Park hero see Ye Feng so, can't help but face also some changes, surprised looking at Ye Feng for a long time, this just said, "it seems that he can't last long!"

On hearing this, his face suddenly changed, and he said to park hero in an angry voice, "he came here to make such a choice because he believed you!"

After a while of pondering, park hero immediately went to the instrument and looked at the monitor, which showed that Ye Feng's conscious memory had been uploaded and copied by 90%.

At this moment, he immediately said to Dixie, "now get ready for the experiment. After a while, the consciousness on this side will be uploaded, and the experiment can be carried out at any time on that side!"

As soon as she heard this, she could not help looking at Park Xiongxiong suspiciously and said, "are you sure you can carry out the experiment at this time? Not afraid of interference? "

Park Yingxiong said to Dixie, "there may be these problems, but now if we don't carry out the experiment, his health will get worse and worse. After death on this side, there is no experiment on that side, then he will disappear from the world!"

Dixi Si smell speech face suddenly move, and at this time of Ye Feng toward Dixi Si said, "don't worry about me, fully cooperate with Dr. Park to carry out the experiment!"

Listen to Ye Feng say so, Dixie Si immediately past to hold Ye Feng's hand, "then how do you do?"

Ye Feng said with a smile, "the farewell here is for the reunion after." Say Ye Feng to hold the hand of Di Xi Si way, "wait to see!"

Dixi smell speech also tightly hold Ye Feng's hand, but feel he hold his hand strength is getting smaller and smaller, and the body temperature is also falling.

Ye Feng continued to say to Dixie, "now our only chance of winning is to bet that Virgil can't leave his office, so in order to prevent him from stopping, you have to first release those imprisoned clones, and then spare no effort to protect Dr. Park for the experiment!"

After hearing this, he nodded, stood up and said to park Yingxiong, "how long will it take for the experiment?"

Park hero looked at the time and immediately said to Dixie, "there's about half an hour left at most!"

As soon as Dixie heard this, he immediately said to park hero, "from now on, don't leave here, lock the door, and don't open the door for anyone but me!"

Park hero smell speech brow a frown ground to see to di Xi Si way, "where do you want to go?"

Dixie said to park Yingxiong lightly, "I'm going to put some people against Virgil! I'll be back in a minute! "

Then she looked at Ye Feng lying on the chair, and saw that Ye Feng's face was very wrong now. She was in a state of near death. She immediately said to Ye Feng, "see you soon!"

Ye Feng weakly nodded his head toward Dixie, Dixie immediately turned away from the laboratory, and took out a gun from his waist.

At the same time, he sat in front of the monitor and watched the loading bar on the monitor slowly progress. At the same time, he also wanted to prevent someone from cutting into his computer again to steal Ye Feng's memory.

Park hero's men quickly lock the door of the laboratory. At this time, Ye Feng's eyes are looking at Park hero's side, but he sees a man slowly approaching Park hero's side.

Ye Feng sees this and his heart moves, but he sees that the man takes out a pistol from his waist. Ye Feng immediately takes a deep breath and at the same time picks up a pair of scissors on the table on one side of the chair. With the last trace of strength, he desperately throws it at the man.

"Bang" a gun, park hero and the people who are closing the door are a change of face, park hero look back, only to see behind him is standing his own assistant, holding a gun to himself, and his neck is inserted with a pair of scissors, is Zizi out of the blood, and the man has been motionless, then fell to the ground.

Park hero immediately went to pick up the pistol on the ground and said to the other two assistants who went to close the door, "who else are Virgil's people?"

As soon as they locked the door, they immediately raised their hands and said to park hero, "we are not, doctor. We are your students!"

At this time, park Yingxiong immediately went to the two people, let them face themselves, lie down at the door, he went up to search the two people's body, but found nothing, this is a long comfortable, patted the two people on the shoulder, said, "now I can't tell the enemy from me, now it's related to the survival of all of us, you don't blame me!"

Two assistants turned around and one said, "doctor, we understand. We'll help you with the experiment!"

The other one looked at Ye Feng, who fell on the ground. Then he went to test Ye Feng's breath and said to park hero, "doctor, he can't do it!"

Park hero a listen to this, immediately go to Ye Feng's side, number Ye Feng's pulse, found that has been extremely weak, see will not.

Park hero then took Ye Feng's hand and said to Ye Feng, "don't worry. Since I've chosen, I'll stick to it to the end!"Ye Feng opened his eyes slightly, looked at Park hero, nodded slightly and then stopped moving. The pupil in his eyes gradually became dim.

Seeing this, park hero immediately put out his hand to wipe Ye Feng's eyes. After he closed them, he immediately stood up and said to the two assistants, "be ready to experiment at any time!"

At the same time, I went to the instrument and had a look. The instrument had already shown 99%, and it would be finished soon.

Park hero immediately said, "link clone container, check all kinds of data!"

The two assistants were sitting in front of a computer, typing the keyboard at full speed, and began to link the clone container.

Two minutes later, the two assistants said to each other, "doctor, it's no different for me to check here!" The other said, "I don't have a problem here either!"

At this time, a window pops up on the instrument in front of Park hero, which shows that Ye Feng's conscious memory has been completely copied.

Park hero immediately said to the two assistants, "now get ready!" Say hands on a button.

The other two assistants also put their hands on the Enter key of the keyboard at the same time. After Park said "start", the three people pressed the button at the same time.

A window and a progress bar pop up on the three monitors at the same time, starting to upload Ye Feng's conscious memory to Ye Feng's clone in the container.

In an experimental cabin on the bottom of this floor, several huge containers were all the shapes of Ye Feng's former body, and each one was shrunk in the liquid of the container.

The button on one of the melts shows a green light, and a circle of lights around the top is rolling and flashing, as if it were in transmission.

Just at this time, there was a knock on the door outside their lab. park could not help but move his heart. When he looked aside, he saw that it was Dixie. He was relieved.

Park hero takes another look at the monitor. After seeing that there is no abnormality, he goes to the door and takes a look at Dixie through the glass door. Just as he is about to open the door, his heart suddenly moves. Just now Dixie is wearing black clothes, while Dixie outside the door is wearing dark gray clothes, and his eyes are more beautiful than those of Dixie who left before icy.

Seeing that park hero was standing at the door, but he didn't mean to open the door, he immediately said to park hero, "don't you open the door yet?"

Park hero not only did not open the door, but stepped back and said, "you are not Dixie!"

When he heard the words, there was no surprise on his face, but on his mouth he said, "what do you mean?"

After staring at Dixie for a long time, park hero said, "you are a new clone! You're definitely not the dickens who was here before! "

After hearing this, he took out a pistol from his waist and fired several shots at the glass door. However, the glass door was bulletproof glass, but it was still intact after a few shots.

Park hero immediately said to the two assistants, "you watch the progress!" Then he pulled out his pistol and stood at the door.

Dixie outside the door tries to unlock it with his fingerprints, but park hero immediately presses the emergency system inside. Under the emergency system, no one can open the door.

Seeing this, Dixie immediately took a pistol to the fingerprint system and fired a few more shots at Park hero in the security door. "If you don't open the door again, I won't be polite!"

Park Yingxiong didn't seem to hear Dixie's words. He continued to stand behind the bulletproof glass door, looking at Dixie's every move and looking back at the monitor from time to time to see the progress bar on the monitor.

at this time, Dixie walked away, and when she came back later, she had a fire axe in her hand and smashed it against the bulletproof glass.

Unexpectedly, the glass was cracked. Seeing this, park Yingxiong immediately asked his assistant, "how many progress bars are there?"

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