Park hero a listen to this, immediately looked at the door, found that this time in the house of Dixie has disappeared, and the corridor of Dixie is still shooting at the door.

Seeing this, park took a deep breath and immediately ran to the end of the corridor with his pistol in his hand. His finger was always on the trigger. As long as Dixie in the room came up, he would immediately shoot at that.

However, the room's Dixie has not been exposed, park hero can not help but take a deep breath, but just as he slowly put down the muzzle of the gun, Dixie in the room suddenly appeared and fired several shots at Park hero's side.

Seeing this, Dixie in the corridor also shot at Dixie in the room. Dixie in the room didn't dodge. He just shot at Park hero, and he was shot several times. Finally, Dixie in the corridor hit him on the forehead and fell to the ground without moving.

Seeing this, Dixie in the corridor went forward and shot Dixie twice more. Looking at the corpse lying on the ground with the same face as himself, he couldn't help taking a deep breath. Then he looked back at Park hero.

Park hero at this time one hand against the wall, the other hand to cover his stomach, hand is full of blood, forehead cold sweat straight out.

Seeing this, Dixie's face moved immediately. He came forward to hold Park Yingxiong and said, "are you ok?"

At this time, park Yingxiong took a side look at Dixie. His temple was protruding, and the veins on his neck came out. Then he gritted his teeth and said, "it's OK. I can hold on for a while. Take me to the next floor quickly!"

Hearing the words, Dixie immediately holds Park Yingxiong and walks towards the elevator. However, at the door of the elevator, no matter how much Dixie presses the elevator button, the elevator can't be opened. It's obvious that her fingerprints have been blocked.

Park hero at this time also reached out to test, and Dixie, the elevator door did not respond, he immediately let Dixie take him to the safe passage.

Dixie immediately helped Park hero to walk towards the safe passage, and soon came to the next floor, but he felt that park hero was soaked through.

When he got to the door of the laboratory, park reached out and pressed the button to open the door. As he thought, the fingerprint of the door lock of the laboratory was also blocked.

At this time, Dixie immediately took a pistol and was about to shoot at the fingerprint lock. Park Yingxiong immediately stopped Dixie, took a deep breath and said, "I have an emergency code!"

Said Park hero will fingerprint lock up a move, below suddenly appeared a password lock, park hero looked at the password lock, thought for a moment, immediately began to enter a 16 character long password.

In the end, park Yingxiong pressed the OK button and held a try attitude. After all, it was normal for the emergency password to be locked, but he never thought that after the password was entered, the door would open automatically.

Dixie and park hero can't help but feel relieved, but they don't stop. They immediately push the door and go in.

This lab is much bigger than the one on the floor. After all, there are dozens of containers for storing clones. These containers are two or three meters high, and they need a lot of space.

Dixis helped Park hero and quickly found the location of Ye Feng's clone. Park hero took a look, and sure enough, the container with the corresponding number of the computer upstairs, the light that should have been on was off at this time.

Park hero immediately squatted down to check the base of the container. When he found that there was no problem, he immediately stood up holding the glass wall of the container. There was a bloody fingerprint on the glass wall.

Just as Dixie was about to reach out to support Park hero, she heard a rush of footsteps outside the door, and her heart suddenly moved.

Park hero also heard, immediately turned back to Dixie way, "you go to block them, don't let them in, Satan can resurrect, depends on today!"

When he heard this, his heart moved and he took a serious look at Park hero. Then he asked, "can you do it?"

Park hero nodded to Dixie and said, "no problem at the moment!"

Dixie nodded, then turned around and left, but without taking two steps, he immediately turned back and said to park hero, "Dr park! Thank you

Then, without waiting for park to speak, he immediately went to the door and looked at it. There were six or seven people coming over the corridor, each with a gun in his hand. When he saw that Dixie appeared at the door, he immediately shot at it with a gun.

After several containers leaning against the door were shot, several bullet holes suddenly appeared on the glass wall of the container, and the liquid inside began to flow out.

Seeing this, she immediately closed the glass door and locked the safety lock inside.

When people outside get to the door, they keep shooting at the glass door, but this door is the same as the one upstairs. It's bulletproof and can't be penetrated by bullets.

At this time, after making a profit around the glass container, park hero immediately went to the side and opened a display on the side. After opening, he entered a series of codes and began to check the program.

Park hero then found that someone had tampered with the code here, blocking the link between the host and here.At this time, Dixie came over and asked if Park hero had found the problem. Park hero nodded and said, "but I need you to go back upstairs and sit in front of my desk computer. Once a window pops up and asks if you have a link, you can click OK!"

After listening to park hero's words, Dixie frowned slightly. However, park hero immediately explained, "the program here has been tampered with. I need to redesign the command, but the operation of the host is upstairs. Someone must confirm it to continue the link!"

After listening to park's words, Dixie took a deep breath and asked Park, "how long will it take?"

Park said to Dixie, "at least half an hour! So in half an hour or so, you must be on the computer monitor, and the command must be confirmed within ten seconds, or you will have to start again! "

After taking a deep breath, he thought about the situation outside the door and then said to park, "no problem, I'll be sitting in front of your computer in half an hour!"

After that, Dixie immediately turned back and walked towards the door. At this time, he saw that the people outside also found a fire axe, which was hitting the bullet proof glass door.

At this time, Dixie stood at the door, checked the pistol bullets in his hand, and filled the magazine with bullets.

Seeing this, the people outside the door could not help looking at Dixie in surprise. But they saw that she suddenly reached out and opened the door. Someone immediately yelled, "she's coming out!"

Everyone heard the words began to retreat, all the guns in their hands were aimed at the door.

Dixie see in the eye, but still without hesitation opened the door, in the moment she opened the door, the people outside the door have begun to pull the trigger, towards the door this side shot.

And the moment that Dixie opened the door, he immediately fell to the ground. His gun kept shooting at an angle of 45 degrees above the slope. In just three or five seconds, all the people at the door immediately fell to the ground.

Dixie did not have time to check, immediately stood up and ran towards the safe passage, but at this time a guy on the ground was not dead, slowly stood up, took a pistol, and immediately aimed at Dixie's back.

At this time, Dixie did not turn his head, but fired a bullet from the muzzle in his hand towards the rear. The man was shot in the skull. When he fell to the ground, he instinctively pulled the trigger, but all the bullets hit the ceiling.

Dixie quickly went upstairs, but as soon as he got to the entrance of the safe passage upstairs, he saw that several people were creeping towards Park hero's laboratory.

Dixie glanced out of the window. After seeing the situation outside, he immediately opened the door and shot out all the bullets in the pistol.

The man in front of him fell to the ground in a flash, but there was another guy standing there, who suddenly turned around and was about to shoot Dixie.

Knowing that there was no bullet in his pistol, Dixie immediately began to run towards the man.

The man still fired a shot, and at the moment of the shot, the whole body of Dixie jumped up, a split leg, the heel of the high heels directly kicked on the man's skull, the heel like a sharp dagger, directly into his skull.

After landing, she took back her leg and took the gun from the man's hand. At the same time, her foot slipped on the ground, and the pistol flew to her hand.

At this time, there was the sound of the elevator door opening behind him. Dixie immediately squatted down, turned around, sat on his leg, pulled the trigger with two pistols at the same time, and shot into the elevator.

As soon as the elevator door was opened, the people inside were not ready. They were immediately screened by Dixie's bullets, and the stainless steel walls of the elevator were immediately covered with blood.

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