At this time, she knew that she had to race against the clock and not waste any time. She immediately ran to the office and sat in front of park's computer according to park's words.

As she looked at the monitor, she looked towards the door to prevent anyone from rushing in. Then she took another look at the time and found that it was only ten minutes later, which means that she had to wait here for ten minutes.

However, as far as the current situation is concerned, she has no choice but to sit here and wait for time.

At this time, downstairs, park hero is constantly entering codes into the instrument. A series of codes are constantly entering into the instrument. The display is flashing. Each code represents a command.

The display will pop up all kinds of windows, some windows need Park hero to confirm, some need Park hero to input code, start command.

At this time, there was another sound of smashing the door. Park Yingxiong could not help looking at the door, but saw that there were several people with fire axes smashing the bulletproof glass door.

Park hero knows that at this time he has no choice but to carry on blindly. Even he suspects that his wife and children have been poisoned. But since he has chosen this road, he does not regret it.

At this time, park Yingxiong kept his mind calm and kept himself from being obstructed by those guys at the door. He was so distracted just now that he had to think about it again before he continued to input the code.

The bullet proof glass door of the door has been cut out a hole, someone has put the gun through the hole, and started shooting at the house.

Fortunately, the container containing Ye Feng clone was in the back half, and the bullets couldn't reach this side for the time being. However, several containers near the door had been fragmented due to such intensive shooting, and the clones inside flowed to the ground together with the liquid.

Park tried to keep himself unaffected and continued to enter the code. After entering the last line of code, he pressed enter.

At the same time, the upstairs Dixie is not in front of the computer, but standing on the side of the desk, shooting at the door. Just now, a few people who are not afraid of death rushed in, but they were all killed by Dixie's gun.

When Dixie sat back in front of the computer, he saw that the pop-up window on the computer monitor would close in three seconds. Dixie was shocked and immediately pressed the Enter key. Then the monitor popped up a progress bar, which showed that it was more than 60%. After the progress bar had stopped for about 30 seconds, it began to move slowly.

At this time, park Yingxiong downstairs is anxiously waiting for Dixie upstairs to knock back. He is secretly worried in his heart. He doesn't know what problem Dixie upstairs has encountered.

In a hurry, the light outside the container suddenly lights up, and then the progress bar pops up on the instrument. Park Yingxiong smiles and sits on one side.

I didn't know if I was too nervous before, so I forgot the pain in my abdomen. At this time, I suddenly relaxed and felt a faint pain in my abdomen. He immediately covered his abdomen, but found that when he touched it, it was the blood in his hand.

Park hero immediately took a deep breath, and then tore open the clothes outside the wound, but saw that there was more than one bullet hole in his stomach, and three bullet holes were bleeding out at the same time. Park hero immediately took a deep breath, and immediately reached out to cover his wound, gasping.

At this time, park hero knows that he can't leave. He must see Ye Feng come out of the container. At this time, he leans against another container and looks up at Ye Feng in the container. He can't help murmuring, "I hope you can do what you say. You must kill Virgil..."

At this time, the upstairs Dixie is still sitting in front of the computer looking at the progress bar. She is worried that there will be any problems before the progress bar is completed, so she can only sit here and watch.

As she watched the progress bar slowly move towards the key point, Dixie became more and more nervous. At this time, she took a look at the laboratory outside the office. Ye Feng's body was still lying there. Dixie could not help but secretly say, "you must not die!"

At this time, several clones rushed in from outside. After taking a deep breath, Dixie immediately drew his gun and shot there.

At the same time, park Yingxiong downstairs feels his eyelids are a little heavy at this time, and an unprecedented sleepiness is sweeping over him. But he knows that he can't sleep at this time, and if he goes to sleep, he may never wake up again.

At the same time, the door is still shooting. After shooting for a while, he takes the fire axe to continue cutting the glass on the door. When there is a gap, it's much easier to see. Although the progress is slow, it's obvious that the hole is getting bigger.

After another ten minutes of chopping, one of them put his head in and tried to climb in directly through the hole, but his body got stuck and finally pulled it out.

Ten minutes later, the hole was bigger than before. The man rushed into the hole again, but this time he got in. As soon as he came in, he ran to park hero, and the people behind him came in one after another.At this time, Dixie upstairs just solved the problem of the first batch of people. When she looked at the computer monitor again, she saw that the progress bar had come to an end, and the English word "finished" was displayed below. She was relieved and rushed out to the door immediately.

At this time, park Yingxiong is trying to hold his eyelids and look at the container with Ye Feng clone in front of him. At this time, he hears a sound of footstep coming from his side. He looks slightly, but he sees several people standing beside him, just like himself, looking at the container in front of him.

But park hero heard the completion of the display pop-up prompt sound, immediately smile on his mouth, but listen to a shot, park hero completely closed his eyes.

It was the last person who came in and shot Park hero in the head, ending his last life.

At this time, everyone gathered around the container, and then used two guns to shoot Ye Feng in the container at the same time. After the meeting, the container burst open immediately, and the liquid in it covered Ye Feng's clone directly.

Those people immediately dodged away from the liquid. After the liquid was flowing, everyone's eyes looked at the maple leaf on the ground, whose body was still completely atrophied with the fetus. They were holding their bent legs in their hands, and there was still liquid left on their skin. It looked greasy.

Several people at the same time toward Ye Feng side around, a few guns at the same time on the ground shrinking Ye Feng, in the moment they want to shoot, but behind the gun, those people did not respond, one by one fell to the ground.

However, before one of them fell to the ground, he shot Ye Feng's body, and the bullet hit Ye Feng's forehead directly.

At this time, Dixie rushes over from behind and makes up a few shots at the people on the ground. Then he squats down to have a physical examination of Ye Feng. However, he sees a bullet hole in his forehead, and his heart is suddenly shocked. He is still a step late, and Ye Feng is killed by Virgil's people?

Dixie heart a burst of colic, feeling as if his incompetence just killed Ye Feng, when she picked up Ye Feng on the ground, tears could not stop flowing down.

After a long time, Dixie suddenly thought of Park hero. Maybe he can operate it again. There are several clones of Ye Feng here, which can be reconstructed.

However, when Dixie looked at the park hero on one side, he saw that park hero had already died. He was also shot in the forehead, but his eyes were looking at him. He was in a state of death.

At this time, Dixie seemed to hear the sound of the instrument starting again. She immediately looked aside, but she saw that the liquid in another container with maple clones not far away suddenly began to drop. After all the liquid disappeared, the cover of the glass container suddenly opened, and a maple inside was stretched out by the instrument.

Ye Feng, who was still hanging this kind of test tube behind him, suddenly opened his eyes and gradually stretched out his shrinking body. After landing on his feet, he immediately reached out to pull out the data cable and all kinds of test tubes behind him.

Seeing this, Dixie couldn't help but move. Isn't that the one in this container?

Just thinking about it, I saw that Ye Feng had come to Dixie's side, but there was no expression on his face.

Seeing this, Dixie immediately stood up and called out to Ye Feng tentatively, "Satan?"

Don't want to Dixie voice just fell, Ye Feng instantly stretched out his hand, a strangled Dixie's neck, directly pulled her whole person up.

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