Hearing this, Virgil couldn't help laughing and looking at Ye Feng, "it seems that Dixie is full of complaints about you. You can pay attention to it!"

Ye Feng gently smile, shrugged, did not say anything, the next time is chat, Virgil is also East chat, West chat.

But Ye Feng is always looking at Virgil. From the beginning to the end of the dinner, Virgil has never eaten anything except smoking and drinking.

Soon Ye Feng is full of wine and food, and park hero doesn't drink much. After all, tomorrow's experiment is mainly controlled by him. Hangover may affect tomorrow's experiment.

After eating enough, Ye Feng wiped his mouth and said to Virgil, "enough wine and food, it's time to have a good rest!"

Vergil could not help nodding and said, "well, tomorrow's experiment is up to you two!"

Hearing this, Ye Feng frowned and said to Virgil, "won't you go to the lab tomorrow?"

Virgil shrugged his shoulders and said, "I won't give you any trouble. I'll just wait for the news here."

Ye Feng can't help looking at Virgil in surprise, but he is surprised. It seems that Virgil can't help but not eat. He hasn't seen Virgil leave his office since he came to sushi island. Is there any problem that he didn't find?

But Ye Feng didn't ask much. He stood up to say goodbye to Virgil. Park Yingxiong and Dixie also got up to say goodbye to Virgil. The three left Virgil's office immediately.

After entering the elevator, Ye Feng immediately asked Dixie his question, "have you seen Virgil leave his office for such a long time?"

Dixi Si listen to Ye Feng so ask, can't help but eyebrow a wrinkly tunnel, "it seems really haven't seen!"

Ye Feng smell speech heart can't help but a move to see a di Xi Si, but on the mouth mutter a way, "is there any problem in this?"

Park Yingxiong was also surprised and said, "I didn't pay attention to it before. It seems that it's true to hear you say that. Every time I see Virgil, I'm in his office. Besides, I've never seen him in the second place on the island!"

Ye Feng hears the speech and ponders for a while. He doesn't speak for a long time. Soon the elevator door opens and arrives at the floor where Park hero is.

When Park hero walked out of the door, Ye Feng didn't say a word. Instead, park hero stopped at the door of the elevator, looked back at Ye Feng, looked at Ye Feng in the elevator, nodded, just said see you tomorrow and left.

After the elevator door is closed, Ye Feng and Dixie do not speak any more. Until the elevator door is opened again, Ye Feng also nods goodbye to Dixie on the floor of Ye Feng, and then goes back to the door of his room.

After returning to his room, Ye Feng washes and lies on the bed. He makes a little noise for tomorrow's experiment, but he doesn't think much about it. After all, he has decided, so he has nothing to think about. Just leave it to park Yingxiong.

The next day, Ye Feng woke up early in the morning, and didn't even wait for the music to start. After getting up to wash, Ye Feng left the room and immediately called Dixie. After all, if you want to walk here, you must have fingerprints, otherwise Ye Feng can't go anywhere.

Dixie Si quickly arrived at Ye Feng's side, opened the elevator door and waited for Ye Feng in the elevator. When they arrived at Park hero's floor, the elevator door opened again, and park hero just came in. Seeing Ye Feng and Dixie, they could not help but frown at Ye Feng and Dixie, "so early?"

Ye Feng noticed that park hero's spirit is not very good, it seems that there is no spirit, can not help but ask, "did Dr. Park not sleep well last night?"

Park hero said no, after walking into the elevator, he stopped talking.

Dixie and Ye Feng look at each other. It's estimated that park Yingxiong didn't sleep all night last night. I don't know if he finally made up his mind. However, it seems that park Yingxiong and Ye Feng have chosen to stand on Virgil's side when they talk? Or is it because I didn't sleep well that I can't speak well?

The three people stood in the elevator and didn't speak. Soon the elevator reached the fourth floor underground, and they went to another elevator together. Dixie took Ye Feng to have breakfast, but park hero didn't mean to stay.

"Dr. Park, don't you have breakfast?" she said

Park hero this just returned to God, Oh after a way, "I don't eat, no appetite, I first go to the laboratory to do some preliminary preparation, you eat over on the line!"

With these words, park hero walked toward the elevator in front of him. Ye Feng and Dixie stood in the distance, watching Park hero enter the elevator, and then walked into the elevator in front of them.

In the elevator, Ye Feng and Dixie did not speak. After all, there was a surveillance video in the elevator. After getting out of the elevator, Ye Feng and Dixie went to the canteen here. After they finished their meal, they sat together. Dixie whispered to Ye Feng, "Park hero seems to have a problem!"

Ye Feng nodded, but did not speak, looking at the distance in a daze.

Seeing this, Dixie couldn't help saying to Ye Feng, "I think you'd better try to escape now. You can't take risks!"But Ye Feng said to Dixie, "Suxi island is so big in all, where to run?"

Even if ye Feng escaped from the base, there was no means of transportation to leave Suoxi island. He had to wait for a boat to come next time.

After thinking of this, Dixie took a deep breath and said to Ye Feng, "then I'll join hands with you to find Virgil. I don't believe you and I can't kill him together!"

Ye Feng can't help but take a look at Dixie and said, "if you're really sure, you won't wait until today, will you?"

After listening to Ye Feng's words, Dixie was shocked. She secretly said yes, she always had many opportunities to contact Virgil alone, but she didn't summon up the courage to do it. Virgil always had a kind of uneasy feeling. Like Ye Feng, she knew that once she did it, she couldn't win at all.

Although there is no specific reason, Ye Feng and Dixie all know that they belong to the same kind of people after all. They have a natural keen intuition about danger, and this intuition is rarely wrong.

Ye Feng saw that Dixie was dazzled and didn't speak. He immediately said, "don't think much. We have come to this stage. We have no choice but to trust Park hero!"

After hearing the words, Dixie looked at Ye Feng thoughtfully, and finally said faintly, "entrust your destiny to others, it's not like your style all the time!"

Ye Feng sighed, "time has changed. Sometimes character and style are advantages, and sometimes bad treatment is disadvantages. Now the only thing we can do is to be patient. What's more, we can't fall short of success at this time."

After hearing the speech, Dixie nodded and said that he understood, "but if Park hero has been inclined to Virgil, you will become Virgil's killing tool!"

Ye Feng pondered for a while and then said, "it's not the last moment, park hero there should be able to fight for it!"

Dixie immediately said, "what else is there to fight for? Virgil has park hero's wife and children in his hand. As long as park hero's dissatisfaction is a little superficial, it may harm his wife and children. Park hero may not want to help Virgil in essence, but sometimes he has to do it because of the situation!"

Ye Feng took a deep breath, and then said, "don't think about this for the time being. Eat first. Anyway, before the experiment, you can see Park Yingxiong again. At that time, you can see what can be reversed. And as long as I haven't been on the experimental platform, there will still be opportunities for everything!"

Listen to Ye Feng say so, Dixie Si also have nothing to say, had to lower the head to continue to eat his own meal.

Ye Feng is eating while looking at the situation around him. This is his second time to come to the canteen. The people who come here to eat seldom talk and are silent. Although there are many people in the canteen, they are not as quiet as the canteen.

After eating, Ye Feng and Dixie left the canteen and took the elevator to the laboratory.

When I got to the lab, I saw that the people in the lab were busy, but there was no sign of Park hero.

After Dixi Si went in and asked, he knew that park Yingxiong was in his office. Ye Feng and Dixi Si immediately knocked on Park Yingxiong's office door.

Park Yingxiong was sitting behind his desk with a photo in his hand. When he saw Ye Feng and Dixie coming in, he immediately put down the photo and asked two people, "finished? We're still preparing here. We'll have to wait a while! "

Dixie is open to the park hero way, "have you decided?"

Park hero smell speech can't help but a consternation, obviously is Dixie asked too directly, but he quickly reaction, immediately said, "decision? Decide what? "

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