Ye Feng can't help nodding after listening to park hero's explanation. After all, no matter how much Park hero says, he doesn't understand the experiment very well. The only thing he can do now is to entrust himself to park hero.

He just said to park hero, "thank you for your explanation, but I don't know much about it. You may be wasting your breath, but I believe in Dr. Park. As long as I know that I will give myself to Dr. Park tomorrow, I will be at ease!"

Park hero listen to Ye Feng so say, can't help staring at Ye Feng see for a long time, this just nodded, "don't worry, I know it!" Then he stood up, and according to the test report on the table, he said to Ye Feng, "go to dinner. I'll report these to Mr. Virgil. You have a good rest tonight. You'll be here before 8 o'clock tomorrow morning. We'll wait for you here!"

Ye Feng and Dixi also get up, and park hero out of his office, and out of the door of the laboratory.

After going out of the door, they will go their separate ways. Park Yingxiong is going to Virgil's office to report Ye Feng's inspection reports, while Ye Feng is going to have dinner with Dixie, although Ye Feng has no appetite.

But just after a few people got into the elevator, park's phone rang. After listening to the phone, Park said to Ye Feng, "Virgil has prepared a meal in the reception hall of his office and invited you to come with him!"

Ye Feng's eyebrows move, then nods and looks at the elevator door slowly closing. On the road, Ye Feng doesn't say anything more to park Yingxiong. After all, there are cameras in these public places every so often. Although he may not be afraid of Virgil, he is afraid of the impact on Park Yingxiong.

Soon after arriving at Virgil's office, when he opened the door, he saw that the sofa and tea table had been removed from the reception hall, leaving a rectangular table full of dishes, bottles of red wine and goblets for drinking red wine.

While Virgil was standing on one side of the table, Ye Feng and park Yingxiong went in, while Dixie stayed at the door. Seeing this, Virgil waved to Dixie and said, "Dixie, come in and sit down, too!"

After hearing the words, Dixie walked in directly. When all three of them came to the table, Virgil motioned them to sit down. Then he went to the middle of the table, picked up the red wine on the table, and began to pour it into four glasses. But he said to park hero, "Dr Park, has the test report come out yet?"

Park hero immediately handed the test report in his hand to Virgil and said, "just came out, I explained a few words to Mr. Satan and took it!"

Virgil took the test report, but did not read it. Instead, he put it on the table, but picked up the wine glasses and put them one by one in front of and behind the three people. Then he returned to his position and sat down. Then he said to park hero, "is there any problem?"

Park hero immediately said to Virgil, "all the indicators are passed, no problem!"

Virgil immediately laughed, looked at Ye Feng and said, "Satan, I have already said that no one in the world can be more suitable than you!"

Then Virgil picked up his glass and said, "tomorrow you're going to have an experiment. Today we'll have a drink!" Then he looked at Park Yingxiong and said, "it's been a hard time for Dr. Park, but I believe all our efforts and hard work will not be in vain. After tomorrow, we will work together to accomplish the greatest feat in human history. We will change the world. Cheers to our ability to change this pickled world!"

Virgil said, gently drinking the glass on the table, hesitated that the table was too long and too big to touch the glass, so touching the table meant that the glass had been touched.

Ye Feng, park Yingxiong and Dixie all took their glasses, touched each other on the table and took a sip.

After putting down the glass, Virgil stretched out his hand and said, "please help yourself. There's nothing to eat on this desert island, just some seafood and wild animals!"

Ye Feng has noticed for a long time that the table is full of shrimps, crabs, shells, oysters and the like, followed by the meat of unknown animals. In fact, for the outside world, this is the best.

Ye Feng picked up a lobster tooth, Dixie and park hero also casually eat, only Virgil did not move a knife and fork, just looking at three people.

Ye Feng can't help looking at Virgil's eyebrows and said, "why don't you eat?"

Virgil said to Ye Feng, "I've eaten. I'm not hungry for the moment. This meal is mainly for you. I'll have a few drinks with you."

Ye Feng nodded and didn't say anything, but she was thinking about what Dixie said last night. She hasn't seen Virgil eat so far.

Ye Feng can't help but secretly say that even though Virgil has carried out the experiment, he is really immortal. He is still a person. How can he do without eating?

However, Ye Feng didn't understand what was going on. He regretted that he forgot to ask Park Yingxiong. He should ask what changes his body would have after the experiment. Maybe he really has the function of not needing to eat?

Virgil then took a look at Dixie, and then said, "Dixie, if Satan's experiment is feasible, you can also do another experiment. After all, your body now belongs to the third generation of cloning technology, and what Satan is going to do is the fourth generation of technology, which can't be talked about in the same day!""I'm very satisfied with my current health. I don't think it's necessary, but if Mr. Virgil asks, I can think about it!" he said

Vergil nodded with a smile, and then said to Ye Feng, "Satan, the experiment will be carried out tomorrow. What questions do you have? Now, while everyone is here, just ask. I'm sure Dr. Park will give you a clear answer!"

Ye Feng shrugged to Virgil and said, "I've asked all the questions, and Dr. Park has given me the answer, although I don't quite understand. Forget it, I'm more confused with more words. I totally believe Dr. Park is it!"

Then Ye Feng picked up his glass, touched it on the table in front of him, and said to park hero, "Dr. Park, I'll give myself to you tomorrow. Just don't get drunk."

Park hero a listen to this, end wine cup toward leaf maple a little way, "don't worry, this little red wine doesn't affect!"

After waiting for Ye Feng and park hero to finish drinking, Virgil said with a smile to Ye Feng, "you completely believe in Dr. Park, which means that you can't completely believe me!"

Ye Feng said with a smile, "tomorrow you won't participate in the experiment. It's entirely Dr. Park's control. Of course I have to believe him. I believe you. Do you believe your prayer to me?"

When Virgil heard this, he could not help laughing. "Yes, what I can do tomorrow is to pray." Then he picked up his glass and said to them, "I wish tomorrow's experiment a success."

After four people raised their glasses to drink, Virgil looked at Park hero and said, "Dr Park, Satan believes you so much. You can't let him down tomorrow! Besides, Satan is not the only one who is full of expectations for you. There are still many people waiting for your news

Park hero a listen to this words, heart suddenly a Lin, Virgil this words meaning is very obvious, in addition to Ye Feng, and Virgil himself, and his wife and children, are waiting for tomorrow's news.

Hearing this, park Yingxiong nodded and said, "I know. It's on me!" Then he took a sip of wine with his glass.

Virgil looked in his eyes and immediately said with a smile, "it seems that I have talked too much. My words make Dr. Park a little nervous and drink by himself!"

"Dr. Park, I don't give you pressure. You can rest assured that you can succeed with your technology. Don't give yourself too much pressure."! Satan has given his life and fortune to you. If you do, Satan will be more nervous! "

Park hero a listen to this, also know oneself some too nervous, immediately embarrassed smile way, "I'm ok, I'm not nervous!"

Ye Feng said to Virgil, "when the experiment is tomorrow, will Monica also come to the scene?"

When Virgil heard this, he couldn't help looking at Ye Feng and said, "the experiment needs Monica's serum. She will go, but you can't see it. At that time, you should have been unconscious!"

Then he immediately added, "don't worry. After your experiment, are you afraid you won't have time to see Monica?"

Ye Feng just nodded his head, but Virgil looked at him with a smile and said, "Satan, you miss my sister all the time in front of her childhood. It's not very decent!"

When she heard the words, she shrugged her shoulders and said, "don't think about other women in front of me. Even if she bubble other women in front of me, it's not once or twice before. I've been numb for a long time!"

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