Dixie is pulled up by Ye Feng, and immediately feels that his hand is very strong. She can't breathe at all. Moreover, when she looks at Ye Feng, her eyes are round and her face is expressionless, she is not Ye Feng she knows well.

At this time, Dixie wondered if there was something wrong with Park hero's experiment. Finally, Ye Feng, who was born again, would have killed himself. If the experiment was normal, it would not have happened.

Dixie thinks that Ye Feng in front of him is determined to kill himself. At this time, he immediately takes out his pistol and shoots Ye Feng twice in a row.

Ye Feng immediately let go of Dixie in his hand, and stepped back two steps. At this time, Dixie was able to breathe, coughing, and tears were coming down.

When Dixie calmed down, he immediately stood up and pointed the gun at Ye Feng in front of him. However, Ye Feng leaned against a container and stroked his abdomen.

Dixis pointed his gun at Ye Feng and said, "Satan, wake up!"

Ye Feng didn't look at Dixie at this time, and the hand caressing the injured part was also released. At this time, his two hands were tightly pinched, and the veins on his neck began to appear.

And at this time, Dixie see Ye Feng's abdomen suddenly dropped two bullets, see Dixie stunned, and the bullet hole after the gun actually slowly healing.

Seeing this, Dixie instinctively took a step back. What did Park hero's experiment transform Ye Feng into? Can you even force the bullet out of the body by yourself, and the wound has the function of self-healing?

At this time, Ye Feng suddenly looked at Ye Feng, sneered at him, and said to Dixie, "do you know the strength of the strongest soldiers?"

Although Ye Feng said the words, his tone was very cold, and his tone was different from that of Ye Feng whom Dixie knew. It was like Virgil's?

Dixie couldn't help looking at Ye Feng and said, "you're not Satan Are you Virgil

Ye Feng said to Dixie, "you can understand that, but you can also say no. I'm talking to you, but Satan is still Satan. I just have the right to control his brain at any time! And even if I don't control his brain, his mind is also a program to carry out my orders! "

After staring at Ye Feng for a long time, he said, "so, you've been planning this day for a long time!"

Virgil, who has Yefeng's body, sneers at Dixie and says, "do you think you have a conversation with Park hero, I don't know? I've known for a long time that I didn't show it because I was worried that Satan would change his mind temporarily, so I pretended not to know and asked him to continue to accept Park hero's experiment. When Park hero reads sada's memory, I can save a separate copy of sada's memory for modification, and then import it into Satan's clone. So now you see Satan , is a New Satan, and will be the representative of the first batch of new human beings! And I will be the creator of the world

After staring at Virgil for a long time, he said coldly, "you are not the God of creation, you will be the demon of destroying the world!"

Virgil sneered, "in fact, it doesn't matter what you call it. If you break it, you can rule it. If you don't break it, you can't stand it. Whether I'm a demon or a god of creation, I'll change the world. Now you have only two choices. I'll give you this opportunity. One is to submit to me and call me the most powerful assistant of creation. When the world is united, you will become the world The supreme ruler of the world, the wife of the Lord of the world! 2、 Now I kill you with Satan's hand. From now on, I can use your clone to recreate countless you. Like Satan you see now, you are just one of my strongest army. You will lose your soul and consciousness, just cold and unconscious killing tools! "

"Don't think about it, I'll choose two!" said Dickens to Virgil without thinking about it Said Dixi Si immediately toward Ye Feng and even fired a few guns, until the bullet in the clip was shot out.

When Virgil was shot, he instinctively stepped back. Until Dixie's bullets were finished, Ye Feng still stood there, but did not move.

The bullets in Virgil's bullet holes are slowly coming out, and eventually all of them fall to the ground, but the wounds heal in an instant, and it can't be seen that they have been shot here.

In this scene, Dixie can't help but take a breath. If such Satan is mass produced, it is estimated that no army in the world will be their opponent, so Virgil's plans may not be wishful thinking.

At this time, Virgil looked at Dixie coldly and said, "Dixie, I'm sorry that you chose two. Although I like you very much, I still turn a blind eye to you after I know that your purpose of staying with me is not pure, but since you have chosen your life path, I respect your choice!"

Said Virgil immediately in front of Dixie, once again a strangled Dixie's neck, Dixie didn't react, immediately was Ye Feng strangled the neck to high up.At this time, Virgil said faintly, "Dixie, I will keep your purest memory here. When I completely rule the world, I will revive you. At that time, I can give you another chance! Look at the powerful me at that time... "

Before Virgil finished, Dixie said with her last strength, "dream..." He spat on Virgil's face.

Virgil's face moved slightly, and he looked at him for a long time. At this moment, his hand began to exert itself, and he didn't talk to him any more.

At this time, Virgil held his hand, but suddenly released it. Without waiting for him to see what was going on, Virgil immediately flew out towards the back and smashed several glass containers in succession. The glass and clone fell all over the ground, and the liquid was flowing everywhere. Finally, Virgil hit the wall and sent out a warning There was a loud bang.

As she felt her neck, she looked at Virgil who had hit the wall in surprise.

And at this time, on one side of Dixie's side, a person slowly stood up. It was Ye Feng who had just been hit on the forehead.

After this leaf maple stands up, turned a head to see a di Xi Si way, "are you all right?"

Dixie's heart suddenly a Lin, don't look at Ye Feng's appearance, just listen to the voice, she knew that this stand up is the real Satan, but at this time she barely have two Satans, see her heart can't help but a burst of curiosity.

Ye Feng, who hit the wall, also came this way. There was a human shaped groove on the wall behind Virgil, which was knocked out by his body.

Virgil just walked a few steps, and in an instant, he was in front of Ye Feng who just got up. In an instant, his fist was hooked towards his chin. Ye Feng was hit by a fist and flew up, smashing many glass containers in the rear. Finally, he banged into the wall, and his whole body was deeply trapped.

Virgil frowned and touched his chin. It was obvious that he had been hit by Ye Feng just now.

At this time, Virgil said coldly, "Park hero is really playing with his life. He can still revive you under my obstacles?"

Ye Feng bumped into the wall, then came down from the wall, and immediately a human shaped groove appeared behind him, on which there were falling brick fragments.

Ye Feng smiles at Virgil, touches his chin and says, "I'm sorry to disappoint you. Your dream of creation may have to stop here!"

With that, Ye Feng suddenly flashed in front of Virgil. In an instant, he beat Virgil in a circle. However, Virgil disappeared in an instant this time. When he reappeared, he was standing behind Ye Feng and immediately kicked Ye Feng's back with his knee.

And Ye Feng also immediately disappeared in front of Virgil. When he reappeared, he had already jumped in the air and directly kicked Virgil's head. Virgil was instantly kicked down by Ye Feng and directly hit the glass container on one side. The glass fragments immediately fell to the ground, and Virgil was directly scratched to the ground by the liquid in the container, and the clone inside They were washed together.

Before Virgil got up, Ye Feng came to him, strangled his neck, lifted him up from the ground, and said coldly, "I'll come to you soon!" As soon as he finished, he immediately broke Virgil's neck, but he knew that it was not Virgil at all, just another clone of himself that he had occupied.

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