One of the assistants immediately said to park, "it's over 50 percent!"

Park hero immediately clenched the pistol, continued to stand at the door, watching the door of the Dixie continue to hit the bullet proof glass door with a fire axe.

At this time, the single glass door has begun to crack in a large area, and it is about to break. Park hero is more nervous.

At this time, the light in the laboratory suddenly began to flicker. Park Yingxiong saw that the dark path was bad and immediately returned to the monitor.

Park hero mouth toward two assistants way, "start emergency plan!" Said quickly on the keyboard to enter a code, waiting for the two assistants are also good after the input, immediately three people together knocked the Enter key.

At the same time, the light in the laboratory flashed back a few times, and then the whole laboratory turned black, even the monitor turned off.

But park hero is not in a hurry. At this time, he goes to one side, opens an electric cabinet, pushes a knife switch inside, and instantly the whole laboratory lights up again, and the three computers start to restart quickly.

After less than a minute, after the three computers are rebooted, the previous operation interface will pop up automatically, and the progress bar will continue to move forward slowly after a pause of 30 seconds.

At this time, an assistant wiped the sweat on his forehead and said to park Yingxiong, "doctor, it's lucky that we started to prepare the standby power supply as early as a few years ago, otherwise this time it will be over!"

Park Yingxiong can't help but breathe a sigh of relief. A few years ago, he secretly prepared a complete set of power supply system. At that time, he just thought that in case of any problem, there would be electricity, but he never used it. This has become his secret. He never told Virgil about it. He didn't think it would be useful today.

However, this emergency power supply system is also connected to the main power system. After all, it is too much to rebuild a new system, and it is not realistic and possible for Virgil or other people on the island to find it. Therefore, he only installed a power storage system under the main power system, and it was completely connected to the main power system. At that time, the project name was reported together with experimental instruments Yes, so Virgil probably didn't find out.

Park hero just breathed a sigh of relief when he was pulled to reality by the sound of smashing at the door. When he looked back, he couldn't help changing his face. But he saw that a small hole had been smashed out of the bulletproof glass door, but the glass would not be completely broken, even the broken glass slag was connected to the main body.

After a few more blows, she stopped. I don't know if she was tired. At this time, she stood at the door. After a short rest, she immediately took out her pistol, aimed at the hole in the bulletproof glass door, and shot into it.

Park hero and the three of them immediately dodged, but Dixie's target was obviously not them, but aimed at the three computer monitors, which were damaged in an instant.

Park hero see this heart can not help but move, fortunately this is just the monitor is broken, for the operation of the host does not have much impact.

He took a look at the door of the Dixie, see she seems to have stopped the attack, can't help but secretly congratulation, Dixie seems not to understand the computer, thought that broke the monitor is over.

However, park Yingxiong is still a little worried. They can't find any problems in the transmission process, so they have to find a monitor to look at it.

Park hero then said to the two assistants, "you go to my office, open the computer on my desk, and I've also linked the host there! I'll stand in her way

The two assistants immediately ran to park hero's office after hearing the speech. At this time, Dixie suddenly put the gun head into the hole on the bulletproof glass door and fired several shots at the two assistants.

The assistant who ran behind was shot three times in an instant, and fell to the ground motionless. Another assistant was shot in the arm, and made a leap to the door of Park hero's office.

However, park hero's office is facing the bulletproof glass door. As long as he opens the door, he will be hit by Dixie.

Park hero saw this, looked at the assistant on the ground, and then asked another assistant, "are you ok?"

The assistant said quickly, "it's OK. I've been shot in the arm. I can't die!"

Park Yingxiong took a look at the bulletproof glass and the door of his office, then took a deep breath and said to his assistant, "you listen to my order, I'll let you come out to open the door and rush in, and you'll get up and open the door immediately!"

After listening to the assistant's reply, park Yingxiong immediately picked up a chair and walked along one side of the wall towards the bulletproof glass door. When he got to a place not far from the glass door, park Yingxiong took a deep breath.

At this moment, he blocked the back of his chair on the opening of the bulletproof glass door, and at the same time, he said in a loud voice, "open the door!"

The assistant immediately rushed out and ran towards Park hero's office door. At this time, although Dixie was blocked by park hero's chair back, he still fired several shots in front of him.

Park hero's assistant has reached out to hold the door handle, and has opened the door, but after a groan, he directly fell to the ground.Park hero see this heart next move, immediately toward the office door looked at a look, loudly asked, "are you ok?" But I can't hear back at all.

Park hero heart under a Lin, immediately toward the other side of a fixed eye, but see his assistant head shot, has fallen in the pool of blood.

Park hero then looked at the back of the chair and saw that it had been punched a hole. He immediately threw away the back of the chair and said to Dixie outside the door, "you're just a puppet cloned by Virgil. When Dixie comes, you can't run away!"

Dixie stood outside the door and sneered, "really Dixie? She's just a clone. What's the difference between her and me? I killed her. I'm Dixie! I'm afraid he won't come! "

As soon as his voice fell, a voice behind him said, "I'm coming!"

When she heard the words, she could not help but be awed. Then she jumped over to the armchair in one side of the corridor. At the same time, she heard a gunshot.

At this time, park Yingxiong of the laboratory looked outside, but saw a man standing at the elevator door at the end of the corridor, who was also Dixie.

As she walked towards the door, she kept shooting at the seat on one side of the door.

Park hero knows that Dixie is coming, but he can't care about it any more. At this time, he immediately runs to his office.

After entering the office, immediately sit in front of the computer, open the computer and monitor, open a program, input a set of code, the monitor immediately pop up a window, the progress bar is stopped.

Park hero's face can't help but move. He quickly enters several codes into the program and checks to see what's wrong.

After several sets of code input, the result is that there is something wrong with the clone container.

Seeing this, park Yingxiong's face suddenly changed. If it was a problem with the instrument, he could solve it by himself. But if it was a problem with the clone container, he could solve it by himself, but the container's laboratory was downstairs. If he wanted to go down, he had to go through the door.

Thinking of this, park hero picked up the cigarette box on the table and lit a cigarette. After taking a deep breath, he immediately walked towards the door, listening to the sound of guns outside. Without a sound, park hero's heart moved.

After arriving at the door, park Yingxiong looks out the door, only to see that two Dixie in the corridor are shooting each other. They each find a shelter, but they are anxious for a moment.

Park hero took a deep breath, then opened the bulletproof glass button, opened the door immediately to hide in the side of the Dixie shot.

Nadisis immediately jumped to avoid it, opened a door in the corridor and went in.

Another Dixie asked Park hero, "what's going on?" With these words, the muzzle of the gun was pointed at the door where the other Dickens had been hiding.

Park hero said to Dixie, "there is something wrong with the container below. I have to go down and check it to see what the problem is!"

As soon as she heard this, she immediately said to park hero, "you go at once. I'll give you this side!"

Park hero smell speech nodded, just ready to run toward the elevator side, the door immediately opened, inside the hiding Dixie immediately toward Park hero side shot.

Park hero immediately started to run back, and at the same time, Dixie in the corridor also immediately fired at the door, shooting and closing to the door.

Park hero at this time to hide in the laboratory, but listen to the corridor outside the Dixie way, "you now come out to run, I suppressed her!"

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