Ye Feng didn't know how to explain to him. He just took a look at the beard, then turned to Dixie and said, "let's go!"

Dixie didn't expect that Ye Feng would leave soon after he came in. He couldn't help looking at Ye Feng and said, "are you sure?"

Ye Feng did not say anything, directly out of the door, Dixie see also immediately followed out, after closing the door, Ye Feng said, "to Virgil's office!"

Hearing what Ye Feng said, Dixie couldn't help saying to Ye Feng, "it's useless for you to find Virgil about this. I'm sure Virgil won't let him go!"

Ye Feng listen to Dixi Si say so, can't help but frown a way, "then why don't you just kill them directly, insist to hang them here to do what?"? Show it to the public? There is no one here to see it, and there is no warning effect... "

Speaking of this, Ye Feng immediately looked at Dixie and said, "so, your purpose of hanging them is not to show them to the public, but to show them to me?"

Dixi Si smell speech can't help but look at Ye Feng, but didn't answer Ye Feng's question, but directly toward the front.

Ye Feng didn't say anything more. He followed Dixie back to the elevator and went to Virgil's office door. After the office door was opened, Dixie didn't go in, but continued to stand at the door, just like Virgil's special bodyguard.

When Ye Feng enters the office, Virgil is standing in a huge landing window, facing Ye Feng with his back, looking at the sea view in the distance.

After Ye Feng came near, Virgil said to Ye Feng, "what? Have you finished watching? What do you think? "

Ye Feng went to Virgil's side and looked at the sea view in the distance, but he said, "why do you treat them like that?"

Vergil could not help but look at Ye Feng and said, "who? You mean the people you landed with? "

Ye Feng didn't speak. Who else could they mention besides themselves?

Virgil then took a deep breath and said, "there are Island rules on the island. This is the end of their betrayal of me. First, they ran away from Suzy island without permission, and now they come back to make trouble. I didn't kill them directly. I've sold you face!"

But Ye Feng said to Virgil, "but if you hang them like this and let them live rather than die, you might as well kill them directly!"

Virgil then left the landing window, went to the desk, picked up a cigar, put it in his hand, baked it with a kerosene lighter, then sat down on the office chair, turned around and said to Ye Feng, "kindness depends on people!"

Ye Feng said to Virgil, "you let them go!"

Virgil shrugged and said, "it's easy to let them go, but if you let them go, they will only have a deeper resentment. To tell you the truth, my plan has come to a critical moment. I will never allow any uncertainty. Let them go, but after the end of the experiment!"

Ye Feng immediately said, "then you should at least make sure they don't starve to death!"

After hearing that, Virgil stared at Ye Feng for a long time, and then said, "I thought that after I told you so much, you could have some awareness! I didn't expect you to be so stubborn! Compassion is useless in this world. Compassion without strength has no meaning. Only when you become the master of this world, your words and deeds, even your eyes, will be watched by the world, then you will do everything right! "

But Ye Feng said to Virgil, "I'll ask if you can do it!"

Virgil then picked up the cigar scissors, cut off the end of the cigarette, lit the cigar with a kerosene lighter, took a puff, and then said, "you are my partner, I can agree to your request But what about my request? Now that you have finished watching, I believe you have a certain understanding of my plan. What about my requirements? Are you ready? "

On hearing this, Ye Feng immediately said to Virgil, "I've talked to the person in charge of your plan. Although I don't know much about these high-end things, it seems that the plan is still not perfect."

Virgil stood up, smoked a cigarette, walked towards the landing window, looked at the distant sea view, but said to Ye Feng, "nothing in the world can be 100% perfect, all the imperfections, that is, a little risk, but you only stare at this risk, but you can't see the return of success?"

But Ye Feng sneered, "emotion is not to use yourself, but to do experiments. Of course, what you say is so easy. If I'm not lucky, I'll die if I take a little risk!"

As soon as Virgil heard this, he couldn't help looking at Ye Feng and said, "tell you, you will lose your life?"

Ye Feng can't help looking at Virgil with a frown when hearing the speech, but listening to Virgil continue to say, "it seems that after you go to see it, you just understand the fur!"

Virgil said, turning his head and looking at Ye Feng, "don't you know that we have the technology of memory transplantation. Before you experiment, we will copy and save your memory, and then start the experiment. If you're lucky, we can finish the experiment at one time, and everyone is good!"Speaking of this, Virgil took another puff of cigar and continued to say to Ye Feng, "even if it's bad luck, the experiment should not be said to be a little failure. Even if it's a complete failure, your memory has been preserved, and we still have your original body's DNA. We have the technology to revive you, so this is a completely risk-free experiment. I really don't know what you are carrying What's the matter with your heart? "

Listening to Virgil's words, Ye Feng can't help but feel a move. To tell the truth, he really didn't think of it.

Virgil then looked at Ye Feng and said, "as far as I know, Satan is not the one who worries about his own life and death. What's the matter? After you changed the body of a weak scholar, even your character has become compassionate. Don't you even have the courage now? "

Ye Feng did not speak, but Chao Weiji said, "since it is like this, it can be said that there is no risk. Why don't you do your own experiment? If you fail in one experiment, you can do it for the second time and the third time. You will succeed in one time. You won't be so cheap, will you?"

After listening to Ye Feng's words and taking a deep breath, Virgil said to Ye Feng, "what you said is absolutely right, and I really thought about it!"

Ye Feng couldn't help frowning at Virgil and said, "if so, why did you give up?"

Virgil took a few puffs of his cigar, and then sighed to Ye Feng, "because I don't have anyone to trust!"

Ye Feng a listen to this words, eyebrow can't help a wrinkly way, "have no can trust of person?"

Virgil shrugged his shoulders and said, "yes, if something goes wrong in the process of my experiment, I can't guarantee that I will succeed in resurrection!"

Ye Feng immediately understands Virgil's meaning after hearing the speech. He is worried that he may not be able to complete the experiment as he wishes after he gets on the test bench, because he has no trusted person to guarantee his experimental process.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng can't help saying to Virgil, "it's not so much that you don't have anyone to trust that you don't trust anyone at all?"

Vergil looked at Ye Feng in amazement, but finally nodded, "maybe you're right, but anyway, I can't take the risk to do this experiment, unless someone I trust 100% appears, I will consider it!"

Ye Feng can't help looking at the door and then says, "isn't Dixie obedient to you? She's not worthy of your trust, either? "

Virgil said with a sneer, "would you expect someone who has no feelings at all to be loyal to you?"

Ye Feng immediately asked, "if you don't have anyone to trust, you won't do this experiment? Immortality, such a big temptation, can you stand it? "

But Virgil said to Ye Feng, "let's talk about it before I die. I'm all right now. There's no need to take this risk. But if I'm going to die and there's no such person, then I can only take this risk! But I believe that the future life is still so long, there will always be someone I can believe in

Hearing this, Ye Feng couldn't help staring at Virgil for a long time. Then he said to Virgil, "but how can I believe that when I experiment, I can revive smoothly? There's no one I can trust here, right? "

Virgil said to Ye Feng, "if I want to hurt you, I don't need to wait until I start on the test bench! What's more, there is no perfect test object in this experiment so far. The reason why I still don't do it myself is that I want to wait for a perfect test object to appear! "

Said immediately toward Ye Feng said, "but you don't get angry, after all, this for you, there is no harm! And I don't need to explain the benefits any more. I believe you already understand. Now I'll wait for you to nod and agree! "

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