See Park hero did not speak, Ye Feng immediately lit a cigarette, while smoking while looking at Park hero, park hero does not speak, Ye Feng will not speak.

At this time, park hero's face is very ugly. Ye Feng can see Park hero's tangle. It's no use forcing Park hero now. Only he can figure it out himself.

Dixie Si sits on one side and looks at them. She just looks at Ye Feng and park Yingxiong. Before, Dixie Si really thought Ye Feng would be angry and left with a twist of her ass.

What I didn't expect is that Ye Feng is playing hard to get. He has seen through park hero's mind. Now that she can see through it before, she is not worried. I believe Park hero will submit for a long time.

Sure enough, just as Dixie thought, park hero finally couldn't sit still. Looking at Ye Feng, he said, "he really has a special request!"

Ye Feng shrugged and said, "what's the requirement? Can you tell me about it? "

Park hero's face was still a little flustered. He hurriedly took out the cigarette in his pocket, only to find that the cigarette box was empty.

Seeing this, Ye Feng quickly takes out a cigarette and hands it to park Yingxiong. He also takes out a lighter to light it for park Yingxiong.

After taking a deep puff of cigarette, park Yingxiong looked at Ye Feng and said, "he asked me to do something in your memory when you transplant your consciousness!"

Everything is as expected, but Ye Feng still looks at Park hero and says, "Oh? Do something? What are you going to do? "

At this time, park Yingxiong took two puffs of cigarettes, and then said to Ye Feng, "since you have come to me, you know something, otherwise you will not come to me. What do you want me to do?"

Ye Feng said to park Yingxiong, "now we are making a deal. I promise you to take you to meet and reunite with your wife and children. I have expressed my sincerity. Although I know something about what you said, it can at least make me feel the sincerity of the deal between you, don't you?"

Park hero listen to Ye Feng so say, immediately again a burst of ponder, immediately after a deep breath, this just toward Ye Feng said, "before give you..." Then he looked at Dixie, and continued, "the experiment I've done for you, which is to change something in your memory and make you absolutely obey Virgil's orders!"

Ye Feng and Dixie did not speak, and their faces did not change. But Ye Feng thought in his heart that he was right, and Dixie did not speak.

However, at this time, park Yingxiong immediately added, "but at that time, there were still some problems in changing memory. It's easy to have memory awakening..." After staring at Dixie for a long time, he said, "I believe your memory has awakened! How long has it been? "

"It's going to be more than a week," said Dixie faintly

Park hero can't help nodding and said, "it's about the same time as I expected!" Then he said, "thank you for that. Although I know your memory may wake up, I still pretend to be you after you wake up, and I never touch you!"

At this time, Dixie looked at Park hero and said, "why? I haven't helped you in any way

Park Yingxiong said to Dixie, "you are also a test object of Virgil. For me, you are also a victim. You disguise as not awakening and continue to hide around Virgil. I guess you must have something to do. As long as it is harmful to Virgil, I will not expose you!"

After listening to what Park hero said, Dixie stared at him, but said nothing more.

At this time, park Yingxiong continued to say, "originally, I expected Virgil to do this experiment in person, but at that time I could modify his memory organization and let go of me and my wife and children. However, Virgil is too suspicious. Even if I have no shortcomings in the experiment, he is not easy to try, but is waiting for you!" Then he looked at Ye Feng.

Ye Feng smell speech, this just toward Park hero said, "he just don't trust you, so just don't dare to easily give yourself to you, after all, he should also know you are brought here by him, is not voluntary!"

Park Yingxiong nodded and sighed, "originally, I thought I would never see my wife and children in my life. I would spend the rest of my life on this island. Now that you are here, I know what you want to say to me. I understand that your experiment, I will not change your memory, but you have to learn from Dixie, otherwise you will show up, you and I will not be able to understand There will be a good life

Ye Feng can't help nodding to park hero, "that's what I'm here for, so this is for you!"

Park hero then stared at Ye Feng for a long time, and then said, "there's another thing, I didn't tell you the truth!"

Ye Feng a listen to this words, can't help but eyebrow a wrinkly way, "still have what matter?"

After taking a few puffs of cigarettes, park Yingxiong snuffed out the cigarette. Then he looked at Ye Feng and said, "it's the success rate of the experiment. As I said just now, the reason why I said that the success rate is very high is that I just want to cheat Virgil to do the experiment himself, but I can't say that the success rate is 100% for fear of arousing Virgil's suspicion!"Hearing this, Ye Feng nodded his head to show his understanding and then asked, "well, what's the real success rate?"

Park hero then looked at Ye Feng, put up a hand way, "only 50 percent!"

Ye Feng's heart moves when he hears the words. Before, park Yingxiong said 90% of them. He doesn't feel very safe. Now the success rate is only half.

At this time, park Yingxiong said to Ye Feng, "but you can rest assured that we have cloned several of your bodies for standby. Even if we fail, we still have the opportunity to carry out the next experiment, so it's relatively safe for you, but the operation will be a little more troublesome!"

Listening to what Park hero said, Ye Feng can't help but say to park hero, "if so, isn't the success rate still 100%? As long as you copy your body infinitely and keep doing experiments, you will always succeed again. As long as you succeed, isn't it 100%

Park Yingxiong said to Ye Feng, "it's not like that. After all, we have just perfected the cloning technology. I believe you should also know that the previous generations of human cloning were actually defective. Although the current generation of human cloning has no defects, it needs Monica's perfect serum, so the number of clones has come down, and it can't be copied unlimited, This is not good for Monica, so we can only do a few, and even so, it has hurt Monica's body. After her rest for a few years, if the time goes on, who can wait until that day? So the success rate of 50% is the result of combining all the objective and competent factors! In other words, even if we prepare a few of your body, there are certain risks! So I just said it's relatively safe, not absolutely safe! "

At this point, park hero looked at Ye Feng and said, "in this case, do you dare to do this experiment?"

After listening to park's words, Ye Feng takes a deep breath, smokes a cigarette and frowns. It seems that after considering the real success rate, he really needs to think about it seriously.

Park hero then continued to say to Ye Feng, "but you should have no choice now! People who come to this island have no choice! "

Ye Feng said to park Yingxiong, "I still have a choice, but I haven't thought about it for the time being!"

At this time, Dixie immediately said to Ye Feng, "are you going to kill Virgil?"

Ye Feng can't help nodding, "yes, in fact, when I contacted Virgil alone several times, I had this kind of idea and impulse, but it's strange that every time I had this kind of idea and impulse, my intuition told me that I would not succeed! That's why I didn't do it! "

Dixie said to Ye Feng, "what you think, I don't know how many times! I tell you the truth, I have always had this feeling of you. As a matter of fact, Virgil believes me so much, I will never kill you less than you, but I have not been doing it since it is just like you, I do not feel successful, so I have been secretly investigating Virgil!

At this point, Dixie then lowered his voice and said, "I didn't expect to find something out by me, and you would never think of it!"

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