Ye Feng shakes his head and says it's nothing, but he is thinking about whether Scarlett and Zhuo wanqiu will be cloned by Virgil. What he used to see himself is a clone. In that case, if he refuses to cooperate, he will take away the cloned Scarlett and Zhuo wanqiu, and the real Zhuo wanqiu and Zhuo wanqiu are still in his hands.

But after looking at Scarlett's armpit just now, I found that there is no number there, but it doesn't mean that my guess is wrong. After all, the number is not a clone. After all, Virgil won't leave any clues for himself if he really wants to.

But so far, the only way Ye Feng can distinguish human cloning is this number. Without this number, Ye Feng really can't distinguish whether Scarlett and Zhuo wanqiu are cloned or not.

In fact, from this point of view, cloning must not be possible. You say that if there are two or three Zhuo wanqiu and two or three Scarlett, then they can all have the experience of getting along with themselves before. Even if they are real Zhuo wanqiu and Scarlett in front of them now, they can really take them away when they come. Virgil uses Scarlett and Zhuo wanqiu tightly What should you do when your clones threaten you?

After all, both the real Zhuo wanqiu and Scarlett, or the cloned Zhuo wanqiu and Scarlett, have the same appearance, the same memory, the same personality characteristics. According to the common sense, they should be both Zhuo wanqiu and Scarlett, and they are a living life.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng makes up his mind that no matter Virgil tells the truth about his cloning technology in the next few days, he will never agree to his request. Even Ye Feng still thinks that if Virgil lets go, this kind of thing against morality and ethics will still exist. If it goes on like this, sooner or later, the world will be in chaos, and the time will come The world is the same people, then what will the world become?

Ye Feng thought of this, looked up at Scarlett and Zhuo wanqiu, said, "you have a good rest, I have to deal with some things, these days you first patience, I will take you away!"

With that, Ye Feng goes to the door. Scarlett is already dressed. She and Zhuo wanqiu say to Ye Feng, "where are you going?"

Ye Feng turned back and said, "I'm on the island. I'll come to see you when I have time."

With that, Ye Feng went to open the door, but the door was locked. Ye Feng immediately took out the walkie talkie that Dixie had just given him, pressed the button and said, "I want to see Virgil!"

A moment later, Dixie came over and opened the door, looking at Ye Feng in surprise and said, "is it over so soon?"

Ye Feng smell speech eyebrow can't help but a wrinkly ground looking at di Xi Si way, "what end?"

Dixie shrugs and says it's nothing. Then she turns around and walks away. After Ye Feng looks back at Scarlett and Zhuo wanqiu, she follows her.

At this time, Dixie took Ye Feng back to the fourth floor of the basement by elevator, and went back to Virgil's office along the same road.

Virgil was sitting at his desk in the office. When Ye Feng came in, he immediately said with a smile, "I didn't expect you to figure it out so soon?"

Ye Feng said to Virgil, "if I join you, what's my advantage?"

Virgil immediately said, "of course, it's good. I told you before that I have your DNA sample here. I can help you recover to your original appearance and abandon Cao Yihai's body. To tell you the truth, this body is really not suitable for you! It's the old Satan who suits you better! "

Ye Feng did the opposite of Virgil and said, "to tell you the truth, I don't like my appearance very much now!"

Virgil then took out a remote control and pressed it. A picture appeared on one side of the wall. It was all computer generated CG animation.

The picture seemed to be an experimental process, and Virgil explained to Ye Feng, "this is a plan of the strongest soldiers!"

Ye Feng can't help but frown and say, "the strongest soldier?"

Virgil nodded and said, "yes, the strongest soldier. Look at the introduction in the animation, we can not only modify human DNA through technology, but also correct some obvious shortcomings of human beings, such as brain computing ability, bounce ability, running speed and so on. These can be improved by modifying the DNA code. If we clone a thousand of such people Come on, what's going to happen? "

Ye Feng looked at the animated display in front of him. An animated character ran faster than a train and jumped up several stories high. He said in his heart, "if there are a thousand such people, they are enough to dominate the world, right?

Virgil turned off the animation at this time, and then said to Ye Feng, "of course, these are still in the imagination stage. We have found a lot of data about DNA recombination and modification. We have also tested several rounds, but they are not very ideal. We need an experimental volunteer..."

Ye Feng didn't wait for Virgil to finish. He immediately looked at Virgil and said, "what you said about cooperation is that you want me to be a volunteer for this experiment?"

Virgil then stares at Ye Feng. After a long time, he says, "I have selected many people from all over the world, but none of them is ideal. You are the only one who is really ideal!"Ye Feng also stares at Virgil and says, "do you want me to help you finish this experiment?"

Virgil said, "don't you have a heart? In the future, you can run more than the train, go up a few floors, jump up without any effort, and the most important thing is the development of your brain. The development of your brain may improve your vision, smell, hearing and perception ability by one or even several grades. At that time, who will be your opponent in the world? "

Hearing this, Ye Feng looked at Virgil in silence and said, "since it's so good, why don't you do this experiment yourself? Maybe after you succeed, you will be Ye Feng on earth. After listening to Virgil's words, you can't help but move. Virgil's right. If you really think like that, Virgil can clone his body and start to remember him Reorganize, create a memory he needs, and obey his orders 100 percent. Why do you have to wait until you come?

However, he still doesn't believe that Virgil will make such a big experiment, and at last he will be cheap. If he is not controlled by him, it will be too dangerous for him.

Virgil then looked at Ye Feng and said, "you have a bad feeling for me from your heart. You think I will harm you, but I sincerely want to cooperate with you. I regard you as my friend and partner..."

Ye Feng immediately asked Virgil, "if I really become what you said, I can control this place by myself. What else do I need you?"

Vergil said with a mysterious smile to Ye Feng, "if you have to say that, I can tell you the truth. I really have a backhand, but it's not threatening to you. It's just for my own self-protection, so it won't appear one day. You can rest assured about that!"

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