After hearing what Ye Feng said, Dixie can't help but look at Ye Feng in surprise. Then she goes out of the bathroom and sees Ye Feng sitting on the sofa.

Dixi Si also immediately followed to walk past, sit in the leaf maple of opposite, looking at leaf maple way, "still wait for what?"

Ye Feng smell speech can't help but look at Dixi Si, he saw Dixi si a pair of very anxious appearance, can't help but wonder way, "you are very anxious?"

But, with no expression on his face, he said, "anyway, I'll do it sooner or later. As far as I know, Satan used to be a colorless and unhappy person. Although there is no relationship between him and his former counterpart, it's ambiguous. I can't tell you clearly. Now I've come here on my own. Isn't it just what you want? What else do you have to wait for? "

Ye Feng takes a look at Dixie. Dixie is right. He and Dixie really have a special relationship. After all, they grew up together and suffered a lot together. They even climbed out of the dead together. After that, they supported each other all the way and achieved each other's reputation in the industry.

To tell you the truth, Ye Feng also knows that Dixie has always been fond of him, and he is the same to Dixie. Both of them can even sacrifice their lives for each other, but they have never talked about this problem head-on. In the end, no one takes this step to break the window paper.

But this layer of window paper is now broken by the clone of Dixie, and it's so straightforward that it doesn't have the implicitness of Dixie before. Ye Feng doesn't know how to answer it.

However, Ye Feng sighed and said, "if you really know me, you will know that although I used to be like that, every woman is voluntary. I never like to force women. Now you are not voluntary, but forced. Do you think I will do this?"

After listening to Ye Feng's words, Dixie said coldly, "these are just the most common excuses for men like you. Why don't you force women? It's nice to talk about. In the end, I had a physical relationship with them? These are just excuses for you to escape. Only that kind of stupid woman will believe it

After taking a deep breath, she continued to say coldly, "for example, Zhuo wanqiu and Scarlett, only such a silly woman can fall in love with a man like you!"

Ye Feng listen to Dixi Si say so, can't help but wry smile a way, "look, I in your eyes, is nothing at all!"

But Dixie shrugged his shoulders and said, "that's not true. In terms of emotion, you are really worthless. A woman with a little brain will not choose you, but you are still excellent in other aspects. Otherwise, Virgil will not try to find you!"

At this time, Ye Feng could not help but smile bitterly and said, "I really don't know if I should thank you for your praise!"

But after hearing the words, Dixie stood up impatiently and said, "do you want it or not? No, I'm going

At this time, Ye Feng looked up at Dixie, but saw that she looked at herself anxiously. She could not help sighing, "you can go!"

But Dixie stares at Ye Feng for a long time, and then asks, "is a woman voluntary? Is that important to you? You are only deceiving yourself

Ye Feng lit a cigarette and sat in the same place, but there was nothing. After seeing Ye Feng, Dixie immediately turned and left.

When Dixie came out of the door and closed the door, he did not leave immediately. Instead, he stood with his back against the wall beside the door for a long time.

At this time, Ye Feng is still sitting in the room smoking cigarettes, but his mind is thinking, after he will finish the experiment, he will be as cold-blooded and merciless as the current Dixie, and he will obey Virgil's orders.

If this is the case, how can I prevent it from happening.

Ye Feng is thinking, at this time don't want the door but suddenly opened, Ye Feng can't help looking to the door, but see Dixie is standing at the door looking at himself.

Ye Feng saw that Dixie actually went back and forth, and could not help frowning at Dixie, but saw that Dixie still had no expression on his face, just standing at the door looking at himself.

Ye Feng can't help but say to Dixie, "what's the matter?"

Dixie just walked into the door, then closed the door, walked toward Ye Feng, and sat opposite Ye Feng.

Ye Feng see Dixi si so, can't help but eyebrow is a wrinkle tunnel, "how?"

Dixie picked up the cigarette Ye Feng put on the table, lit one, smoked a mouthful, then asked Ye Feng, "do you really decide to participate in Virgil's plan?"

Ye Feng listen to such a question, frown more tightly, just surprised to see Dixie, but did not speak.

The main reason is that Ye Feng's heart is very strange. Dixie goes back and forth and comes back to ask himself this question? Is this what she wants to ask, or is she helping Virgil test herself to see if she has ulterior motives in promising Virgil to do the experiment? Ye Feng couldn't be sure for a moment.

Seeing that Ye Feng didn't speak, she took another puff and said, "you shouldn't have come to the island!"Ye Feng smell speech, can't help but look at Dixi Si way, "why this speech?"

Dixie said, "the experiments here are against human nature. They should not exist in this world at all."

Ye Feng slightly frowned and said, "this should not come out of your mouth, right? Don't forget, you obey all Virgil's orders

After taking a deep puff of his cigarette, he said, "don't you really see that I've been pretending?"

Hearing this, Ye Feng can't help looking at Dixie, but he doesn't have the slightest expression on his face. He just looks at Dixie with a pick on his brow and says, "camouflage? What do you mean

But with a shrug and a long puff of smoke, she said, "I didn't expect you couldn't even see that?"

Ye Feng said to Dixie, "don't play with me, but I sincerely promise Virgil that I will help him complete this experiment. You don't have to test me for him anymore, do you?"

"I'm not testing you, I'm reminding you that you can't do this experiment. If you do it, you'll become what I was before," she said immediately

When Ye Feng hears that something is going on in his heart, he stares at Dixie, but there is still no expression on his face. After all, he can't tell whether Dixie is camouflaged now or before. Since she was cloned, her acting is much better than before.

Seeing that Ye Feng didn't speak, Dixie flicked the ash and said, "the memory transplantation in this experiment is actually memory transformation transplantation, first transformation, and then transplantation. If you do it, you will be Virgil's puppet later!"

Ye Feng then looked at Dixi Si way, "if so, how do you know, and, why do you tell me, and, why do you have no problem?"

Dixie immediately said to Ye Feng, "when I was just resurrected, it was exactly the same as what I showed you before, but I don't know why. One day when I woke up, it was as if I suddenly woke up. Originally, I wanted to leave, but this is a desert island. Only a ship came in a month, and every time the ship came, I was on special guard I have no chance to escape, and I think you will come to save Zhuo wanqiu and Scarlett, so I decided to stay and continue to act like before! "

Ye Feng was dubious when he heard that, and then asked him, "why didn't you disclose it before, but now it's revealed again? How can I believe you? "

After listening to Ye Feng's words, Dixie couldn't help staring at Ye Feng for a long time and sighed, "with my relationship with you, do I need to explain more?"

Ye Feng immediately said, "I really don't need her to explain too much about my relationship with Dixie, but you You have said yourself that you are only a clone of Dixie, and you are not Dixie himself. Therefore, I don't regard you as Dixie any more. Instead, you say that you are Dixie.... "

"I've always been worried that Virgil is watching me, so I can't tell you that when I'm 100 percent safe," she said immediately

But Ye Feng asked Dixie, "is it 100% safe now?"

But Dixie immediately said, "it's not 100% safe now, but it's about your safety. If you do this experiment, you Satan It will not be you, but just a walking corpse, I have to say! "

Ye Feng smell speech staring at Dixi see for a long time, has not spoken, at this time finished smoking a cigarette, immediately picked up a point, eyes have never left Dixi's body.

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