Ye Feng listen to such a said, can't help but toward Dixie said, "no doubt!"

Dixi Si but don't understand ground looking at leaf Feng way, "before what I say, you don't believe too much, at least also half believe half doubt, how suddenly now start to believe me so?"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "intuition, the previous distrust is intuition, and now the trust is intuition."

After staring at Ye Feng for a long time, Dixie sighed, "you used to rely on intuition every time you performed a task, but I never thought that you would use your intuition for me!"

Ye Feng said to Dixie, "I used intuition to you before, but you didn't find it!"

When she heard this, she frowned at Ye Feng and said, "have you used intuition on me before? Why didn't I find out? "

Yefeng listen to Dixie said, can't help but toward Dixie a wry smile, "just because you didn't find, I know, between you and me, want to develop the relationship between men and women, always owe a little heat!"

After hearing what Ye Feng said, Dixie couldn't help saying to Ye Feng, "are you so intuitive? Do you feel for yourself, do I feel for you? "

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "yes, a woman has a good feeling for you. Once she opens her mouth, she will have a few percent confidence. If she is not sure, it means that she is not sure. If she is not sure, she will never take risks. You know me!"

After hearing what Ye Feng said, she couldn't help looking at Ye Feng for a long time and then said, "what you're talking about is just picking up girls, right? Don't you dare to take risks in other aspects? "

Ye Feng can't help laughing when he hears the speech, and then says to Dixie, "so I'd rather go to the girl who can definitely get it..."

After staring at Ye Feng for a moment, Dixie finally said to Ye Feng, "don't talk about these useless things. Can't you see Park hero? I'll go to bed if I don't go again! "

When Ye Feng heard this, he came back to his senses. He talked about the ambiguous feelings between the two people before with Dixie. He was so forgetful that he almost forgot the business. He wanted to say, "lead the way!" to Dixie immediately

Dixi Si immediately out of the door, Ye Feng followed, mouth also toward Dixi Si said, "go to park hero, also don't affect our reminiscence, right?"

After going out, Dixie had changed into a cold face and said to Ye Feng faintly, "there's nothing to narrate. The past is gone!"

Ye Feng see Dixie so, know that there must be something like a camera outside, so Dixie must return to the original appearance, to prevent Virgil from seeing through.

After understanding these, Ye Feng doesn't say anything more about Dixie. After Dixie enters the elevator, he goes to one of the floors of another building and stops at the door of a room. Dixie knocks on the door.

At this time, the door opened, park hero stood at the door, saw Ye Feng and Dixie, there was no unexpected expression on his face.

Ye Feng sees in the eye, knows that he and Dixie are coming to countersign, Virgil must have been on the phone with Park hero, so Park hero will look like this.

After asking Ye Feng and Dixie to enter, park Yingxiong said to Ye Feng, "what else do you want to know?"

Ye Feng didn't answer directly. After Park hero took him and Dixie to the living room and sat down, he took a look at Dixie.

Ye Feng seems to be asking Dixie whether there is no monitor in this room.

Dixi Si also seems to understand the meaning of Ye Feng, looked around and nodded to Ye Feng.

Ye Feng saw that after Dixie nodded, he said to park Yingxiong, "in fact, I have nothing to ask!"

On hearing this, park Yingxiong frowned and said, "in the phone call from Mr. Virgil, you have a few questions. If you want to ask them clearly before tomorrow's physical examination, you can't rest assured. Now you say there's nothing to ask?"

At this time, Ye Feng lights a cigarette and smokes leisurely, but he doesn't speak for a long time. It makes Park hero impatient, but it's not good to urge Ye Feng directly.

Ye Feng smokes half of his cigarette before he flicks the ash and asks Park, "are you married?"

Park hero puzzled to look at Ye Feng Road, "these and tomorrow's experiment have relations?"

Ye Feng said with a smile to park Yingxiong, "don't be nervous, I just ask casually!" Then he got up, went to the TV cabinet and picked up a picture frame on it.

The photo in the frame is a woman holding a little girl. Both of them smile very brightly, and both of them have a Korean look, with single eyelids.

Ye Feng took the picture frame and looked back at Park hero. "Is this your wife and child?"

Park hero's face moved slightly, he also lit a cigarette and smoked. He didn't speak.

After putting down the frame, Ye Feng went back to his seat and asked Park Yingxiong, "is your wife and children on the island?"

Park hero smoked a cigarette, but he said faintly that he was not there. Then he immediately said to Ye Feng, "what do you want to ask? My wife and children have nothing to do with this! "Ye Feng saw that park Yingxiong's voice trembled, and immediately comforted him, "I know they have nothing to do with these!" Then he looked into Park's eyes and said, "do you miss them?"

Park hero then stubbed out the cigarette end and stood up and said, "if you don't have any other problems, go back to have a rest. Have a good sleep tonight and have a general examination tomorrow!"

Ye Feng did not want to get up, but looked at Park hero way, "if I say, I can help you save your wife and children?"

When Park hero heard this, his face suddenly changed and he looked at Ye Feng and said, "what What did you say? "

Ye Feng repeated, word by word said, "I said, I can help you save your wife and children!"

After staring at Ye Feng for a long time, park Yingxiong said, "don't be kidding..."

But Ye Feng said to park Yingxiong, "look at me, do you think I'm joking with you?"

Park hero looked at Ye Feng for a long time, then slowly sat down, eyes have never left Ye Feng, then said, "my wife and children are very good, do not need help!"

Ye Feng said to park Yingxiong, "you don't have to admit that your wife and children must be in Virgil's hands, otherwise you won't be alone on this island!"

Park hero's face was very ugly. He kept shaking his head and said, "no, I really don't need to..."

Ye Feng heard Park hero say so, and looked at Park hero for a long time. Then he stood up and said, "since you insist on saying so, I'll disturb you and say goodbye!"

Dixie but a face surprised looking at Ye Feng, this is nothing progress, really want to go?

Ye Feng really walked towards the door. Seeing this, Dixie wanted to stop Ye Feng, but in the end he didn't speak and followed Ye Feng to the door.

And park hero has been sitting on the spot, wait for Ye Feng to go to the door, the hand has already grasped the doorknob, this just said, "wait a minute!"

Ye Feng immediately released the doorknob, looked back at Park hero way, "what else?"

Park hero looked at Ye Feng and said, "can you really save their mother and daughter? You know, Virgil's men are all retired special forces and other experts... "

Ye Feng said to park Yingxiong, "do you know what Monica has done?"

Park Yingxiong nodded and said, "yes, it's said that she was put in Angola, the most difficult prison in the world to escape, but she has recently returned to the island..."

Speaking of this, his face couldn't help looking at Ye Feng and said, "you mean..."

Ye Feng immediately nodded to park Yingxiong and said, "yes, I saved it. I can bring Monica back to a prison like Angola. I don't believe that the place where your wife and children are held is more difficult than Angola?"

Park hero a listen to this, immediately two eyes shine toward Ye Feng said, "so say, you really can save them?"

Ye Feng said to park Yingxiong, "I can not only save them, but also let you go back and reunite with them!"

Park hero's face was full of excitement. He stood up and didn't know what to do for a moment.

But soon Park hero regained his cool, sat down again, looked at Ye Feng and said, "you don't want to help me for no reason. Come on, what do you need me to do?"

Ye Feng smell speech immediately a smile, go back to sit opposite Park hero said, "I want you to do is very simple!" Then he said to park Yingxiong, "I'm asking you now, does Virgil have any special orders about this experiment in memory transplantation?"

Park hero a listen to this, complexion suddenly move, stare at Ye Feng to see for a long time, but did not speak.

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