At this time, Virgil's double, Ye Feng's clone, has been completely broken by Ye Feng. However, Ye Feng has not let go of the clone in front of him. He goes to the door and brings a fire axe. He directly cuts off the clone's head and immediately spills blood on the floor.

Disis as like as two peas, but now he saw that Ye Feng was so fierce that he could not help but suck a cold air. After all, he killed the same clone as his own.

But Dixie also knew that the clone, including Ye Feng's body, had been transformed. He just twisted his neck. Who knows if he would suddenly get up and continue to pester Ye Feng later. So Ye Feng's method, though fierce and cruel, is the simplest and most direct, and may still be the only way.

Can't help but so, Ye Feng at this time with a fire axe, went to the side, all the containers with their own clones one by one broken, and so on, after the clones come out, immediately go up is an axe.

After all the problems are solved, Ye Feng is also completely relieved. Hongguoguo's body is full of blood. It can be said that the blood on his body at this time is his own.

Seeing this, Dixie went over and said to Ye Feng, "are you ok?"

After shaking his head at Dixie, Ye Feng said that it was OK. Then he went to the side of Park hero and saw that park hero was dying. He immediately put out his hand to wipe off his eyes.

Ye Feng said to park Yingxiong's body, "don't worry, I will find your wife and daughter. If they are still alive, it's best. If they die, I will find their DNA and give them a chance to be reborn!" Said Ye Feng immediately pulled a park hero's hair, and then got up to give Dixie said, "put his hair away, I owe him a life, if there is a chance, clone him, let him revive!"

After Dixie collected Park hero's hair, Ye Feng went to one side and found the body of a man who was similar to his body. After he stripped off his clothes and put them on, he walked towards the door.

Seeing this, he immediately asked Ye Feng, "where are you going?"

Ye Feng said to Dixie, "you go to save Zhuo wanqiu and Scarlett. I'll go to find Virgil! When it's over, I'll go back to you! "

As soon as she heard this, she said, "I'll go with you, one more man and one more helper."

Ye Feng looked back and said, "the only thing I need help now is someone to help me save Zhuo wanqiu and Scarlett!"

Zhuo wanqiu listened to what Ye Feng said, and then nodded. Then she went to Ye Feng, handed him a small card and said, "this is the emergency card of the elevator. You keep it for use. I don't know if I can use it. Anyway, my fingerprints have been banned!"

Ye Feng a listen to this words, immediately eyebrow a wrinkly way, "I don't need, you keep yourself to use, you use more convenient than me!"

Dixi Si is surprised to see leaf Feng way, "that you?"

Ye Feng said to Dixie, "I don't need it!" Then he came to the end of the corridor, turned back and said, "do you think I need it?"

Dixie's face moved slightly. Ye Feng's gene had been modified. The speed was beyond his imagination. Then he shrugged to Ye Feng and said, "I really don't need it!"

After Ye Feng said goodbye, he immediately turned around and left. After taking a deep breath, he walked towards the elevator and picked up two guns on the road!

At this time, Ye Feng went down the building directly from the safe passage, from the underpass to the building where Virgil was, and then from the safe passage to the floor where Virgil was.

When I got to the corridor, I found that there were full of people standing here, maybe all of them were cloned by Virgil using cloning technology.

Everyone holds a gun in his hand, but Ye Feng only has a fire axe in his hand. When those people see Ye Feng coming, they take out pistols one after another and shoot at Ye Feng.

At this time, Ye Feng jumps directly, and then his body disappears. When he appears again, he has arrived at the door of Virgil's office.

The people standing in the corridor were stunned for a moment. When they reacted again, it was because of the pain on their body. Then they saw that they were either missing a hand or missing an arm. The whole corridor was full of arms and hands. There was blood everywhere on the walls and the ground of the corridor, and then they all cried bitterly.

Ye Feng didn't even look at it. Then he kicked the door of Virgil's office open. As soon as the door opened, he saw Virgil in it.

While Virgil was sitting in front of the sofa, holding a glass of red wine, as if no one was drinking. After a sip, he looked up at Ye Feng, and then looked at the corridor outside.

Virgil then said with a smile to Ye Feng, "how about it? Is the body of the strongest soldier extraordinary? "

Ye Feng coldly said to Virgil, "the strongest soldier? Now your best soldiers are killing you! You don't seem nervous at all? "

Virgil said to Ye Feng, "now in this scene, I thought that among thousands of calculation results, there will always be such a result!"Ye Feng can't help frowning. He doesn't know what Virgil said. Then he hums coldly to Virgil, "since you know the result, come and die!"

With that, Ye Feng doesn't talk to Virgil, so he throws his fire axe at Virgil sitting on the sofa.

When the fire axe is about to arrive in front of Virgil, Ye Feng has already arrived behind Virgil. He strangles Virgil's neck to prevent Virgil from escaping. He wants Virgil to see with his own eyes how the fire axe cuts into his skull.

Virgil was so strangled by Ye Feng, but he didn't panic or even resist. He let the fire axe directly hit him in the head.

But the result is different from what Ye Feng thought. He just heard a bang, and the ax was spread out by Virgil's skull, and fell to the ground with a bang.

Ye Feng can't help but be stunned. Virgil's hand has already strangled Ye Feng's hand. He tries to break it out, and it's so easy to break off Ye Feng's hand.

Virgil immediately stood up, facing Ye Feng's abdomen is a foot, instantly put Ye Feng to kick fly, heavily hit the wall, the wall suddenly appeared a collapse.

At the same time, Virgil has arrived in front of Ye Feng, grabbed Ye Feng's hair and pulled him out. The wall behind collapsed in an instant.

Virgil has been dragging Ye Feng to the sofa, and then swept his feet on Ye Feng's legs. Ye Feng immediately knelt down in front of Virgil with a plop.

Virgil just released his hand and said with a smile, "how about it? Are you surprised? "

Ye Feng then looked up at Virgil. Virgil really surprised him, but he seemed to have noticed something.

When Ye Feng began to strangle Virgil's neck, he felt that Virgil's body was extremely hard. Although the surface layer was the same as normal people, with soft tissues such as skin and flesh, the body under the skin was extremely strong.

Virgil then stretched out a hand toward Ye Feng, and then clapped it on the coffee table in front of him. The coffee table collapsed in an instant.

Ye Feng can't help frowning, "you're not human?"

Virgil said with a smile to Ye Feng, "since you choose to be my enemy, I might as well let you die to understand! Not only am I not human, but I am not Virgil

Listening to Virgil say so, Ye Feng's face can't help looking at Virgil.

Virgil looked at Ye Feng and said, "there is no Virgil in the world. Dante Emma has no twin brother at all! I It's Dante Emma

Ye Feng's face suddenly sank and looked at Virgil, but listened to Virgil continue to say, "I have been engaged in this research since many years ago. The one who died on Stewart Island is just a clone of me! And the real me, already out of the existence of the body

As he spoke, Virgil stood up and pulled his hand hard. The flesh on his hand was torn away by him, and behind the flesh was a metal arm.

Virgil looked at Ye Feng with an air of pride. "How about that? Didn't you think of it? My body is invincible now! "

Ye Feng slowly stood up and looked at Virgil. He never thought that Virgil in front of him was not only Dante Emma, but also a robot?

Virgil, no, it should be Dante Emma. At this time, she said with a smile to Ye Feng, "if there is no body, there will be no life and death. Now I am a person who has nothing to do with life and death!"

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