After hearing what she wanted to say, she didn't say anything. She wanted to say, I want to kill you that day? How is that possible?

However, Dixie is worried that if he says so, park Yingxiong's heart will be more and more bottomless. Maybe he won't do the experiment for Ye Feng at that time.

Or even if he did, if he was in a trance, any problem might harm Ye Feng, so when he saw that park hero didn't recognize the key of the problem, he didn't say anything to prevent himself from reminding Park hero.

Park hero really didn't hear anything, but nodded to Ye Feng and said, "in this case, I have a clear idea. I will try my best to do the experiment tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. Don't worry!"

As soon as Ye Feng and Dixie heard Park hero say this, they all stood up immediately. Ye Feng said to park hero, "in this case, we won't disturb Dr. Park, you have a rest!"

Park hero has been to send Ye Feng to the door, and Ye Feng said a few rest assured, watching Ye Feng and Dixie left, this will close the door.

After Ye Feng and Dixie got into the elevator, they didn't speak. On the question that Virgil might have carried out the experiment, they both felt somewhat unexpected.

Even though dickis had seen that Virgil was not right for a long time, he didn't think about it. He was just curious.

Now after listening to Ye Feng's analysis, the more he thinks about it, the more suspicious he feels. He thinks about the time when he's lurking around Virgil. Fortunately, he hasn't thought about killing Virgil himself. Otherwise, he doesn't know what the consequences are.

Ye Feng has the same idea. Ye Feng is not afraid of dealing with anyone. But if Virgil really transforms himself, it's like hitting a stone with his own eggs. There's no chance of winning. He's also glad he didn't act rashly.

After returning to Ye Feng's residence, Dixie just said to Ye Feng, "I'll go first. Virgil is waiting for me to report the chat between you and park hero!"

Ye Feng smell speech can't help but see a di Xi Si way, "how should say, you all think clearly?"

Dixie immediately nodded and said, "I've been here longer than you, and I can't learn some professional words. Just say something casually at that time! There should be no problem! "

Ye Feng still looked at Dixie and said, "you still have to be careful. Virgil is more unfathomable than Dante Emma!"

Dixi Si added a rest assured, this just exited Ye Feng's room, shut the door, took a deep breath, went to the elevator directly.

At this time, Ye Feng is lying on the bed, looking at the ceiling, thinking about what happened on this island. It's a bit too sci-fi, even mysterious.

This makes Ye Feng feel a little unreal. He secretly tells himself that everything in Cao Yihai's virtual space is the same as the real one. At last, he finds that it is a virtual world. Isn't the world he is in still virtual?

But Ye Feng thought of the scientific research on the island. In fact, it's not too strange in this era. It's just that the research here seems to be more advanced than that outside, but the reason is also very real. It's just that there is no bottom line here.

With these ideas, Ye Feng still closed his eyes and was ready to have a good sleep. After all, since he decided to participate in the project, he must be ready and not let any mistakes happen in the process of the experiment.

When Ye Feng is asleep, Dixie is already sitting in Virgil's office. Virgil pours a glass of red wine. Dixie asks flatly, "what did they talk about?"

Dixie immediately said, "Satan is still a little worried that the success rate of the experiment is not very high!"

Virgil sneered and said, "I've always heard that Satan is an outlaw. He doesn't care about his life or death when doing anything. I didn't expect that a small experiment made him afraid of wolves before and tigers after. It really disappointed me!"

Dixie took a sip of the red wine that Virgil gave him and didn't continue to say anything. In front of Virgil, he didn't like other people talking. It's better for him to ask and others to answer.

Virgil poured himself a glass of red wine, and then said to Dixie, "is there any problem with Park hero?"

Dixie immediately said, "he said that there is no problem, to Satan will be a large set of experimental process, so that Satan peace of mind! I also said a few words on one side, and finally Satan agreed. Now he should have gone to bed, ready for tomorrow's experiment! "

Virgil nodded, took a sip of the wine, and then said, "very good, very good!"

Then, rising, she put down her glass and said to Virgil, "if there's nothing else, I'll go back to rest first."

Virgil nodded, but when he saw Dixie walking towards the door, he suddenly stopped Dixie and said, "wait a minute!"

When she heard that, she stood still, and her heart moved. When she looked back, her face was still cold and calm.

Virgil then said to him, "when Satan is alone with you, he really has nothing else to do with you?""What's the matter?" she said, looking at Virgil in surprise

Virgil, on the other hand, looked at him and walked towards him. "A rare beauty like you, a beauty with Oriental mystical temperament, is not inferior to Satan's two confidants on the island. Moreover, you used to know each other all the time. I don't believe that he doesn't think of you too much!"

After listening to Virgil's question, she immediately said, "according to my understanding of the relationship between Dixie and Satan, they are in a state of ambiguity, friendship and love. Moreover, for so many years, Satan has been doing anything to the women outside, and has never had any deviant behavior to Dixie, so there is nothing wrong with them, Isn't that normal? "

Hearing this, Virgil could not help staring at Virgil for a moment, then shrugged his shoulders and said, "yes! That's nothing! "

At this time, she asked Virgil if she had anything else to do, and she left first.

Virgil shakes his head and says it's OK. However, when Dixie comes to the door, she stops and looks back at Virgil. "You just said that a rare beauty like me, don't you have any idea about me?"

Hearing this, Virgil could not help looking at him with a frown, and then said with a smile, "what? Do you want me to think about you? "

Dixie shrugged his shoulders and said, "no, just curious!"

Virgil looked at Dixie for a long time, then said, "you are a good beauty, but my mind is not on the relationship between men and women, I have more important things to do, but if you want to be with me, I can promise you, but not now, it will take a while!"

When she heard Virgil say this, her heart moved, but her mouth said, "I said, just curious, I'll go first!" He left Virgil's office immediately.

As she walked out of the office door, Virgil's smile gradually disappeared. After staring at the door for a long time, she suddenly gave herself a mouth.

After she closed the door and walked away, she was still thinking that Virgil's words meant that he still had feelings for himself, but such a man, who was always with him, had never had any wrong ideas about himself, which was not in line with normal logic and human nature, so she suddenly asked such a question.

And Virgil said it's going to take a while. What's this time? Is there something wrong with his body, after Ye Feng's experiment?

Dixie didn't think much about it. In short, she still felt that Virgil still had many unsolved mysteries. Every time she wanted to know more, she was worried about what Virgil would find, so she didn't dare to study deeply. She had to explore step by step.

After returning to her residence, she took a bath and lay down on the bed. Thinking about what happened after Ye Feng landed on the island, she couldn't help but be in a trance. She had been lurking around Virgil for so long, waiting for Ye Feng to come. Now Ye Feng has come, but she is not happy at all. On the contrary, she has a lot of worries.

Don't know why, Dixie always feel that Virgil must have some secret, even if ye Feng experiment, and the experiment is very successful, Ye Feng may not be Virgil's opponent, although don't know why, but at the moment her heart does have this worry, and also more and more strong, strong enough to let Dixie quite some Restless, so that lying in bed for a long time, are sleepless.

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