Thinking of this, Ye Feng said to park Yingxiong, "I heard Virgil say that this memory transfer technology was brought by him from outside, and you are specialized in cloning. Can you understand gene recombination and memory transfer? Or do you have people and experts who specialize in gene recombination and memory transfer? "

Park Yingxiong immediately said, "I'm really mainly responsible for cloning, and there are special talents responsible for gene recombination and memory transplantation, but I'm the general director of the research project here, so I know something about gene recombination and memory transplantation. Of course, I can only say something about it if you need to For more detailed information, I can call the person in charge of gene recombination and memory transplantation for you to explain to you

But Ye Feng shook his head and said, "no need for the time being. Now I just want to know that you are the main person in charge of this project. Now if you have found the perfect brain, how many% of you are sure that you can complete the experiment?"

After a while of pondering, park Yingxiong said, "at least 50%, but we are still in the final test. There are still many things that can be improved and perfected over time, so the success rate will be gradually improved!"

But Ye Feng said to park Yingxiong, "gradually improve, but the perfect brain should be very few, can you support the estimation of your experiment is less?"

Park Yingxiong explained to Ye Feng, "I know what you mean. In fact, when we are doing it now, we don't need perfect brain cooperation. We all do virtual tests through computers. After the virtual tests are perfect, we will first find some people to do the tests. When the success rate of these two tests reaches more than 90%, we will consider using perfect brain to do the best test After the experiment

Ye Feng frowned and said, "after virtual experiment and brain test, the success rate is more than 90%? Can't reach 100%

But park Yingxiong shrugged at Ye Feng and said, "Sir, you must have never been engaged in scientific testing research. I can responsibly tell you that in fact, 50% is already a very high proportion in the field of scientific testing, let alone 90%? For many fields, it's a value that can't be expected. Anything can't be perfect, especially in scientific research. So 90% may not be perfect for you, but for us, it's almost the same as 100%! "

After listening to park's words, Ye Feng feels that he seems to know a lot of things. Although park is not very old, he is full of confidence in what he says. Ye Feng also has some confidence.

After listening to these, Ye Feng nodded, then stood up, shook hands with Park hero and said, "OK, I've got it!"

Park hero immediately took Ye Feng's hand and said, "if you have any questions, you can come to me at any time, or you can call me and ask me at any time. I know everything!"

Ye Feng nodded his head and said goodbye to park Yingxiong. He walked out of Park Yingxiong's office with Dixie.

Out of the office, Dixie can not help but ask Ye Feng, "what he said, do you really understand?"

But Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "what they are studying is highly sophisticated. As a layman in science, how can I fully understand it?"

Dixi Si smell speech can't help but frown at leaf maple way, "that you just said you already understood?"

Ye Feng took a look at Dixie and said to her, "people have explained so much to me. I just know the meaning. Do you want people to explain it to me in the way of doing scientific papers? Even if they are willing, I can't understand it. Of course, I have to understand it! "

With that, Ye Feng took another look at Dixie and said, "just now in the office, you didn't say a word. Do you understand?"

Dixi Si but toward leaf maple a shrug way, "completely understand!"

Ye Feng a listen to this words, the brow can't help a wrinkly way, "you don't like me, completely is a layman, how can you completely understand?"

But Dixie looked at Ye Feng and said, "I'm different from you. My brain has been transformed. I almost know what they know, so I don't need to ask anything!"

Ye Feng's face changed as soon as he heard this and said, "your brain has been transformed?"

Dixie shrugged his shoulders and said, "just now, Premier Park has already told you that before they find the perfect brain, they need to go through a virtual test, and then find someone to experiment. After everything is perfect, they will use the perfect brain to experiment!"

Ye Feng smell speech, brow tightly frown ground looking at Dixi Si way, "you mean, you are they seek to experiment of person?"

Dixie shrugged his shoulders and said, "yes, I'm the third batch. The first three batches of experiments have failed. It's very successful for me!"

Ye Feng listens to the words of Dixie, and after staring at Dixie for a long time, he says, "what did they transform you? Input you their scientific research success? "Dixie shrugged and said, "that's not true. They just changed my understanding ability. It's just a small specialty of all brain research. I don't understand their research, but after the explanation of President Park, I can understand it. Of course, my understanding is different from yours. Although I don't know how I understand it, I can feel it I feel that I can immediately understand what they said, even the professional name in his mouth. So I said, I fully understand what premier Pu said to you just now! "

After hearing what Dixie said, Ye Feng suddenly looked at Dixie for a while, unable to say a word.

Seeing Ye Feng looking at himself like this, Dixie immediately said, "you don't have to feel strange, and you don't have to blame Virgil. I volunteered this experiment!"

Ye Feng said to Dixie, "don't you know that such an experiment may be dangerous? As you said just now, the first three batches of experiments failed. What happened to those who failed? "

"It's nothing, it's just brain damage. I've become an idiot," she said with a shrug

Ye Feng a listen to this words, the heart immediately a Lin way, "you are not afraid to become an idiot?"

But Dixie shook his head and said, "I'm not afraid. Before the experiment, Virgil and President Park told me that the success rate was more than 60%!"

Ye Feng does not understand ground looking at di Xi Si way, "60%? Isn't there another 40% that will fail? "

But Dixie looked at Ye Feng indifferently and said, "didn't you listen to the explanation made by President Park just now? In the field of science, 50% is a high success rate, let alone 60%! "

Ye Feng stared at Dixie and said, "do you trust Virgil so much?"

After pondering for a moment, Dickens said, "what else?"

Ye Feng suddenly speechless way, "he is just to clone you out again, you so obedient to him?"

Dixie said to Ye Feng, "for me, without Virgil, there can be no me. For a man who gives me life and seems to be the same as his father in biology, do you think I should believe him?"

Ye Feng is speechless again. Biologically speaking, the reason why Dixie exists is that Virgil created him. Otherwise Dixie would have died early, and there would be no possibility of her. Virgil is indeed the father of Dixie, even the father of many human clones.

At this time, Dixie looked at Ye Feng and said, "are you the perfect brain?"

Yefeng listen to Dixie asked himself, can't help but look at Dixie after the way, "if I am, do you think I can believe this technology?"

Dixie said to Ye Feng, "of course, I believe you can know what it's like when your brain is different from others after the experiment!"

At this point, Dixie said to Ye Feng in a low voice, "sometimes, even if you don't speak, I can feel what you are thinking?"

Ye Feng a listen to this words, complexion immediately move ground looking at di Xi Si way, "what am I thinking now?"

Dixie looked at Ye Feng and said, "you are worried about what consequences this technology will bring to mankind!" Then he looked at Ye Feng curiously and said, "you are really strange. You are the test object. It's you who have to face the danger. You don't worry about yourself, but you worry about things that will happen a long time later, or even impossible! Do you want to show your fraternity? "

Ye Feng listened to the words of Dixie, and could not help frowning, "your function is also the ability after the transformation of the brain?"

But Dixie shrugged his shoulders and said, "I don't know, this feeling is not always Turin. Sometimes I can feel it, sometimes I can't feel it at all!"

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