The next morning, Ye Feng was woken up by a burst of music. When he opened his eyes, he was still lying in the room. From time to time, there were bursts of light music in his ears.

When Ye Feng got up and finished washing, the door was also knocked. When he opened the door, it was Dixie standing at the door. Seeing Ye Feng open the door, he nodded to Ye Feng and said, "are you ready?"

Ye Feng shrugs and says it's OK. Dixie immediately takes Ye Feng out of the guest room. On the way, he tells Ye Feng that he can't eat for the time being because he has to do a lot of checks today. After all the items are checked, Dixie will take Ye Feng to have a good meal.

To the laboratory, park hero and his staff are ready, park hero and Ye Feng are serious about the items to check today, including blood, brain waves and so on.

When Ye Feng checked everything last night, it was almost noon. Park Yingxiong said to Ye Feng, "the data will come out in the afternoon!"

Ye Feng frowned and said, "isn't the hospital outside a few days? The next day at the fastest! "

Park hero said to Ye Feng, "that's the outside hospital. You are the only one here. Our whole group will serve you alone these days! So of course soon

At this time, Dixie comes to ask Park hero if there are any inspection items. Park hero shakes his head and says no, and Dixie immediately calls Ye Feng to have dinner.

Ye Feng asked Park Yingxiong, "do you want to join him?"

Park Yingxiong shook his head and said, "I'll have someone deliver it later. We have to work overtime today, otherwise we may really have to put it off till tomorrow."

Listen to park hero so say, Ye Feng also didn't say much, just and park hero said, "that tomorrow everything to you!"

Park hero nodded toward Ye Feng, and he said, "don't worry, it's on me!"

When Ye Feng and Dixie go to dinner, park Yingxiong receives a call and takes it up to see that it's Virgil.

Park hero can't help but feel a move. After meeting Ye Feng last night, Virgil didn't find himself. He didn't want to find himself at this time.

Thinking that park still got through, Virgil asked park to go to his office, and then hung up.

Park hero heart next move, put away the phone, immediately let the people in the research room continue to test research, go out on their own.

When Park Yingxiong arrives at Virgil's office, Virgil is sitting at his desk smoking a cigar. Seeing Park Yingxiong coming, he immediately nods to him and signals Park Yingxiong to sit down.

When Park Yingxiong sits opposite Virgil, Virgil takes out a cigar that has been prepared for a long time and hands it to park Yingxiong, saying, "has Satan's physical examination been finished?"

Park hero took the cigar but didn't order it. He nodded and said to Virgil, "the inspection is over. The report will come out before the evening!"

Virgil nodded with satisfaction, then said to park, "there should be no problem, right?"

Park hero immediately shook his head and said, "although the test results have not come out, there should be no problem!"

Virgil then smoked a cigar, picked up the kerosene lighter on the table, lit it and handed it to park Yingxiong.

Seeing this, park hung his cigar in his mouth, lit it and took a puff, but his heart was a little confused. Virgil was suddenly so polite, which was not his usual attitude towards himself.

At this time, Virgil snuffed out his cigar and stared at Park hero for a long time, but he didn't speak. Park hero could not help feeling numb. Did Virgil know what he said with Ye Feng and Dixie last night?

Just thinking about it, Virgil said to park hero, "do you remember what I told you before?"

Hearing this, park Yingxiong immediately nodded and said, "you're talking about the problem of memory transplantation, right? Of course I remember! "

Virgil nodded slightly, then opened the drawer, took out a picture from it, put it in his hand and looked at it for a moment, then murmured, "I really envy you who have a wife and children, you see..."

Then Virgil put the picture on the table, pushed it to park hero, and continued, "how happy their mother and daughter are laughing!"

Park hero took a look at the photo on the table, and his face changed. It was obvious that the photo had only been taken for a short time. The mother and daughter were very happy. Obviously, they did not know that the danger was around them.

Park Yingxiong immediately put out his cigar, picked up the picture and looked at it for a long time. He knew that Virgil's showing himself this before the experiment was the threat of hongguoguo, so that he could remember what he had promised him before. If not, he would probably attack his old woman and children.

When Virgil saw park holding the photo excitedly and looking at it with tears in his eyes, he said faintly, "after this experiment, I'll make proper arrangements for you to meet your wife and children!"

On hearing this, park hero immediately looked at Virgil excitedly and said, "really?"Virgil nodded with a smile, "of course, after you came, you helped me so much, and I'm not the kind of inhuman person. When I protected your wife and children, I was mainly worried about your work distraction. You see, I arranged the best residence, the best school, and the best bodyguard for your wife and children, so that you can provide me with the best service Good help, we are a win-win relationship

At this point, Virgil stood up, went to the back of the landing window, looked at the sea in the distance, but murmured, "it's a pity that the facilities on our island are still not very good, or we'll pick up their mother and daughter together!"

Virgil said with a slight sigh, "I've been too focused on experiments recently, and then I should also consider building some infrastructure on the island, so that many technical researchers like you can get together as soon as possible!"

When Park hero heard this, his heart suddenly moved. If it was true, then they would not expect to leave here in their life, but they did not dare to say anything.

Virgil still stood by the window and said, "I'll invite the best teachers and doctors in the world, and we'll have all the things in the outside world on our island! And recently I heard that Huaxia has developed an island making artifact. I can also buy one at that time, exaggerating our Suxi island by one or two times. At that time, we would never be worse than the outside! "

At this point, Virgil turned to park hero and said, "what do you think, Dr park?"

Park hero was staring at the photo in his hand in a daze. After listening to Virgil's words, he immediately nodded and said, "that's naturally the best!"

Virgil nodded his head with satisfaction, then went back to his desk and sat down. Looking at the park hero in front of him, Virgil said, "but all these things have to be built after this experiment. Only if this experiment is successful can we have everything behind. We first build the infrastructure, and then expand the territory of the island. In a few years, we can build an island of our own My kingdom Different from any country in the world! In this land, there will be no disasters, no wars, no birth, aging and death. This will be the first pure land among people in the world! And you Dr. Park, you will be the founder of our kingdom and the greatest meritorious official. In the future, our descendants will remember your name. Not only that, but also you will be a hero in the hearts of the people of the world... "

Park Yingxiong looked at Virgil for a long time, and then murmured, "if all the people in the world are immortal, do we still have future generations?"

Virgil's face changed when he heard park's words. He looked at park for a long time without saying anything, but his face became more and more indifferent.

Park hero see this heart next Lin, immediately said, "I'm so casual a say!"

Virgil then slowly breathed a sigh of relief, and Chao Park said, "the problem you mentioned is not something that can be considered at present. You have to know that the average life span of human beings was only about 40 years old more than a thousand years ago, but now it is no longer a problem for human beings to live to 80 or 90 years old. The situation of overpopulation has existed for a long time. Is it because of this, we human beings have to go back and live only four or five years The age of ten? The times are progressing, Dr park

Park hero listen to Virgil said, quickly nodded, "you have a point!" Mouth said so, the heart may not agree!

When Virgil saw Park saying this, he couldn't help saying to park, "these are not the problems you need to worry about. What you need to consider now is tomorrow's experiment. The hope of sushi island and even the whole human race is in your hands, Dr park!"

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