After staring at Virgil for a long time, Ye Feng sneered, "you should look more at history, how many people regard themselves as God, what's the end?"

Virgil can't help but be stunned. Just as he wants to say something, Ye Feng has already opened the door. At this time, Dixie is standing at the door. When he sees the door open, he looks at Ye Feng and Virgil.

Virgil took a deep breath and then said to Dixie, "Dixie, take him to meet his two confidants."

Dixie immediately nodded, should be a sound, immediately turned to go, Ye Feng is in Dixie's back toward the elevator.

Virgil stood at the door, looking at Ye Feng's back, and said aloud, "Satan, you will understand me sooner or later!"

Ye Feng waved his hand without looking back. Virgil immediately said, "I can save those people's lives until the next ship comes, but their lives are up to you

Ye Feng has followed Dixie into the elevator at this time. Ye Feng looks at the moment when the elevator door closes. Virgil is still standing at the door of his office.

After waiting for the elevator door to close, Ye Feng just glanced at Dixie and said, "what's your defect?"

When she heard that he didn't speak, she just looked at the elevator door. She didn't look at Ye Feng and didn't want to answer.

Ye Feng turned around and said, "you were cloned by Virgil, but shouldn't your previous memory be copied? You don't know who you were before? What's your relationship with me? You didn't treat me like this before! "

But Dixie toward Ye Feng light said, "unfortunately, now is not before, this is Suoxi Island, not Stuart island!"

Ye Feng can't help but feel that although the woman in front of him has the face of Dixie, she is not Dixie, at least not the Dixie she is familiar with.

Ye Feng turns around slowly, and he feels uncomfortable. After all, he and Dixie are childhood sweethearts. They grew up together, and they can come back to life because of Dixie's insistence. Without Dixie, they would have already died.

Think of here, Ye Feng also tone flatly said, "I will take you out of here!"

But Dixie said to Ye Feng, "leave? Why am I leaving here? "

Ye Feng didn't say anything more. He felt that when Dixie was cloning, he must have been manipulated by Virgil. Otherwise, Dixie would pretend to be so indifferent to himself even in front of Virgil, and it would not be so when he was alone. At least Ye Feng couldn't feel it from Dixie's eyes.

After the elevator door opened, Ye Feng found that it was the fourth floor underground. When he and 019 came, they went through the underground passage.

When she got out of the elevator, she continued to walk along a corridor, still speechless.

Ye Feng noticed that there was no camera in the corridor at all, and Dixie was still like this, which shows that her guess was not wrong. Dixie didn't mean to be like this, but she was like this.

Soon passed two elevator entrance, Dixie Si did not stop the meaning, in the third elevator entrance, Dixie Si walked past, pressed the elevator door, this just walked in.

After Ye Feng goes in, Dixie presses the button to go to the sixth floor. After Ye Feng takes a look, he says to Dixie, "have you ever killed anyone for Virgil?"

Dixie said faintly, "kill? Haven't I always been a killer? "

But Ye Feng frowned, "you are a secret agent, not a killer!"

But Dixie sneered, "what's the difference? Agents, mercenaries, spies, these are just a name. In the end, they all want to kill people? "

Ye Feng was speechless for a while. In fact, what Dixie said was right. The characteristic of these works is to kill people in the end. Killing people is just a means to achieve some goals.

Soon the elevator stopped on the sixth floor. Dixie walked out of the elevator and continued to walk with Ye Feng in the corridor. This corridor is different from the previous one outside Virgil's office. Every few steps there will be a door. Both sides of the corridor are crossed with each other, and each door has a number, just like the room number of the hotel, except for the number A few scrambled letters.

Dixie quickly came to a door and stopped. Then he reached out and knocked on the door. After a while, the door opened. A Western man came out and looked at Dixie.

Dixie nodded to the man. Without saying anything, the man went straight to the elevator and took the elevator to leave.

At this time, Dixie turned back and said to Yefeng, "come in!"

Ye Feng immediately followed Dixie into the door, but behind the door, there was only a place less than three square meters, and there was a door on the other wall.

Dixie goes to open the fingerprint lock with her hand. After pushing the door, Ye Feng sees Scarlett and Zhuo wanqiu standing behind the door. When they see Ye Feng, they can't help crying with joy."You can go in, you can live here while you are on the island, and of course you can ask for a separate room," said Dixie coldly

Ye Feng walked in at this time, and Dixie was about to close the door slowly. Ye Feng immediately put out his hand to block the door and asked Dixie, "if you enter here, you can't get out any more?"

Dixie then took out a walkie talkie from his pocket, handed it to Ye Feng and said, "if you want to leave, or have anything, use this to contact me!"

After Ye Feng takes the walkie talkie, Dixie still closes the door, and Ye Feng takes a look at the walkie talkie in his hand.

At this time, Scarlett and Zhuo wanqiu rush towards Ye Feng. They hold Ye Feng tightly at the same time. They bury their heads on Ye Feng's shoulder.

Ye Feng patted them on the shoulder and let the two women hold him. After a long time, he patted them on the back and said, "OK, it's OK. I'll take you out of here in a few days!"

At this time, Scarlett and Zhuo wanqiu both let go of Ye Feng, and then they looked at Ye Feng. Zhuo wanqiu said, "brother Satan, I haven't seen you for a while. You've been black a lot. I didn't pay much attention to it in the video just now."

Scarlett said to Ye Feng, "how did you come here? They want you to save people, you saved them? "

Ye Feng nodded, then sat on one side of the sofa, and carefully looked at the surrounding environment, this should be a normal western style suite, there are living room and bedroom, the end of the living room is a whole wall of floor to floor windows.

Ye Feng immediately got up and walked over. He stood at the landing window and looked out. He thought he could see the whole base, but he didn't expect that there was a cliff outside the window, and the sea was endless in the distance.

Scarlett then went to Ye Feng's side, looked at Ye Feng and said, "they didn't embarrass you, did they?"

Ye Feng shook his head and asked Scarlett, "what about you? They didn't embarrass you two, did they? "

Zhuo wanqiu also came over and said to Ye Feng, "no, except that they won't let us walk around, they almost answer every request!"

Ye Feng frowned slightly, but then he was relieved to think that Virgil still wanted to join the gang. Of course, she had to be kind to Scarlett and Zhuo wanqiu. Otherwise, how could she win over herself?

Ye Feng then sat to one side and observed the four corners of the house to see if there was a camera or something like that.

Scarlett immediately said to Ye Feng, "I checked it when I just checked in. There's no monitoring system here. Don't worry!"

Ye Feng nodded and looked at Scarlett and Zhuo wanqiu. Both women were standing in front of her, but Ye Feng always felt that she was not very stable.

At this time, Ye Feng suddenly thought of something, immediately stood up and said to Scarlett, "take off your clothes!"

Scarlett and Zhuo wanqiu look at Ye Feng and say, "what?"

Zhuo wanqiu blushed and said, "brother Satan, you don't want to..."

When Scarlett heard what Zhuo wanqiu said, she also looked at Ye Feng with a red face and said, "otherwise, let's go into the room and..."

Before Scarlett finished, Ye Feng immediately stood up and took off Scarlett's coat. Although Scarlett was a little embarrassed, she didn't resist and let Ye Feng take off her clothes.

Zhuo wanqiu looked at Ye Feng blankly and said in surprise, "brother Satan, are you really in such a hurry?"

At this time, after taking off Scarlett's coat, Ye Feng immediately reached out and grabbed Scarlett's hands and lifted them up. His eyes looked at both sides of Scarlett's armpits, but saw that there was nothing under both sides of Scarlett's armpits. Then he was completely relieved and sat back in place.

Scarlett and Zhuo wanqiu can't help looking at Ye Feng. Scarlett thought Ye Feng wanted to do something, but Ye Feng just took a look and sat back. She can't help but wonder, "what's the matter? What are you looking at? "

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