Ye Feng listened to what Dixie said so mysteriously, and could not help frowning at Dixie. But before he asked, the park hero on one side immediately said, "you also found out? I thought I was the only one who found out! "

Listen to park hero so say, Ye Feng can't help but more curious, can't help looking at two humanity, "what did you find?"

At this time, Dixie looked at Park hero and said, "now that you know it, let's talk about it!"

Park Yingxiong nodded and then said to Ye Feng, "I don't know if what I found is the same as what she found. I found that Virgil's body is not very normal!"

The leaf maple smell speech eyebrow can't help wrinkling of more tight, immediately again ask a way, "what isn't very normal?"? Be specific

Park Yingxiong shook his head and said, "I don't know exactly. In a word, I just feel that he is abnormal. I haven't seen him leave his office for such a long time, and I've never heard of his illness or anything All in all, it's very abnormal... "

After listening to park's words, he didn't mean to go on. Maybe it was because Park didn't understand Virgil's body at all.

At this time, Dixie added to Ye Feng, "Virgil has never left his office, and has never eaten anything. I have never seen him eat anything except cigarettes, cigars and red wine!"

Ye Feng a listen to this words, eyebrow can't help tight wrinkly way, "what also didn't eat?"? Is he a ghost? "

Park Yingxiong immediately said, "now is the 21st century, and the ridiculous legends of ghosts are just legends. If we have to use a scientific theory to describe the existence of ghosts, I think it should be consciousness. Even after the death of the human body, the sea of consciousness will continue, but consciousness is invisible. To use science to explain more clearly, it is a string of brain waves, a series of brain waves It's just a string of codes and numbers, so Virgil can't be a ghost, because the body of consciousness is invisible to the human eye! "

"I don't believe in ghosts either," she said! Even if it is your rebirth, it is not the attachment of soul, but, as Dr. Park said, the transfer of consciousness, which can be explained by science! "

When Ye Feng hears what Dixie and park Yingxiong say, he can't help staring at them. At this time, it suddenly comes to his mind that Virgil once said something about using science to live a long life when he came to experiment.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng unconsciously stood up and said, "is Virgil still alive?"

Hearing the speech, park Yingxiong and Dixie could not help but look at Ye Feng in surprise. Then Park Yingxiong said, "theoretically, longevity is equal to breaking through the limit of the human body, so it is impossible to achieve it. Only by transferring consciousness to other bodies and leaving, can we achieve the so-called longevity. However, at present, we have not done anything for Virgil The experiment in this aspect.... "

Without waiting for park hero to finish, Ye Feng immediately asked Park hero, "so before you came? Has he ever done a similar experiment? "

Park Yingxiong was stunned and couldn't answer immediately. He shook his head and said frankly that he didn't know. However, he added, "when I came here, many instruments already existed and have been used up to now. If you look at this, it's not surprising that he carried out experiments before I came here!"

Dixie then said to Ye Feng, "if he has achieved the experimental results he said, what else do you want to test? I don't know what he thinks. If I were him and I still live forever, I would never allow a second person to be the same as me, at least not in the short term! Unless... "

Park hero immediately went on to the topic of Dixie and said, "unless his previous experiment has obvious defects and needs to be improved as soon as possible, so he needs another experiment. And he chooses you. After your experiment, he can improve his own experiment again!"

Listen to Dixie and park hero said here, Ye Feng a ponder, and slowly sat back, smoking cigarettes, meditation for a long time did not speak.

Dixie then said to Ye Feng, "if it is true, he may have reformed his body, and the so-called strongest soldier plan has already started, and Virgil himself may be the number one of the strongest soldiers!"

Park hero smell speech but don't understand ground to see a di Xi Si, "the strongest war soldier?"? What's the best soldier? "

Dixie didn't give much explanation, but at this time Park hero immediately seemed to think of something, and immediately said, "no wonder Virgil asked to modify the gene on your clone, which enhanced many of your functions. What's the purpose of this strongest war plan?"

Ye Feng can't help nodding, but park hero's face changed greatly and said, "my God, what am I doing? Am I destroying the world myself? If there is such a team in the world, the army of any country in the world will not be able to compete with it! So the whole world is in Virgil's hands! "

Ye Feng and Dixie can't help but take a deep breath. Park Yingxiong immediately said, "no, this plan can't continue. In this way, the original human beings will be replaced by these strongest soldiers. Our future generations will end in our generation. We must stop all this happening..."After hearing the words, he said to park hero, "if Virgil has really carried out the experiment, no one in the world can move him now, so Satan's experiment must be carried out, and we continue to have a person who can compete with him!"

When Park hero heard this, he couldn't help thinking. For a moment, he didn't know what to do. Even his forehead was in a cold sweat. When he thought that the earth would be full of clones, he began to be afraid.

At this time, Ye Feng stood up, patted Park hero on the shoulder and said, "if I can stop him, I will destroy all this!"

Hearing this, park Yingxiong could not help looking up at Ye Feng. After pondering for a long time, he nodded and said, "it seems that it can only be like this, but..."

When he said that, he immediately looked like he wanted to talk but stopped, and finally he didn't say anything.

Ye Feng saw that park hero's words were only half said, and he couldn't help asking, "if you have any questions, just say them now!"

After staring at Ye Feng for a long time, park Yingxiong said, "if you destroy Virgil, you will be the only Superman in the world. If you also have evil thoughts, who will check and balance you?"

Ye Feng is shocked to hear Park Yingxiong say that. Yes, now he has no absolute power, so it's too early to say that he will never become Virgil. At least others will never believe a superman, but he has no desire, right?

Ye Feng didn't speak. Dixie immediately said to park Yingxiong, "I can guarantee that he's not that kind of person! If so, no, when Virgil began to tempt him, he refused, and only now did he agree. Will those who are really greedy for the so-called absolute power and longevity refuse to agree until now? And I can tell you that the reason why he promised Virgil must be to save more people on the island! That's why the house of rights and interests agreed to this! "

Ye Feng listens to Dixi Si to say so, can't help staring at Dixi Si to see after a few eyes, wry smile a few voice way, "you seem to know me better than myself?"? I can't even guarantee that! "

On hearing this, park Yingxiong immediately said, "I think about it, but I still can't do it..."

Ye Feng said to park Yingxiong, "is there any way to add timeliness to all my special abilities? After a certain period of time, I automatically become a normal person? "

Park Yingxiong said to Ye Feng, "if you have this kind of technology, it would be good. Do you think science is fantasy and myth? Everything in your head will come true? "

But if you destroy all this, not only will you lose your life, your wife and children, but also thousands of normal people like your wife and children will be affected. We have no choice but to let Satan deal with him, so this experiment must be carried out

Park hero smell speech staring at Dixie and Ye Feng looked for a long time, and then looked at Ye Feng for a long time, this just nodded, "OK, this experiment continues! For today's plan, we can only make a bet. Virgil is definitely the devil, but you are not. We can only place all our hopes on you! "

Ye Feng listened to park hero say so, stretched out his hand and solemnly patted Park hero's shoulder, said in a deep voice, "don't worry, I will try to restrain my own desire at that time!"

Then he said to Dixie, "if you find out that I'm going to become Virgil, you'll kill me. Don't give me any chance!"

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