Ye Feng didn't say anything more. Now that he has received so much information all at once, he needs to digest it for a period of time. However, after experiencing the experience in Cao Yihai's virtual world, Ye Feng won't be surprised if he encounters any more incredible things.

After arriving at the fourth floor underground, Ye Feng couldn't help asking Dixie, "where are the clones you captured? I want to see them! "

After hearing the speech and staring at Ye Feng for a moment, he said, "you'd better not see it!"

Ye Feng eyebrows can't help but slightly a wrinkle to look at Dixie Si way, "why?"

"No why, I just advise you not to go, but if you insist, I'll take you with me," she said with a shrug

Ye Feng listens to Dixi Si to say so, after staring at her for a moment, still say, "you take me now!"

After hearing the speech and taking a meaningful look at Ye Feng, Dixie said to follow me, and then walked forward.

Soon came to an elevator door, into the elevator, this time the button is pressed by the underground three floor.

The elevator arrived soon. When the door of the elevator was opened, Ye Feng saw that it was dark outside. There was no light in the corridor, but there was a light band at the top, but the light of the light band was almost negligible.

At this time, Dixie came out, took Ye Feng to continue to walk forward, and soon saw a door at the end of the corridor. When Dixie came to the door, he stopped and looked at Ye Feng for a moment, with a look of desire to talk and stop.

In the end, Dixie didn't say anything more. She wanted to persuade Ye Feng to think about it clearly, but seeing Ye Feng's present appearance, she knew that it was useless to persuade her, so she didn't ask any more and opened the door directly.

The door was still very dark, and even occasionally there was a sound of water waves, and there was a strong smell of putrefaction. Ye Feng could not help frowning, but still went in.

This side of the door is a platform, in front of which is an iron railing. Ye Feng walked to the railing and looked down, but he saw that there seemed to be water light below, but there was no light, so he could not see what was there.

Ye Feng at this time toward just walked to his side of the Dixie way, "people?"

Dixie stepped aside, pressed a button on the wall, and soon the lights on the ceiling began to turn on.

Ye Feng found that it was a huge round field, with countless iron chains hanging from the ceiling to the pool below.

Ye Feng stares at the chains, but he sees a person hanging from the bottom of the chains. He looks very pale and doesn't know whether he is dead or alive. With the help of the light, Ye Feng looks down carefully and finds that there are several familiar faces, which are the beards.

Seeing this, Ye Feng immediately turned to see Dixie and said, "why do you want to do this to them?"

"This is the rule of the island. Any traitor should be punished accordingly. Otherwise, everyone will learn from them. What's more

When Ye Feng heard what Dixie said, he couldn't help looking at Dixie and said, "now they It's death Is it living? "

I don't know that. I only know that they were alive when they came! I don't know whether it's dead or alive now! "

After staring at Dixie for a long time, Ye Feng took a look around the platform and found that there was no way to go down. He immediately went to the edge of the platform and looked down to see if these people were alive and had a beard.

At this time, Dixie went to the side of Yefeng and said to Yefeng, "well, you've seen me, so I should go..."

Ye Feng suddenly turned around and grabbed his shoulders with both hands. He looked at him coldly and sharply and said, "when did you start to be so cold-blooded? You used to be different... "

Dixi Si began to be frightened by Ye Feng's sudden action, but he soon recovered his cool, looked at Ye Feng coldly and said, "why haven't you reacted? I told you earlier that I'm not Dixie. Dixie is dead. She's her. I'm me. You didn't figure it out, did you? "

Ye Feng listen to Dixie said, slowly released Dixie's shoulders, and then turned to look under the pool.

Then, with a shrug of his shoulders, he went to Ye Feng's side. His eyes were staring at the pool below, but his mouth was saying, "as far as I know, you were not so compassionate before. What do these guys have with you? Are you angry about them? "

Ye Feng pondered for a while. He didn't speak for a long time. He just looked at the people in the pool. At this time, he saw that one of them was looking up slightly towards himself.

Seeing this, Ye Feng immediately said to the man, "how are you? Can I help you? "

Don't want the man to see Ye Feng, the complexion slightly move, then coldly said a, "traitor..."

Ye Feng a listen to this words, can't help facial expression move a way, "traitor? What do you mean by that? "The man then roared at Ye Feng in a weak voice, "if it wasn't for you, how could we all be arrested..."

Ye Feng smell speech eyebrow slightly a wrinkly, immediately turn a head to see to di Xi Si way, "is you and they say so?"

"We didn't say anything, but they think so, and we didn't deny it," he said with a shrug

Ye Feng a listen to this, immediately toward Dixie way, "so I want to come, you advise me not to come, is because of this?"

Dixie shrugged again and said nothing more.

At this time, Ye Feng took another look at the person who called himself a traitor. He wanted to explain something, but looking at him, he estimated that no matter how he explained it, he would not believe it.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng asked Dixie, "where's the beard?"

But Dixie frowned, "beard? Who is it? There are many people with beards. Which one are you talking about

Ye Feng immediately said, "you use the jeep alone to grasp the beard!"

After hearing what Ye Feng said, Dixie nodded, "Oh, he's in solitary custody!"

After hearing this, Ye Feng immediately said, "take me to see him!"

Dixi Si smell speech to see a leaf maple way again, "are you sure you want to see him?"

Ye Feng smell speech eyebrow can't help but a wrinkly way, "what did you do to him?"

But Dixi Si didn't say anything. Then she turned and walked to the door. Then she said to Ye Feng, "let's go?"

Ye Feng took another look at the man under the pool, but saw that the man had lowered his head at this time, as if he had no strength to scold him again.

Seeing this, Ye Feng sighed a little, and then turned to leave here. After leaving the gate, Dixie immediately closed the door and took Ye Feng to one side.

There seems to be no door on one side, but after Dixie pressed it on the wall, a secret door appeared immediately. After it opened slowly, the same space appeared inside.

Ye Feng goes straight in and arrives at the railing of the platform. At this time, Dixie turns on the light. Ye Feng finds that the pattern here is similar to that before, but it's a reduced version, only one tenth of the size there.

And in front of the platform in front of the ceiling, there is only a chain hanging down, and there is only one person hanging below. At this time, he is also weak and motionless.

Ye Feng stood on the platform and looked at each other for a while. Then he saw each other's face clearly and found that it was really a beard. At this time, he immediately called down, "are you still alive?"

But the beard still didn't move, Ye Feng could not help frowning, and then said to Dixie, "you..."

But Dixie looked at Ye Feng coldly and said, "it's no use for you to tell me this. I didn't punish them, and I didn't set the island rules!"

Ye Feng took a deep breath, the secret way is also, this still need to find Virgil, and at this time, the chain suddenly rang.

Ye Feng immediately looked at the beard below, but he saw that he raised his head slightly. After looking at Ye Feng, his face moved slightly, his mouth moved slightly, as if he wanted to say something, but he didn't say anything at last, and immediately lowered his head.

Ye Feng saw this, immediately toward the beard way, "you hold on, I'll try to save you!"

Whiskers smell speech immediately sent out a sneer, still did not speak, but this sneer is equivalent to the answer to Ye Feng's words, obviously and before that room companion, completely don't believe Ye Feng, even think they are sold by Ye Feng, lead to this end.

Hearing this, Ye Feng immediately said to his beard, "I know what I'm saying now, and you won't believe it. I will save you..."

Beard then looked up at Ye Feng and said, "how do you want me to believe you when you are with their people?"

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