Virgil said here, and increased the tone toward Ye Feng said, "of course, the premise is that you never want to be bad for me!"

When Ye Feng heard that he was smoking a cigarette, he didn't speak. Virgil stood up, went to one side, opened the closet, took out a bottle of red wine and two goblets, and walked to the front and back of Ye Feng. Then he sat on the desk, put down the goblet, unscrewed the cap and poured two cups.

Virgil holds a red wine glass in his hand and shakes slightly to sober up. But he says to Ye Feng, "have you become more and more interested in our plan? As long as you are interested, we can chat slowly. Curiosity is a good thing. It's right to be curious about strange fields and know more about them!"

Virgil said that after sipping a sip of red wine, he returned to his position and continued to say to Ye Feng, "at the beginning, I didn't know much about these, but I was more curious and easy to learn. In just a few years, I have completely mastered this technology. I can do it, and you should do it!"

Ye Feng then looked at Virgil and said, "if I agree to your request, can you put the so-called defective products in your mouth?"

Virgil smell speech face is tiny move, frown at Ye Feng way, "you promise me these, is to save these guys?"

Seeing that Ye Feng didn't speak, Virgil sighed, "I always thought that Satan was a decisive man. I didn't expect that compassion was so rampant?"

But Ye Feng said to Virgil, "I will never kill the person who should be killed, and I will never kill the innocent person who should not be killed!"

After listening to the speech and staring at Ye Feng for a long time, Virgil said, "those who achieve great things don't care about small things! Now that you have said that, I might as well tell you that their problems can not be solved at all. In other words, there is no essential difference between killing them or not. They are all going to die! "

Ye Feng smell speech brow a wrinkly looking at Virgil way, "don't you have the complete serum on Monika?"

Virgil stares at Ye Feng, shrugs his shoulders and says, "you're right. Monica really has perfect serum, and it can cure these people!"

Ye Feng frowned more tightly, looked at Virgil and asked, "since it's not without medicine, why not?"

Virgil stared at Ye Feng for a long time and then said, "I haven't finished my words. The serum on Monica can really save them, but the serum on Monica can't be copied. To save so many people, are you going to dry the blood in Monica's body?"

Listening to Virgil's words, Ye Feng can't help frowning at him. He doesn't speak for a long time and smokes a cigarette.

After thinking for a long time, Ye Feng said, "you can extract a little at a time. After Monica's body recovers, you can extract it again. Although the serum can't be copied, it should be regenerated in Monica's own body?"

Virgil shrugged his shoulders and said, "you're right. It's a solution, but the problem is..." At this point, Virgil stood up, looked at Ye Feng, and continued, "in this way, it can save those people, but is it fair to Monica? Is your kindness built on Monica's pain? Isn't Monica just a serum container? How can you bear it? "

Listening to Virgil's words, Ye Feng can't help but move. Virgil is right. If so, it's unfair to Monica.

Virgil, holding the glass, looked at Ye Feng and said, "and after Monica came back, I have done a general examination for her. Her serum can indeed lose regeneration in her body, but the process is extremely slow, probably half a year, or even a year. That is to say, every time Monica draws blood, the amount of blood lost will be at least half a year In this process, she can not be infected. If she is infected, it may be fatal to her! Do you want to save these people after you know this? "

Listening to Virgil's words, Ye Feng couldn't help staring at Virgil. After a while, he immediately thought it was wrong and said, "in this case, you don't need Monica's serum. How can you do your next experiment?"

Virgil shrugged at Ye Feng and said, "my experiment doesn't need too much serum at all. I just need to use a little serum when breeding cloned embryos. But when you treat those people, you need serum to clean their blood. If it's serious, you need blood transfusion. How many people do you think Monica can save?"

Ye Feng can't help but be silent when he hears the words. He hasn't said a word for a long time.

At this time, Virgil continued to say, "it's a good thing that you have compassion, but we are the people who do great things. This is not cruel, but the necessary sacrifice to make the future human cloning more perfect. There is no revolutionary reform without sacrifice. They are just the necessary victims in this wave of human reform!"

Speaking of this, Virgil was already a little excited. After drinking the red wine in his glass, he continued to say to Ye Feng, "you look at the history of mankind. How many people have died and how many people live in suffering in the past few thousand years. Even in this era, how many people are waiting to die at home because of serious diseases? What we need to do is to completely change the human genes, eliminate the trouble of these diseases, and make human beings become forever away from the disaster from strengthening their health. What we are doing is to focus on the great cause of thousands of years or even tens of thousands of years in the future. Before the completion of this cause, what is this little sacrifice? If you don't like to hear them, they are not human beings so far. At least, the general society will not recognize them. They are just experimental objects of human development in the future. Their birth actually determines their end! "Virgil said here, picked up the red wine bottle and poured himself a glass of wine. Then he looked at Ye Feng and said, "even if God made man, he didn't make it overnight. After many experiments, those inferior human beings are also facing the choice of elimination. This is caused by the law of nature, not our cruelty, but the inevitable law of survival of the fittest!"

Speaking of this, Virgil, holding the glass, touched the glass in front of Ye Feng and said, "although I can't help those people, I can assure you that after our latest research results come out, there will never be such a problem again!"

Ye Feng picked up the wine glass and banged it with Virgil. After a sip, he asked Virgil, "I want to see Monica!"

But Virgil said, "not at present. She has just finished a general examination. Now she is living in a sterile environment and needs to observe for about three or four days. After that time, I will let you meet!"

Then Virgil and Ye Feng slammed the cup again and said, "of course, if you are willing to be my brother-in-law, I am also willing to! That depends on your ability! "

But Ye Feng said to Virgil, "do you take her as your sister?"

Virgil was about to drink. Hearing what Ye Feng said, he immediately stopped his glass and looked at Ye Feng in surprise. "How can I look like a beast in your eyes? That's right! Now, Monica is cloned, and her body is dead, but she has perfect serum, which has nothing to do with her cloning. It's just that Monica originally has such serum! "

Originally, Ye Feng didn't think much about it. After listening to Virgil's words, he couldn't help frowning at Virgil.

But Virgil didn't wait for Ye Feng to ask questions, and immediately said, "don't think too much. I have nothing to do with Monica's death, but it's really related to her having complete serum. She's a group that also carries out cloning technology research, and wants to kidnap her. She was killed by the other party in the Anti Japanese War..."

At this point, Virgil's face showed a look of sadness. After a long time, she took a deep breath, drank a glass of wine and said angrily, "but I've avenged her. I've killed almost all the people in that organization, and I've caught the rest of the technicians on the island! And I've brought Monica back to life! "

Ye Feng then asked Virgil, "but Monica doesn't seem to know everything about you!"

Virgil shrugged. "I don't have to tell her everything about me. All I have to do is protect her from any more danger."

Ye Feng said with a sneer, "but she's still in Angola prison! Isn't it? "

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