Virgil explained to Ye Feng, "it was an accident. At that time, I thought that it was the safest place in the United States to arrange Monika. However, I was still a stranger and made Monika disappear. After that, I started a lot of people to look for her, but they got nothing. The United States said it was not easy to find someone. When I heard from her again, she was already in Angola Prison! How many people have I sent to rescue her, but they failed in the end. For so many years, I can only bribe the Angolan warden, hoping that he can treat Monica well, until you go to rescue her! "

Speaking of this, Virgil snorted, "so I have vowed to God that I will never let Monica suffer any more harm. No one, including myself!"

Ye Feng said to Virgil, "including yourself, don't you want to protect her and extract her serum for your next experiment? If she didn't have this so-called perfect serum, would you do it? "

After listening to Ye Feng's words, Virgil immediately frowned, looked at Ye Feng for a long time, and then said, "it seems that you have a deep prejudice against me. I think if you cooperate with me with this prejudice, it's better not to cooperate. We'll talk after you think clearly!"

Listening to Virgil's tone, Ye Feng seems to be really angry. He can't help looking at Virgil, then shrugs his shoulders with a smile and says, "that's what I say!"

Then he said to Virgil, "I still don't know much about your plan. Well, if you like, can you take me to see your base here?"

Virgil smell speech stare at Ye Feng to see after a long time, this just nods a way, "certainly can!" Then he said in a deep voice, "but one thing, I hope you can make sure that if you are not interested in my plan, maybe you can take your two confidants to leave Suoxi Island, but if you are sure to cooperate, after you really go to see my production line and all kinds of experiments, it means that you have no chance to go back! I can't let you leave again! Even if it's leaving, it's after the experiment is over! So... "

Speaking of this, Virgil's eyebrows slightly picked at Ye Feng and said, "are you sure you want to have a look?"

After listening to Virgil's words, Ye Feng's heart moved, but he had already thought very clearly. Before he came to Virgil again, he had already thought very clearly. It was almost impossible for him to solve the problem by himself. Instead of fighting against Virgil without possibility, after all, he knew nothing about everything on the island .

Instead of this, it's better to first pretend to agree to his request, see what his plan is and where it has been implemented, and then find a way to crack it. Isn't that more secure?

Thinking of this, Ye Feng nodded to Virgil, "I've made sure that if I still blindly refuse, it's a little too unkind for you to be so kind-hearted!"

Virgil stared at Ye Feng for a long time, then said faintly, "this may not be your truth. As far as I know, Satan is not afraid of being unkind because of being invited!"

Ye Feng a listen to this words, heart next move, secret way want to cheat this fox, really not a few words can send.

Ye Feng thought of heart read a move, immediately toward Virgil said, "well, since you say so, then I'll tell you the truth!"

Virgil smell speech, complexion slightly move, secretly Ye Feng is not sincere to cooperate with himself.

At this time, Ye Feng said to Virgil, "to tell you the truth, I'm a little curious about your plan, but I'm still not interested in it!"

Virgil frowned and said, "in that case, why do you promise me? Are you going to promise me that you will deal with me after you know my plan? "

After saying this, Virgil immediately stares at Ye Feng's eyes, and wants to confirm whether Ye Feng's words are spoken from Ye Feng's eyes.

But Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said to Virgil, "to tell you the truth, you should know that what I want to do is with price. I will never do anything for free. What benefits can I get from dealing with you? So I didn't want to cooperate with you in your plan, but I didn't want to stop your interest. My previous idea was that as long as you don't disturb me and my friends, what you do has nothing to do with me! "

Virgil immediately asked, "what made you change your mind?"

Ye Feng said to Virgil immediately, "it's Monica!"

Virgil's face moved. "Monica?"

Ye Feng can't help nodding, "that's right, it's Monica!" After Ye Feng picked up a cigarette on his desk and lit it, he continued, "you should also know that Monica and I escaped together through Angola this time. In addition, after the shipwreck at sea, our feelings have been further sublimated! I'm not afraid to tell you that I like Monica very much, and as far as I know, she should have a good impression and feeling of me! "

Vergil said with a slight frown, "so?"Ye Feng shrugged and said, "isn't that obvious? You are Monika's elder brother. If I am against you, I will make Monika my enemy. And I know that if I refuse you wholeheartedly, you will never let me take Monika away. In addition, I have come to listen to your scattered introduction of your plan recently. It seems that even if I agree to your request, it will not do me any harm. Moreover, I can still be with Monika. It's very important I don't have any reason to refuse things that I've got at one stroke, do I? "

When Virgil was talking to Ye Feng, he kept staring at Ye Feng's eyes, but he didn't see any clue from Ye Feng's eyes. However, he said, "such a simple truth, with a smart person like you, you should have thought about it for a long time, but you refused before, but now you suddenly agreed. It's hard for people not to doubt?"

Ye Feng stares at Virgil and says, "the previous refusal is because you don't understand my personality. I never like and am not used to being coerced into doing things, including helping you save Monica this time. In fact, I'm not voluntary. My temper is good. If you ask me to help you, even if you pay me to help you save Monica, it's good He said, "but you have taken two of my friends to coerce me into helping you with this matter. In my heart, I just resist it. No wonder I do!"

After listening to what Ye Feng said and staring at Ye Feng for a long time, Virgil said to Ye Feng, "I'm not related to you. Besides, Dante Emma has this relationship. If I ask you for help, you may not help. And as far as I know, Satan never works for money! That's why we have to make such a bad decision. Please forgive me for that! "

Then, before Ye Feng spoke, Virgil immediately said, "but I hope this matter will not affect our future cooperation, and don't have any problems because of this matter. Although I brought your two confidants here, I didn't touch them at all. They can't go in and out freely, but they enjoy the life of VIP here Treatment

Ye Feng immediately said, "so, after I saw Zhuo wanqiu and Scarlett, I understood these, and I made such a decision. I hope it's not too late!"

After that, before Virgil spoke, he immediately added, "of course, if you think there's any plot for me to promise to cooperate with you, you can refuse. I don't care, but I will try to take Monica away. At that time, no wonder I broke up your brother and sister!"

After listening to Ye Feng's words, Virgil looked into Ye Feng's eyes for a moment. Then he nodded and said, "of course I believe you. There is a Chinese proverb that says," you don't have to be suspicious when you use people. Since I have chosen you, I believe you. Of course, cooperation should be based on trust. Of course, mutual trust is necessary. Not only do I trust you, but you also trust each other I'll do it! "

Ye Feng said to Virgil, "thank you for your trust, but my trust in you depends on. After I have a better understanding of your plan, it's me who will do the experiment. It's impossible for me to give my life to someone I don't trust. Can you understand that?"

On hearing this, Virgil stares at Ye Feng for a long time, then suddenly smiles, reaches out his hand to Ye Feng and says, "of course, I understand. I'll let Dixie take you to see it in a moment. Happy cooperation!"

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