Dante Emma continued to say triumphantly to Ye Feng, "the so-called immortality, the body always can't get rid of the law of birth, aging and death, even if it changes the body's genes, it's just to prolong life. Life will have a beginning and an end, even if it's not dead for a thousand years, after a thousand years? What I really pursue is immortality. To achieve immortality, I have to get rid of the bondage of the body. Even if I change the body every three or five times, there will always be shortcomings. After all, the body is the body. There are many restrictions. The real immortality is to get rid of the body and get eternal consciousness, and I have really achieved this! "

After listening to Dante Emma's words, Ye Feng frowned and looked at Dante Emma's robot arm. After a long time, he said, "what you're doing now is a machine. Many of the fun of being human is gone. Even if you live forever, what can you do? Can you get the happiness of being a man? "

Dante Emma looked at Ye Feng with disdain and said, "I've talked to you so much, and I feel like I'm playing the piano to a cow! No, now is to play the piano to people, because in my eyes, the smallness of human beings is no different from that of cattle. If you have read the Bible and the mythological records of various countries, you will know that as a God, there is no need for any kind of happiness as a human being, because God's happiness is eternal, and can change with time. Slowly, the years are long, I am even Now I don't find happiness, but it will always let me find happiness, and you, you human beings, are doomed to a short life of pain

Ye Feng stares at Dante Emma for a long time. This guy has gone crazy. He no longer regards himself as a human being. He even takes himself as a God. He has nothing to say to Dante Emma.

Seeing that Ye Feng was speechless, Dante Emma sneered and said, "I don't feel like I'm on the same plane with you now. What you see is always the tiny and extremely pitiful world outlook of human beings. As a God, my world outlook is magnificent, for the sake of the continuation of the whole earth's civilization. Now human beings are fighting for a little resources all day long. If we can't fight for a little bit of resources, we'll live and die All the people in the world don't need water, food or oil, so they can live together peacefully. In the future, people will eliminate all diseases, even without the threat of death, and even move towards the center of the universe. At that time, your descendants will always remember me. I brought the earth civilization to the center of the universe... "

Then he looked at Ye Feng with an apologetic face and said, "Oh, I'm sorry, you won't have offspring, because my strongest soldier experiment will continue, and I will create countless you to personally destroy everything inherent in this world, and then create a new world!"

Ye Feng said to Dante Emma, "even if you rule the world, you have killed all human beings. What's the significance of your rule? What did you rule at that time? Is it a large group of lower animals on earth? Or a bunch of cold machines with no emotion? "

Dante Emma is stunned by Ye Feng's words. She looks at Ye Feng for a long time and doesn't answer Ye Feng's question.

Even Dante Emma asked herself, yes, if I kill all human beings, who do I rule?

Seeing Dante Emma's rare surprise, Ye Feng sneered at Dante Emma and said, "even you don't think about it clearly. You think you are a God. In fact, you are just one of the failures of human beings. You think you have mastered the ability to surpass human beings. In fact, you are just a cold machine, even if you really become a God The same God in the story, you are doomed to be a loser, the name of a loser, even if you live forever, you will always bear it

As soon as Dante Emma heard this, her face suddenly sank. The robot arm on her hand immediately stretched towards Ye Feng. When she got to Ye Feng, she immediately strangled Ye Feng's neck and said, "what do you say?"

Ye Feng was strangled by Dante Emma's robotic arm and couldn't move, but he still sneered, "what? When I say that I'm in the right mind, is that going to make me angry? "

When Dante Emma heard this, her face moved slightly. Not to mention that the surface of the robot is intelligent, it can analyze Dante Emma's emotions and show them on the surface made by others.

Don't want to at the moment, Dante Emma suddenly loosened Ye Feng's neck, as if lost in thought.

At this time, Ye Feng touched his neck, looked at Dante Emma and said, "you can't even be a man, so you want to be a God? Don't be paranoid

Dante Emma immediately stares at Ye Feng and says, "I've just become a God. I need to learn and adapt to everything. Now I have the same ability as a God, but I don't have the experience of being a God. It won't take long for me to be familiar with my identity Even a hundred years later, a thousand years later, I still exist, I can change, but you don't have this opportunity. Although you have a strong consciousness and soul in your body, it's useless. As human beings, you are doomed to grow old and die. No matter how strong your soul and consciousness are, it's doomed to disappear one day, but I am eternal and immortal !”

Dante Emma then added to Ye Feng, but her face was quite ostentatious and said, "I've connected to all the computers on the island. Although I can't completely control them, I'm learning, and you may not know that what I'm talking about learning is just machine-based learning. As long as I scan all the knowledge, it's knowledge My knowledge, and now it's just a local area network on the island. After I can master the Internet of the whole world, I can dominate the whole world through the Internet. At that time, I didn't need to go anywhere, so I can convey my intention to the whole world and control the whole world... "Listening to Dante Emma, Ye Feng said to him, "why do you want to tell me this?"

When Dante Emma heard this, she was shocked. Yes, she was so strong that she killed Ye Feng like an ant. But why did she say so much to Ye Feng?

Naturally, Dante Emma also knows that many villains die of talking too much, but Dante Emma does not think that he is a villain. He will be the Savior of the world, and he is the only protagonist. Anyone who opposes or disobeys himself is just a pedant, and even has no qualification to be a villain.

But why do you want to talk to Ye Feng so much? Dante Emma still can't figure it out.

At this time, Ye Feng's words seemed to wake up Dante Emma. He said to Dante Emma, "you are just lonely. Even if everything you say is possible, you have no one who can share these with you. So you are just lonely. You can't wait to share your so-called achievements with me. You want to see me worship God What kind of worship you, like a devout general worship you, you are just too lonely, too lonely, so you need someone to know what you do! So as to confirm your point of view, to support your weak mind, hope to get others' approval, think that everything you do is right, and if other people do not obey you, they are ignorant, poor, even hateful, and should be killed! "

Dante Emma listened to Ye Feng's words and looked at Ye Feng for a long time. Then she hummed coldly, "well, so what? There will be only one protagonist in the world, that is me. Except me, all of you are poor people who can be controlled by me. You will be happy because of my happiness and painful because of my pain..."

But Ye Feng sneered, "God, where is the pain? If you still feel pain, loneliness and loneliness, you are not a God. You are just a false god. No, the false gods seem to be praising you. In the final analysis, you are just a humble human who suddenly has powerful ability. This is just a typical upstart mentality of human beings. You call yourself a God, and it's not true In fact, you are just a poor man

Dante Emma said angrily, "shut up! You don't deserve to comment on me! "

Ye Feng continued to sneer, "God is not happy, angry, sad and happy, what do you think you are like?"

As soon as Dante Emma heard this, the robot arm on her hand immediately extended to Ye Feng, but her mouth said to Ye Feng, "I shouldn't have said so much to a humble human like you. You should die. I thought highly of you before!"

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