Park hero heard this, but did not look back, just said, "in the copy of his memory, saved in the computer host!"

Dixie has gone to park hero's back, staring at the computer, but she can't understand the operation of the computer.

However, Dixie said coldly to park Yingxiong, "I'm not him. I won't trust people easily. Although he chose to trust you, I can tell you that if he has any problems, I'll be the first to kill you!"

Hearing this, park Yingxiong stopped and immediately deleted the code. Then he turned back to Dixie and said, "you've distracted me. You almost input the wrong code. If this leads to his problem, I'm not responsible for it!"

After listening to park's words, Dixie stared at park for a moment, and then said coldly, "just remember what I said!" Then he immediately went back.

Park took a deep breath and continued to input the code in his hand. After about half an hour's work, he finally stared at the monitor for a long time and finally hit the Enter key.

Park hero just knocked the enter button, and a window automatically popped up on the computer monitor, bouncing all kinds of codes. At this time, park hero stood up and looked at Ye Feng who had not woken up, and then looked back at Dixie.

"What's the matter now?" Dixie asked immediately

Park hero immediately said, "is reading his memory, to the computer storage, estimated that this time will be a long time!"

Dixie frowned at Park hero, then looked at Ye Feng, and then asked, "what about him? Just lying there all the time? "

Park hero explained to Dixie, "in fact, I don't need him anymore. His memory is in the computer. He hasn't woken up yet. It's just the effect of the medicine. When the medicine is light, he will wake up naturally!"

As soon as she heard this, she immediately asked Park hero, "can I take him out of that chair?"

Park hero immediately nodded, then let the assistant to help untie Ye Feng hands and feet on the tie.

Dixie then helped Ye Feng to one side and let him sit on the sofa against the wall. Then he asked Park Yingxiong, "how long does it take under such circumstances?"

Park hero said, "it's not a certain number. Depending on the individual's reaction to the drug, some people don't take the drug at all. Some people may wake up in half an hour or a few hours. You can rest assured that it's OK!"

Just then, Ye Feng suddenly snorted and slowly opened his eyes. Seeing this, Dixie immediately went to hold Ye Feng and asked him, "is there anything wrong?"

Ye Feng touched his head, then sat up straight and looked in front of him. Then he took a long breath and shook his head towards Dixie, saying it was OK.

At this time, however, park Yingxiong said, "it's nothing. Now it's just a copy of his memory. After a while, we have to clear his memory, and then inject his memory into his new body!"

Then Park hero walked up to Ye Feng and said, "you have a good rest. If there is anything important, wait until the experiment is successful, because the memory of the time from you leaving that chair to you entering a new body will be blank at that time!"

Ye Feng smell speech toward Park hero nodded, this words before Park hero and himself said.

As soon as he heard this, he could not help saying to park hero, "what if something happened to him at this time?"

Park hero said to Dixie, "it's hard to say that even if he died at this time, there would be no problem. To be more frank, he has no effect at this time, because we have copied his consciousness and memory, and his present body will be voided, and his present memory will also be cleared! So in front of him, is the last moment to have the body in front of him! That is to say, he is going to die in front of him

On hearing this, Dixie suddenly looked at Park hero and said, "if he dies immediately, and you don't carry out the following experiment, is there no such person as him in the world?"

Park hero smell speech is first a dismay, then nodded again a way, "if you have to understand like this, also have no mistake!"

At this time, Dixie found that the blue on Yefeng's skin had not faded. He could not help but look so blue.

Seeing this, Dixie couldn't help saying to park hero, "what's the matter with his body?"

After taking a look at it, Park said to Dixie, "he doesn't want this body any more. These are just small problems! After all, he will have a new body

Ye Feng has not spoken, at this time want to stand up, but found himself or no strength, almost fell to the ground.

Seeing this, Dixie immediately held Ye Feng and turned to park Yingxiong, "what's the matter with him?"

Park hero took a look at Ye Feng, and then said, "maybe it was just the overdose of the medicine, and his body began to reject it!"When he heard the words, his face could not help but move, and he quickly asked, "what would happen then?"

Park hero pondered for a long time, then said, "may die!"

On hearing this, Ye Feng and Dixie's face are moving, Dixie is more excited to find Park hero.

But as soon as Dixie took a step, he was held by Ye Feng and said to Dixie, "I believe him!"

Dixie said to Ye Feng, "he killed you. Do you still believe him?"

Ye Feng said weakly, "just now, he didn't say that I would be reborn in another body. Now I just have the last moment of Cao Yihai's body!"

When she looks at Ye Feng, she is speechless. She even feels confused. If Ye Feng is dead, is Ye Feng still the Satan she knows?

At this time, park hero came over, handed Ye Feng a medicine bottle and said, "if you feel pain later, you can take this to reduce some pain."

Ye Feng took a look at the medicine bottle and found that it was dolantine used for pain relief. He frowned and said, "do you need it?"

Park hero patted Ye Feng's hand and said, "you'll know when it hurts!" He said with a slight sigh, "but when you come back to life again, you won't remember what happened now. It's good for you too!"

And at this time, suddenly the computer display there pop up a window, issued a "when" sound, park hero face move, immediately walked past.

Seeing this, she frowned at Park and said, "what's the matter?"

Park hero did not speak. After closing the window, he kept typing various codes on the keyboard. His face seemed to be in a hurry.

Seeing this, Dixie immediately went to park hero's back and continued to ask, "what's the problem?"

Park hero immediately said, "someone is linking to my computer, trying to copy his memory remotely!"

As soon as he heard this, his face suddenly moved and said, "what do you mean? Who wants his memory? "

Park hero shrugged his shoulders and said, "I can't find out who it is for the moment, but it has been rejected by me!"

Dixie immediately asked Park hero, "what impact will it have on Satan?"

After pondering for a moment, park Yingxiong said, "if the people over there have the same technology as ours, there can be another Satan!"

As soon as he heard this, he looked at Park hero and said, "check again to see if it has been copied."

Park hero then said, "about 80% of the copies have been made!"

Hearing the words, his face suddenly changed, and he immediately pulled Park hero up, "did you mean it?"

Park hero said to Dixie, "if I do it on purpose, I won't let you find out, and I won't tell you!"

After listening to park's words, Dixie also felt that there was some truth. He loosened park's clothes and said, "then who is it?"

Park hero also thought for a long time, and finally moved his face with Dixie at the same time, and said in one voice, "is it..."

Ye Feng then said to park hero and Dixie, "it's him!"

At this time, Dixie went to Ye Feng's side and sat down, "did you guess?"

Ye Feng sneered and said, "who else but Virgil?"

Park hero is puzzled tunnel, "he wants to copy your memory to do what?"

Ye Feng pondered for a moment, then said, "maybe, he already knew we had to deal with him, so he would do it!" Said suddenly feel a pain in the heart, face instantly changed, a hand desperately covered the chest.

Park hero see this immediately toward Dixie way, "give him a drink of dolantin!"

Dixi Si smell speech immediately took the medicine bottle in Ye Feng's hand, after unscrewing around Ye Feng to drink a mouthful.

Ye Feng's forehead was still in pain, and his blue skin turned purple. Dixie could not help asking Park Yingxiong anxiously, "what should I do now?"

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