However, as soon as Dante Emma's hand arrived at Ye Feng's body, Ye Feng disappeared in front of him. After reappearance, Ye Feng was already behind Dante Emma.

Ye Feng had a fire axe in his hand at this time, and he started to use it when he just moved. Just after he got behind Dante Emma, he immediately chopped it down at Dante Emma's neck.

After a loud bang, Ye Feng felt that his hands were shocked and numb. Dante Emma's neck was even harder than steel. After an axe was chopped down, he didn't cut it off. He just cut his skin and flesh, and the metal inside was clearly visible.

Ye Feng can't help but be surprised. Even if Dante Emma's body is metal, even if he doesn't cut it off, at least he has a problem. Come on, Dante Emma's neck is not affected at all.

At this time, a strange scene happened to Dante Emma in front of Ye Feng. His head actually turned around his neck. Originally, he was facing the front of his head, but now he was facing the rear. It seems that it is impossible for a normal person to twist his neck to this extent.

But it's not surprising to know that Dante Emma is not a human being, but just a robot.

But at this time, Dante Emma sneered at Ye Feng and said, "you have been transformed. You have the speed of the wind and the power of thunder, but you still can't damage me, because the metal on your body is not ordinary metal at all!"

Just then, Dante Emma's arms began to turn back, and his steps began to move back, as if his body had been completely adjusted in one direction.

But Dante Emma's hand reached to her neck and pulled the skin that had just been cut by Ye Feng's axe. She pulled hard and drove away all the skin on him.

In Ye Feng's eyes, this scene is still very strange, just like the painting skin in the story of Liaozhai. He takes off the human skin directly, revealing his inner pure silver and black metal body.

Ye Feng saw that Dante Emma's skin was crumpled and thrown on the ground. Only his head was still wearing a human skin mask, which made him feel more strange, just like a human head growing on a metal machine.

At this time, Dante Emma began to pull the human skin on her head again. In a moment, the skin on her face began to wrinkle, and then quickly pulled out of shape, just like a hat. It was pulled apart by Dante Emma's robot arm, revealing his head.

It seems that there are countless small pieces of metal assembled on the face, and each piece of metal can move independently. Maybe Dante Emma's facial expression after putting on human skin depends on these metals It's done with a movie.

On the top half of the metal head, there are two black round holes, which project a faint blue halo. It's the part of the eyes. The nose and mouth in the lower part are also made of metal. There are two nostrils on the nose, which are not very deep, but they are dead. They are not ventilated at all, just to stick on people's clothes so that others can't see them.

But the teeth in the mouth are still white, but they are also metal. They are only painted with white paint. Although the whole face looks like a piece of black metal, Ye Feng can see that the manufacturing process is exquisite, which makes Dante Emma not look like a product of earth technology. No wonder no one found him after he put on human skin He's a metal robot.

Dante Emma then opened her mouth and said to Ye Feng, "now you see who I am?"

Ye Feng saw that when Dante Emma opened his mouth, there was a tongue in his mouth, but the tongue was also metal, which was a kind of soft metal body that could stretch and wriggle like a real tongue.

Dante Emma saw that Ye Feng was staring at her. At this time, she moved her arms and feet in front of Ye Feng, as if she was deliberately showing Ye Feng his body.

Ye Feng saw Dante Emma's elbow and knee joints, hands and legs moving, the two parts of the machine seemed to move in general, even as flexible as a human.

Dante Emma then said to Ye Feng, "you must be very strange, why can I use such a perfect body?"

Ye Feng didn't speak. Dante Emma was willing to say that if he didn't ask much, he would also say that if he didn't want to, it was useless to ask, and he would be hanging his appetite.

Dante Emma said to Ye Feng, "this secret you will never know!" With a flash of blue light in his empty eyes, he continued to say to Ye Feng, "to show you my lineup is to let you know that you can never be my opponent. As the God of the world, I am generous and tolerant. I can forgive what you have done before and give you the last chance to surrender to me!"

Ye Feng sneered at Dante Emma and said, "you are a God, and you are so naive. Besides, shouldn't God be omnipotent and omniscient? If you are a God, should you know how many times I have scolded you in my heart? "On hearing this, Dante Emma's nose metal move, like a real person in anger when the nose will shrink, immediately toward Ye Feng way, "ignorant human, you now look for death, I will not be merciful!"

As soon as the words came to an end, Dante Emma's hand immediately turned towards Ye Feng, but Ye Feng immediately dodged. However, when he just appeared, Dante Emma's arm came to Ye Feng again, but Dante Emma's body didn't move. His double metal walls extended infinitely, as if ye Feng had gone to the ends of the earth, Dante Emma's arm can be traced.

Ye Feng dodges for several times. After appearing again, Dante Emma's arms immediately come to him. Not only does his arm seem to be infinitely elongated, but also it seems that he can completely judge the position of the next appearance after Ye Feng dodges.

Dante Emma then sneered at Ye Feng with pride, "do you think that after the body transformation, the world will be invincible? Yes, if I didn't exist, it might be so, but as long as I am there, I will always be your nemesis. Do you think I control the strongest soldiers only by modifying the memory code? There is also a risk in modifying the memory code. In case there is a person like you who is not in charge, I can take his life at any time! "

After several dodges, Ye Feng finds that he can't avoid Dante Emma's body at all, and Ye Feng also realizes that even if he can avoid it, he can only guarantee that he won't be attacked by Dante Emma for the time being, but it's almost impossible to kill Dante Emma.

Not to mention that Dante Emma's body is made of special material, and she can't cut it with an axe. Even if she sweeps it with a machine gun, it's just scratching Dante Emma.

Ye Feng's goal is not to spend unlimited time with Dante Emma. The reason why he accepts the transformation plan is to kill Virgil, that is Dante Emma. But after the transformation, Ye Feng does find that his body is stronger than before, but in front of Dante Emma, he is just a pile of slightly strengthened meat Already.

And Ye Feng also can see that Dante Emma has not taken a fatal blow to himself so far, but more like showing his special body to himself, showing off more ingredients.

However, this is also in line with my understanding of Dante Emma. Dante Emma, who was human before, is indeed such a flaunting character. Even if he turns from a human into a robot, and even if he can really become a God in his mouth in the future, it's hard to change this character, isn't it?

Thinking of this, Ye Feng dodges his body and observes Dante Emma's steel body. He doesn't believe that there are really flawless and perfect things in the world. Whether it's human or robot, there must be his weakness, but he hasn't found the weakness of Dante Emma's body so far.

Dante Emma was still elated at this time. He felt like a cat who had caught mice all the time. The cat would never catch mice and eat them. Instead, he kept them for a good play. After pleasing himself, he felt dull and bored, and then ate the old mouse.

Although Dante Emma is not willing to accept that she is a lower cat than human beings, there are some similarities.

The most important thing is that Dante Emma looks at Ye Feng in order to avoid his arm, constantly hiding, dodging left and right, which makes him have a kind of unexplained pleasure.

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