"What else can we decide? Of course, did you decide to help us or Virgil? "

Park hero listen to such a Dixi Si said, immediately is a burst of meditation, Zheng Zheng ground looking at Ye Feng and Dixi Si didn't speak for a long time.

Seeing this, Dixie immediately said to park Yingxiong, "if you help Virgil, you can help Virgil, and if you help us, you can help us. Why are you so shy? What can't be said directly! "

After taking a deep breath, Park said to Dixie, "there are some things that we really can't control. I'm afraid it's..."

Without waiting for park to finish speaking, Dixie immediately interrupted Park and said, "so you decided to help Virgil?" Said immediately the side head looks to the leaf maple way, "you also heard?"

Park hero then lowered his head, said sorry and said, "I have no choice, after all, my wife and children are in his hands!"

After taking a deep breath, Ye Feng said to park Yingxiong, "your choice is not wrong. I will do the same!"

Dixie Si and park hero smell speech facial expression all can't help looking at Ye Feng, seem to have never thought Ye Feng can say so unexpectedly.

Dixie said to Ye Feng, "now he is dedicated to helping Virgil. Do you want to continue this experiment? Otherwise, we will kill Park hero now, and then go to find Virgil. The most important thing is to fight for death. What else do we have to be afraid of? We are all people who have died once! "

Park hero also looks at Ye Feng at this time. He looks at Dixie and Ye Feng nervously.

But Ye Feng took a deep breath and said, "some things can't be solved by killing two people. Besides, it's not absolutely certain. Besides, Dr. Park is also a victim. We shouldn't be angry with him!"

After hearing the speech, Dixie could not help frowning at Ye Feng and said, "I didn't expect that after you changed Cao Yihai's body, Satan, who used to be decisive and decisive, had disappeared!"

Ye Feng looked at Dixie and said, "before, we were full of TSL organizations and tasks. Now TSL no longer exists. We are all free bodies. With so many experiences, I just learned to think and think more than before!"

Park hero then said, "if there is a choice in this matter, I will stand on your side, but my wife..."

Dixie sneered and said, "you don't have to always use your wife and children as excuses. Even if you help Virgil this time, after your experiment is over, the technology is mature, and you're useless. Do you think the three of you can leave alive? Virgil's going to let you leave Suzy with this technology? Even if I let you leave, there will be human cloning everywhere, and the original human will be gradually replaced! "

Park hero said, "you are right, but the process of replacement may be long..."

But Dixie sneered and said, "long, do you think Virgil did this experiment to do good? What's the name of his plan? Isn't the purpose of the strongest soldier obvious? He wants to build a powerful army of transformed soldiers to launch a war. When the time comes, where can the earth escape

Park hero listen to such a Dixie said, suddenly a ponder, he knows that Dixie is right, but as long as he does not promise Virgil, I'm afraid his wife and daughter will not live for a minute.

But if you're on our side, Satan has promised to help you save your wife and daughter. Even if we don't succeed in saving your wife and daughter, do you have this cloning technology, and you're afraid you won't revive your wife and daughter? Although they may not be the original ones, human beings ultimately depend on the consciousness rather than the body instead of the person, don't they? "

Park hero listen to Dixie said, for a long time did not speak, just staring at Dixie and Ye Feng.

At this time, someone outside knocked on the door and urged Park hero to say, "Dr Park, we are all ready for the experiment!"

Park hero a listen to this, this just regained consciousness, immediately stand up, stare at Ye Feng to see for a long time, this just said, "if you still believe me, do the experiment with me! If you don't believe me anymore, kill me now

Ye Feng hears the speech for a while to ponder over looking at Park hero, immediately nod a way, "I believe you!"

Dixi Si smell speech can't help a surprised, stare at Ye Feng to see a way, "do you still believe him?"

Ye Feng said to Dixie, "everyone will make the right choice at the critical moment. I believe Dr. Park will also make the right choice he thinks."

Park hero a listen to this, the facial expression is tiny to move, immediately stretched out a hand toward the leaf maple, "I already had own choice!"

Ye Feng also stretched out his hand toward Park hero. After holding tightly together, they shook hands with each other.

When Park released his hand, he immediately left his desk and walked towards the door, saying, "go, go to the test bed! The first step is memory duplication! "

Seeing that Ye Feng was about to leave in a twinkling of an eye, he immediately reached out and held Ye Feng in his hand and said, "do you think clearly?"

Ye Feng patted Dixie's hand, "everyone has to make a choice, just like park hero, so do I, and you, too, should be the same. If I really have any problems, don't take revenge on me, try to take Zhuo wanqiu and Scarlett out of here! If possible, kill meDixi si a listen to this words, the facial expression suddenly move, and at this time of leaf maple has already disengaged hand, walk toward the office door.

Park hero and his men have been standing there waiting, see Ye Feng out, park hero immediately toward Ye Feng said, "you sit on that chair!"

Ye Feng took a look at the chair mentioned by park Yingxiong. It was like a massage chair, but next to it were instruments connected with various data. There were wires everywhere on the ground.

After taking a deep breath, Ye Feng still walks over and sits on the chair. Park Yingxiong's men immediately begin to tie Ye Feng's hands and feet with a tie. At the same time, they give Ye Feng a titanium alloy hat, and the top of the hat is connected with several wires.

At this time, Dixie has walked out of the office, standing on one side looking at Ye Feng, feeling his heart beating incessantly. It looks even more nervous than Ye Feng, who is about to do the experiment and doesn't know the result of the experiment.

At this time, Ye Feng takes a look at Dixie and nods to Dixie, indicating that she should not be nervous. At the same time, he looks at the park hero on one side and nods to him, indicating that he is ready.

Park hero this time, went to the side of the instrument, then let the assistant to Ye Feng injection of a blue liquid.

The assistant took the syringe, pushed the air out of the syringe, patted Ye Feng's arm, found his blood vessel, and stabbed it in.

After the blue liquid gradually pushed into Ye Feng's body, park Yingxiong took a look at Ye Feng and said, "you may have some physical discomfort later, but it's all short-term. Don't be nervous!"

After Ye Feng nods to park Yingxiong, he sees that park Yingxiong presses a button on the instrument, and there is a current around the chair to guide the titanium hat on the top of Ye Feng's head.

Ye Feng immediately clenched his hands, snorted, and then clenched his teeth tightly. All the green tendons in his body suddenly appeared, and the blue liquid in his blood vessels immediately began to flow along Ye Feng's blood vessels towards the meridians of his whole body.

At this time, Ye Feng's whole body and the seat under his buttocks began to tremble. Dixie couldn't help but feel nervous. She could not help clenching her fist like Ye Feng. At this time, she thought that as long as park hero dares to do something against Ye Feng, she doesn't care so much. The first thing is to kill Park hero.

At this time, Ye Feng's skin began to emit light blue light. After a while, Ye Feng suddenly pouted and fainted.

"What's the matter with him?" she said

Park hero looked back at Dixie and said, "don't be nervous, normal reaction. Now it's reading his memory. It's about to start copying! You stand in the back and don't come here, or his memory will be confused, or even become a blank idiot. I'm not responsible for that! "

Listen to park hero so say, Dixie can't help but didn't come forward, a pair of eyes have been staring at Ye Feng, waiting for the time to pass, secretly praying that Ye Feng is OK.

I don't know how long later, the instrument and the chair stopped working, as if everything had calmed down.

Dixie instinctively steps forward and wants to ask if Park hero is over. However, when she sees Park hero tapping the keyboard in front of the instrument, she seems to be setting something. Dixie's heart moves and says in secret, is park hero tampering with Ye Feng's memory stored on the computer?

Thinking of this, Dixie immediately said to park hero, "what are you doing?"

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