This kind of pleasure is a kind of revenge pleasure. Before in TSL, Ye Feng's name of Satan was always on Dante Emma's head. Dante Emma, who was about to be crushed for so many years, was out of breath.

Now it's rare to have such an opportunity to let Dante Emma find this kind of revenge pleasure, but in Dante Emma's heart, he is not just hatred for Ye Feng.

Dante Emma really appreciates Ye Feng. Otherwise, with his current ability, Ye Feng will die when he just landed on the island.

All in all, Dante Emma's love for Ye Feng is both love and hate. After all, she grew up with Dixie and crawled out of the dead.

In addition, although he has been oppressed by the name of Satan, in fact, Dante Emma also knows that he is not as good as Satan in some aspects.

Therefore, after comprehensive consideration, Dante Emma still decided to give Ye Feng an opportunity. As long as Ye Feng is willing to be loyal to himself, then he will undoubtedly have an effective general under his command.

What's more, the reason why he resurrected him is that he also has a kind of vague emotion towards him, and even has some similarities with Yefeng and Dixie.

Ye Feng and Dixie are on top of the ambiguous friendship, and their love is not full. But he is just a kind of simple Acacia to Dixie, but this kind of acacia is not the pure desire for hegemony. At this point, Dante Emma always thinks that she is a gentleman. Moreover, in Dante Emma's mind, love is not the most important thing in his life, power and land You are the first.

After playing with Ye Feng for a while, Dante Emma put away her robot arm, slowly went to the desk, picked up a cigar on the desk, and then lit a fire with her finger. After a puff, she looked at Ye Feng and said, "you are not in the same level with me at all. Even if I kill you, I have no pleasure at all!"

Ye Feng stopped at this time, looking at Dante Emma's whole body is full of metal. He even smokes a cigar like a human being. It's almost the same as when he was a human being before. In fact, it's also a side proof that smoking addiction is just a heart addiction, even if it's the human body from which Dante Emma left, and the demand for cigars There was no reduction.

At this time, Dante Emma stretched out her hand towards the back of the desk. The robot arm stretched directly over the desk, grabbed the back of the chair, dragged the chair to the front of the desk. Then she sat on the chair, cocked up her legs, and continued to look at Ye Feng. "I wanted to kill you, but it didn't feel interesting, it didn't mean anything, I thought before After a showdown with you many times, what will be the scene? I have thought about how sorry and excited I will be when I kill you. But just now, I suddenly felt so much that I didn't mean anything! Only then did I understand that human beings would never feel sorry and excited because they ran over an ant. I think I am in such a mood now! "

Although Dante Emma is a machine at this time, Ye Feng can see some compassion from Dante Emma's black and silver face.

Of course, Ye Feng will never believe that Dante Emma will have compassion. He is still playing with himself.

Dante Emma looks at Ye Feng and doesn't speak. At this moment, her arm rotates 180 degrees backward directly. She picks up a cigar from the table and stretches her robotic arm to Ye Feng in the distance. She hands the cigar to Ye Feng.

Ye Feng glances at Dante Emma, and finally picks up a cigar. Dante Emma's index finger suddenly bursts into a string of flames, actually lighting a cigarette for Ye Feng.

Ye Feng took a look at it and lit his cigar. After smoking, he looked at Dante Emma and said, "if you don't kill me, I want to kill you!"

Dante Emma shrugged, "do you think you still have this chance?"

Ye Feng looked at Dante Emma, eyes in Dante Emma's body constantly scurrying, mouth but toward Dante Emma said, "this world is fair, anything can't be absolutely perfect, you must have some weakness, but I haven't found it yet, so you'd better solve me before I find your weakness, no But it may be your own death

Dante Emma laughs. After smoking a cigar, she looks at Ye Feng with her empty eyes and says, "you are right. There is no perfect thing in this world, but this law is not included in me. I It's God God is perfect

Ye Feng smell speech can't help a sneer way, "you are really enough fart!"

Dante Emma immediately shrugged her shoulders and said, "there's no way. What I'm talking about is the fact, and the fact is often the most unacceptable! But the truth is often cruel! "

At this point, Dante Emma put down her cocked legs, leaned forward slightly, looked at Dante Emma and said, "you know who I am. Just as you are, I also know very well. I know that you are the one who will give you a chance, and you will be willing to give it a try. If there are any shortcomings in my body And bug, I will waste time with you here, give you the time and opportunity to find my shortcomings? "Ye Feng can't help but move. In fact, what Dante Emma said is right. If there are any shortcomings in Dante Emma, Dante Emma knows who she is and knows that as long as she gives her time, she will be able to find out. At that time, it was absolutely fatal for Dante Emma, and Dante Emma would never give herself this opportunity, but now Dante Emma is so weak Lightly, I would rather chat with myself here than start with myself. Is it true that his body of steel has no shortcomings? Or because Dante Emma hasn't found out yet.

The law of nature is the law of iron. It is impossible to have problems. As long as there are things that exist, there must be two sides. If there is a strong side, there will be a weak side. Even if Dante Emma, a man of steel, is invulnerable and inviolable, there must be some other weakness that she or even Dante Emma did not find.

But at this time, when Dante Emma saw that Ye Feng was still looking at herself and didn't speak, he immediately took another puff of cigarette and said to Ye Feng, "you don't need to change. I can tell you directly that the material of my body is not owned by the earth at all. It's a metal material that doesn't exist on the earth at all. It can be as hard as iron or as soft as water , full of toughness. There will never be another material like this on the earth. With such a material body, what do you think I have to worry about? "

Then he shrugged his shoulders and said, "well, as far as I'm concerned, my most abundant time is time. I can let you look for it slowly. To tell you the truth, I also want to know what weakness I have. Just help me and find out this weakness together!"

Ye Feng continued to smoke cigarettes, eyes in Dante Emma's body after a look, "you don't worry, will find it!"

Dante Emma shrugged again. "That's the best!" Then he stood up, put out his cigar in the ashtray, and said, "Dixie should be coming with your two confidants soon, too?"

Ye Feng's face changed slightly. Although Dante Emma didn't see it, she said, "compared with me, you have many shortcomings. I can make use of too much, so people are just tiny ants. It's not worth mentioning!"

Ye Feng said to Dante Emma, "now I just want to know that since you are Dante Emma, there is no Virgil in the world. What about Monica?"

After hearing this, Dante Emma looked back at Ye Feng and said, "do you finally think of Monica? I thought you wouldn't ask! "

Ye Feng did not speak, continue to look at Dante Emma, mouth with a cigar, eyes or in Dante Emma's body spin.

In fact, time is very important for Ye Feng. He is really curious about Monica's life experience, but the main purpose is to delay time so that he can find the weakness of Dante Emma.

Dante Emma sighed, "Monica is my sister or my daughter!"

Speaking of this, Dante Emma looked at Ye Feng and said, "I do have a sister named Monica, which is the memory in my mind, the memory that existed before I was bound to Stewart Island, but I don't know if Monica is still in the world now! And you know Monica, I created a pure clone! She just borrowed my sister Monica's name

Ye Feng can't help but wonder, "pure clone?"

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