng did not answer Virgil's question, but said, "are you going to cure all the problematic clones on the island? Or will they all be destroyed and a new batch produced? "

After a sip of tea, Virgil said to Ye Feng, "what misunderstanding do you have about me? Do I look like a cold-blooded animal? Destroy it all? How many people do you need to kill? "

Ye Feng then asked, "if you say that, do you want to cure these clones?"

Virgil said to Ye Feng, "Monica has the perfect clone serum, but do you know how many clones there are on this island? Even if you drain all the blood out of Monica's body, you can't cure one tenth of it! "

Ye Feng stares at Virgil for a long time. He just smokes a cigarette and looks at it, but he doesn't speak any more.

Virgil said to Ye Feng, "what has been produced is already human. I won't kill them, but those embryos that are still in the embryonic stage in the test tube can only be destroyed humanely!"

With that, Virgil immediately said to Ye Feng, "it's just like the abortion policy allowed by many countries. If they feel that their children are not satisfied with themselves, they will be killed. Those people are not called murderers, so I don't count them murderers, do I?"

Ye Feng is not interested in arguing with Virgil about this. Instead, he asks Virgil, "what about the clones that have begun to consciously serve you? What are you going to do with them? "

But Virgil said with a smile to Ye Feng, "I think it's better for you to care about your friend's state than you care about them!" Say brow slightly a wrinkly ground looking at leaf maple way, "you should not also those products that ascend the island also regard as a friend?"

Before Ye Feng spoke, Virgil immediately said, "don't you. I remember I told you before that I now have cloning technology and Cao Yihai's memory replication and transfer technology. In fact, these people's memories are not complete and incomplete, so they all have defects in their personalities. They can't even be called human beings. Do you make friends with them? ”

Virgil then said, "what we are going to do is a great feat that can go down in history and change the process and history of human beings. You think that you are living in Cao Yihai's body, but sooner or later this body will grow old, get sick, and even have all kinds of accidents, but we can produce countless bodies that will remain so young forever and remember you Recalling the past, you can achieve immortality in this way. You and I will become the first immortality in the history of human beings on this planet. Don't you really have any interest? "

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