Virgil said, sitting back at his desk with a cigar in his mouth, picked up a new cigar in his hand, baked it with a kerosene lighter, and watched Ye Feng as he roasted it.

After the cigar was dry, Virgil picked up the cigar scissors and cut off the head of the cigar. Then he got up and handed it to Ye Feng, but he said to Ye Feng, "how about it? I don't have the patience to hold on to a question and explain it to you all the time! "

After Ye Feng took the cigar, Virgil immediately lit it without a lighter and lit it for Ye Feng. After Ye Feng took a sip, he immediately nodded and said, "no problem!"

On hearing this, Virgil gradually spread out his serious face and said with a smile to Ye Feng, "that's right. I won't hurt you. If I really want to hurt you, I can completely solve the problem with one shell before your ship comes ashore, let alone talk so much with you!"

Ye Feng smoked a cigar, a pair of words and stop appearance, finally nothing more said, just asked Virgil, "when to start?"

Virgil shrugged his shoulders and said, "we've been ready for a long time. Now everything is ready. When you say OK, we can enter the experimental stage!"

After taking a deep breath and taking another puff of cigar, Ye Feng immediately nodded, "OK, I'm ready! You can start any time! "

As soon as Virgil heard this, he immediately grabbed the landline on his desk and dialed a number. After waiting for a moment, he immediately said to the phone, "it's too late to start the experiment tomorrow?"

After listening to what the person on the other end of the line said, Virgil immediately said, "I've decided on the candidate for the experiment! Is that all right? "

After listening to the person on the other end of the phone for a few words, Virgil said, "OK, I see. Your side should get ready!"

Virgil hung up the phone, then looked at Ye Feng and said, "tomorrow you will have a general examination. After everything is OK, the experiment will be conducted the day after tomorrow. Do you have any problems?"

Ye Feng immediately shrugged his shoulders and said, "I have no problem!"

Virgil immediately laughed and said to the door, "Dixie, come in!"

As soon as he had finished, the door of the office was opened. Dixie came in, stood at the door, looked at Virgil and said, "what's the matter?"

Virgil then said to dickis, "make a room for Mr. Satan!"

Dixie immediately nodded and said yes, but Virgil then added, "Dixie, you and Satan are old friends. You should accompany him more tonight, and he will start to prepare for the experiment tomorrow. You need to relax!"

As soon as she heard this, she could not help looking at Virgil with a slight movement on her face. She did not speak for a long time.

Ye Feng naturally heard Virgil's meaning. Virgil wanted Dixie to stay in his house tonight.

He was about to speak, but Dixie nodded at Virgil and said, "I see!"

After hearing this, Virgil turned to Ye Feng and said, "then you can go with Dixie. I won't disturb you, but I have to have a general examination tomorrow. Although this pair of body won't be needed after tomorrow, I can't indulge too much!"

Then, without waiting for Ye Feng to speak, Virgil immediately said to Dixie, "take Mr. Satan!"

Dixie said nothing more, directly out of the door, standing at the door waiting for Ye Feng.

Virgil then said to Yefeng, "go!"

Ye Feng didn't say anything more, but walked out of Virgil's office directly. After Dixie turned back and closed Virgil's door, he took a look at Dixie.

Dixie's face was still as cold as ice, and she could not see any happiness, anger, sadness or joy, as if Virgil's order had nothing to do with her.

Ye Feng then said to Dixie, "in fact, you don't need to accompany me tonight. You don't need to..."

But Dixie just said to Ye Feng, "I can't disobey Virgil's order. Since he has asked me to accompany you tonight, I won't go anywhere tonight!"

Ye Feng a listen to this words, the facial expression can't help looking at the di Xi Si a way, "you don't need to mind Wei Ji er's order, your own heart is resist of?"

But Dixie said to Ye Feng, "in fact, there's nothing irresistible about it. For me, this body is just a pair of leather bags. When it's worn out, rotten or dirty, I'll change it for another one!"

While speaking, Ye Feng has followed Dixie into the elevator, but Ye Feng is shocked by Dixie's words. He didn't expect Dixie to say such words.

But think about it carefully. In fact, there is some truth in what Dickens said. If Virgil's experiment is completely successful, the human body is really like a garment. The so-called person is no longer an entity, but an empty body with consciousness. As long as consciousness is not extinguished, the body will change whatever it wants.

After being here for such a long time, naturally, she knew almost everything about Virgil's plan. Naturally, she knew the meaning better than herself, which is why she seemed indifferent.It's just that the metaphor used by Dixie makes Ye Feng feel uncomfortable. What is meant by being worn out, dirty and rotten? Is he so dirty, so bad and so rotten?

But Ye Feng thinks that Dixie is no longer the Dixie she knows. The Dixie she knows is dead. In front of her, she just has the same "clothes" as Dixie. At the same time, she knows the past of Dixie. She is completely an independent individual.

However, Ye Feng pondered for a while, and felt that it was not right. If the body was just a skin bag, clothes, and consciousness was the main body, then the consciousness used by this Dixie should be the Dixie he knew. Why did it give people completely two different feelings, and even feel that they were two people at all?

Think of here, Ye Feng thought of just into the elevator, Dixie said that sentence, she can't disobey Virgil's order?

Just thinking about it, at this time, the elevator has been opened, and Dixie continues to take Ye Feng to the front.

But Ye Feng asked Dixie, "you say you can't disobey Dixie's order? Why? You are human and have your own will. As long as you don't like it, you can refuse it! "

But as he walked along, he took a look at Ye Feng and said, "I was saved by Virgil. He is my Savior. Of course, I am obedient to him!"

Ye Feng smell speech can't help but eyebrow a wrinkly say, "is should want to repay kindness?"

"Perhaps so," said Dixie, shrugging

Ye Feng wanted to ask Dixie a few more questions, but Dixie didn't seem to be very interested in this question, and the answer seemed to give Ye Feng a feeling that Dixie didn't know the answer to this question.

Think of here, leaf maple at this time heart can't help a Lin, he suddenly thought of a problem in the brain.

If Virgil reformed the consciousness of dicks before saving him, or only added a sense of absolute loyalty to him to his consciousness, would that be the main reason why dicks is now so loyal?

In other words, in the next experiment I'm going to face, will Virgil also start with his own consciousness? After all, I always opposed to cooperating with him in the beginning.

At that time, Virgil also said that he would have a back hand for himself. In addition, the transformation plan is so powerful that once he really succeeds in transformation, whether he will pay attention to Virgil, at least for Virgil, is very difficult to predict and guarantee the result.

After thinking of these, Ye Feng determined that in the experiment tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, Virgil must be in his own consciousness, just like Dixie, and he must obey his orders absolutely. If so, would he not really become a killing tool for Virgil.

Just thinking about it, Dixie had already taken Ye Feng to a door. After opening the door, he looked back at Ye Feng who was in a trance and said, "here it is

Ye Feng just regained his mind and took a look inside the door. However, he saw that it was a room similar to the room where he went to Zhuo wanqiu and Scarlett before.

After waiting for Ye Feng to go in, Dixie closed the door, and then said to Ye Feng, "I'll take a bath first, you wait a minute!"

Ye Feng smell speech a dismay, turn around but see that Dixi Si has already walked toward the toilet, he immediately called Dixi Si way, "wait a minute!"

Hearing this, she could not help standing at the door of the bathroom and looking at Ye Feng, "what's the matter? Do you want to wash it first? "

But Ye Feng immediately said to Dixie, "don't worry. Come here first and have a chat with me. It's not worried!"

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