To tell the truth, even if Dixie said so now, Ye Feng is still not sure whether Dixie is telling the truth. Since arriving on the island and finding the difference between Dixie and before, Ye Feng feels that no one can completely believe it.

In addition, the island is full of clones. Although these clones and real people look no different, Ye Feng feels that they are still somewhat different from real people. Even if the difference is not big, the difference still exists.

Seeing Ye Feng's silence, Dixie sighed, "I know you have doubts about my words now, but I have already told you what I should tell you. Believe it or not, please weigh it over for yourself!"

After that, Dixie immediately stood up and walked towards the door. At this time, Ye Feng's voice sounded behind him and said, "thank you anyway, I will take it in my heart!"

Hearing what Ye Feng said, Dixie couldn't help looking back at Ye Feng and then said, "it's no use keeping it in mind, unless you directly refuse Virgil's request, otherwise as long as you participate in the experiment, it must be the result!"

While speaking, Dixie went back to Ye Feng and sat down in front of him. "Besides, do you have any other ways?"

Ye Feng listened to what Dixie said. He frowned and said with a wry smile, "you can't be Virgil who asked you to talk to me about this and tell me if I have any other way, and then try to block it?"

On hearing this, after staring at Ye Feng for a long time, she sighed, "it seems that you won't believe me what I'm talking about now!"

Ye Feng is smoking cigarettes, did not say anything, but at this time, Dixie toward Ye Feng way, "why don't I tell you a way!"

Ye Feng smell speech can't help but frown at di Xi Si way, "do you have a way?"

Dixie immediately nodded and said, "yes, I have a way. Although it's a little risky, it's worth trying! I just don't know if you will believe what I said! "

Ye Feng said to Dixie, "no matter what, you can say it first and listen to it later. I will judge whether you believe it or not."

Dixie immediately said, "you can find Park hero!"

Ye Feng smell speech heart next move ground looking at di Xi Si, immediately eyebrow a pick ground looking at di Xi Si way, "look for him to do what?"

Dixie see Ye Feng's eyes, immediately said, "look at your expression, it seems that you have thought of looking for him?"

Ye Feng is noncommittal, Dixie immediately said, "yes, this time to find Park hero is the best, and the only way, in addition, I can't think of any other way!"

Listen to Dixie said so, Ye Feng can't help but toward Dixie said, "find him and can do what?"? He's Virgil's man

Dixie stares at Ye Feng and sighs, "you still don't believe me. In fact, you have already thought that Virgil actually got these so-called scientific researchers on the island by various means. Of course, the various means I mentioned are unacceptable to people like park Yingxiong, but they have to accept them. If you don't believe me, you can't believe me You can persuade them not to modify your memory code when you experiment. Maybe it's still possible! "

When Ye Feng heard that, he asked him, "since you know this way, you won't tell Virgil? How can we seal it up? "

But Dixie said to Ye Feng, "I don't care whether you believe me or not. I've told you what I can tell you. As for what you do next, you can do it by yourself! That's all I have to say! "

Having said that, Dixie immediately stood up and walked towards the door. Ye Feng looked at her back. From her back, Ye Feng saw that Dixie was lost. It was her distrust that made her feel lost.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng said to Dixie, "the problem is, how can I find Park hero? Once I find Park hero, Virgil will know!"

On hearing this, Dixie looked back and said to Ye Feng, "you can show your worry about the experiment. You have to ask Park Yingxiong again. Although Virgil is suspicious, he doesn't have a habit of monitoring in everyone's house. So if you go to park Yingxiong, you'd better ask him to come to you, or you can go to him directly Room, all right! "

Ye Feng snuffed out the cigarette, and then asked Dixie, "if I ask to see Park hero now, will Virgil agree?"

"Dixie said immediately," I can follow what I just said to help you apply for a look

Ye Feng immediately nodded and said to Dixie, "you apply. I want to see Park hero now!"

Dixie immediately picked up his cell phone and dialed a number. After a while, it was connected. Dixie immediately said, "Satan asked to see Park hero!"

Virgil on the phone asked suspiciously, "didn't you go with him? At this time, how can he suddenly think of going to see Park hero and what he wants to see Park hero do? "

"After I came here, he didn't do anything to me. He just took me for a chat. He talked about my situation here before, and expressed his worry about the experiment. So he wanted to see hero Park again before the experiment, in order to be more down-to-earth!"Virgil asked dickis, "is Satan next to you?"

Dixi Si smell speech can't help but cover telephone to see a leaf maple of one side, immediately nod a way, "in!"

Virgil said, "call Satan!"

Dixie immediately handed the phone to Ye Feng and said, "Virgil wants to talk to you!"

After Ye Feng took the mobile phone, he put it in his ear and said, "how?"

Virgil immediately said, "shouldn't you have a good spring night with Dixie at this time? Why do you want to see Park hero all of a sudden? Do you have no confidence in me or what?"

Ye Feng then said to Virgil, "you may have misunderstood the feelings between me and Dixie. I grew up with her since childhood. If there was anything, there would have been something long ago, and I won't wait until now to let you arrange it!"

With that, Ye Feng immediately added, "you have indeed explained a lot to me, which makes me feel relieved. But after all, you are not a professional. I still want to ask Park Yingxiong some questions in order to have peace of mind!"

Virgil said immediately, "in the afternoon, didn't you see him already? How long has it been? "

Ye Feng immediately said, "in the afternoon, I just asked. I was still not interested in the experiment, so I didn't plan to participate in it. So the questions I asked were very superficial. Now I have absolutely participated in the experiment, so I have to ask a few questions. I can trust myself to you tomorrow..."

Speaking of this, Ye Feng didn't wait for Virgil to speak. He immediately joked, "you're not afraid that I'll ask you something. That's why you're so worried?"

Virgil said with a smile, "what am I afraid of? What do I have to worry about? To tell you the truth, I'm glad that you are interested in this experiment, which proves that my expectation is not in vain. Well, since you want to see him, let Dixie take you! You'd better ask all you want to ask clearly. Don't think about it later. We don't have much time! "

Ye Feng smell speech immediately toward Virgil said, "then thank you!"

Virgil said at this time, "I just suggest that you should think about what questions you still have tonight. There is plenty of time to ask before you have a physical examination tomorrow morning."

Ye Feng immediately said, "there are no other questions, just a few of my heart knot. If I don't ask clearly tonight, I can't sleep tonight!"

After listening to Ye Feng's words, Virgil said, "well, you'll call Dixie!"

Ye Feng thanks again and hands the mobile phone to Dixie. Dixie takes the mobile phone and puts it in her ear, but Virgil says, "you take him to see Park hero, but you have to be present all the way. I want to know what they talked about!"

When he heard this, he immediately nodded and said, "I see!" Then hung up the phone, toward Ye Feng said, "let's go, to see Park hero!"

After Ye Feng stood up, Dixie added to Ye Feng, "but Virgil asked me to be present all the time. After that, if he wants to know your conversation, are you ok?"

Ye Feng looked at Dixie and said, "it's OK for you to be present in the whole process. If there are any questions I can't think of, you can ask for me at that time!"

When she heard the words, she couldn't help looking at Ye Feng and said, "what? Don't you doubt me now? "

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