Listening to Virgil's words, park Yingxiong nodded to Virgil to show that he understood, and said, "don't worry, Mr. Virgil, I know what to do!"

Virgil immediately nodded his head with satisfaction after hearing what Park said. Then he said to park, "I hope you can think more about the future of mankind and your wife and children. Let's work together to create a new world, a new era and a new century that belongs to us!"

After that, Virgil nods to park Yingxiong and signals that park Yingxiong can leave. Park Yingxiong doesn't say much and leaves Virgil's office directly.

After leaving Virgil's office, park Yingxiong has been beating drums in his heart. Virgil now uses his wife and children to coerce him. He really can't take any more risks. If Virgil knows everything, his wife and children may die immediately.

But thinking of what Ye Feng and Dixie said to him last night, park Yingxiong feels a little excited. He feels that he is in a dilemma now. It's time to make a decision.

On the way back to the laboratory, park Yingxiong has been thinking about this problem. If he helps Ye Feng, his wife and children will probably die, but if he doesn't, there will probably be no normal human like him in the future.

When Park hero returns to the laboratory, he is immediately called to eat by the people in the laboratory. In the process of eating, Ye Feng and Dixie return to the laboratory.

Ye Feng sits opposite to park hero's office. Park hero is eating while intentionally or unintentionally avoiding Ye Feng's eyes.

Ye Feng see in the eyes, know that there must be something wrong, he immediately toward Park hero said, "don't let yourself embarrassed, everything according to your heart to do!"

Park hero listen to Ye Feng so say, can't help but surprised to see Ye Feng, "you let me according to the heart of the original intention to do? You are not afraid of... "

Before Park hero finished, Ye Feng immediately said, "I'm afraid! Of course I'm afraid, but I don't like to force others to do things I don't like, not to mention putting my wife and children in danger! "

Park hero was silent for a while, but his chopsticks didn't continue to move. Instead, he was staring at Ye Feng and didn't speak for a long time.

Dixie didn't speak all the time. At this time, he said to park Yingxiong, "did Virgil come to you?"

Park hero did not answer the question of Dixie, but looked at Ye Feng and said, "what you promised me, will you do?"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "as long as I come out of my mouth, I haven't broken my promise yet!"

Park hero smell speech staring at Ye Feng looked for a long time, this just nodded, said a know, and then continue to eat, did not say anything.

Dixie wants to say something more, but he is stopped by Ye Feng. He stands up and says to park Yingxiong, "then we won't disturb your meal. We'll wait outside the laboratory, and you can call us at any time when there is a result!"

Park hero looked up at Ye Feng, nodded and said, "in fact, you can go back and wait. The test results may come out before dark, but you insist on waiting outside the laboratory, and I don't object to it!"

Ye Feng nods to park Yingxiong, and then pulls Dixie out of the laboratory. They sit on the stool at the door of the laboratory.

Dixie then looked at the nearby camera, then sat with his back toward the camera, but said to Ye Feng, "Virgil must have found Park hero when we were eating!"

Ye Feng took out a cigarette and lit it. He put it in his mouth and said, "it's obvious. Maybe Virgil used park hero's wife and children to coerce him again!"

Ye Feng just lit a cigarette and took two puffs, but Dixie said at this time, "I think Park hero seems to be a little loose, and his attitude is completely different from that of last night. This experiment is still too dangerous. I advise you to consider it carefully!"

Ye Feng put the cigarette to his mouth and took a puff, but he didn't take it away. He still held the cigarette and said, "now there's no class to consider carefully. I've already promised Virgil. If I go back halfway, it's not only easy to intensify the contradiction, but also possible to put you and park hero in a dangerous situation. I have no choice!"

But have you ever thought that if Park hero is subject to Virgil and you wake up again after the experiment, you may become Virgil's killer and completely obey his orders

Ye Feng took another puff of smoke, and then said, "now there is no new way, only a bet. I bet Park hero still has some conscience. He has his own steelyard in his heart. He should know how to choose."

But Dixie said to Ye Feng, "anyway, park hero is just a scientific researcher and an ordinary person. For Virgil to use his wife and daughter to coerce, his first consideration must be the safety of his wife and daughter!"

Ye Feng said softly, "if this is true, it's also human nature. We can't force anyone to do anything against common sense. Otherwise, what's the difference between us and Virgil?"

When she heard the words, she pondered for a long time and did not speak any more. While Ye Feng sat there smoking a cigarette. They just sat quietly at the door of the laboratory waiting for the results. It was more than six in the evening and it was time for dinner.At this time, the staff of the laboratory came out to inform Ye Feng and Dixie, "Dr. Park asked you to have dinner first. It may take a little time!"

Ye Feng said to the man, "you don't have to worry about Dr. Park. We'll wait for the result here!"

The man took a look at Ye Feng and Dixie, then nodded and went back to the laboratory without saying anything.

After waiting for another hour and a half, the man came out again and said to Ye Feng, "the result has come out. Dr. Park asked you to go to his office!"

Ye Feng and Dixie immediately get up and walk towards Park hero's office. When they get to the office, they see Park hero sitting at his desk, holding a stack of laboratory reports about Ye Feng's various physical indicators.

After seeing Ye Feng and Dixie come in, park Yingxiong immediately signals them to sit down. While looking at the report in his hand, he says to Ye Feng, "your present body is not as good as you expected. It's totally different from your previous body!"

Ye Feng frowned slightly and said, "that means tomorrow's experiment, I definitely need memory transplantation?"

Park hero shrugged his shoulders and said, "it's natural. Don't say that the body is unqualified. Even if it is qualified, we will help you change your body. These examinations are just the necessary procedures in many examinations!"

But Dixi Si doesn't understand a way, "since qualified or unqualified all want to change, isn't it superfluous, waste time?"

Ye Feng smell speech can't help but also nodded, Dixi Si asked, in fact, it is also his heart surprised.

Park explained to Ye Feng and Dixie, "as I said, this is a necessary procedure in many tests. In other words, transplanting memory requires these tests. After all, memory and consciousness are in this body. During the operation, this body may directly affect the results of the experiment, so it's not unnecessary A waste of time

Listen to park hero so a say, Ye Feng this just nodded a way, "that since qualified, explain tomorrow's experiment will have no any problem?"

Park put down the test report in his hand, and then he said to Ye Feng, "we also checked your brain waves, and found that your brain waves, commonly known as consciousness and memory, have been completely integrated with this body. If not, it may be easier to operate, but after complete integration, tomorrow's experiment may be a little bit easier Trouble

Ye Feng smell speech eyebrow can't help a wrinkly way, "how much trouble?"

Park hero immediately explained, "we will copy your memory before the experiment tomorrow. When we do the experiment, we will transfer your consciousness to our special machine. Then your body is in a vegetative state. That is to say, it is possible that all the functions of your body are there, but your brain is dead! After that, we will help you to import your consciousness into your new body through our unique machine. The process may be long, and the initial budget may be about 12 hours. No problem can occur in the process. Once there is a little problem, it can lead to the disorder of your memory or the disappearance of some intuition ”

speaking of this, park Yingxiong immediately added, "of course, our task is to ensure that there are no problems in the process, so don't be nervous! Once the experiment is successful, it will take about two to three hours for your mind and body to begin to fuse. After awakening, your memory will stay at the time when you are copied. That is to say, from the time when your memory is copied to the end of the experiment, your memory is missing, so anything important must be done before copying the memory! "

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