Dante Emma nodded and said, "yes, she is a combination of many people's genes, combined with their many advantages. I used cloning technology to create people. Other clones have ontologies, and she, so to speak, has no ontologies, so she is a pure clone! I created her. It's no problem to say that she is my daughter. But for me, it doesn't make any difference whether she is my sister or my daughter. There is only one meaning of her existence! "

Before Ye Feng spoke, Dante Emma continued to speak, and Ye Feng did not intend to ask. He knew that since Dante Emma had said this, even if he did not ask, he would certainly say it.

At this time, Dante Emma continued, "I believe you have guessed that what I need is the perfect serum in her body!"

Indeed, as Dante Emma said, Ye Feng did guess. In fact, there is no need to guess anything at all. It is such a problem.

Dante Emma then said to Ye Feng, "although she was created for the perfect serum, I didn't mean to harm her! I love her all the time! You should see that, too! "

Ye Feng sneered at Dante Emma and said, "I love the money in my bank and the jewelry, too!"

Dante Emma looked at Ye Feng and said, "what you said is not wrong. It's true that she did this to her because of her value. But it's true that she exists because of this. It's just like some of your confidants. You are willing to fight to save them. What's your plan? Is it because you are born dedicated? I don't think so. First of all, their beauty. Second, they can bring you physical and mental pleasure. I haven't seen you go through fire and water for an ugly girl. How many livestock and poultry do you have to kill in the vegetable market every day, and I didn't see you save them? "

Dante Emma said with a faint smile, "so, is there any essential difference between the beauty of your confidante or the spiritual enjoyment it brings you and the perfect serum of Monica? It's just taking what you need! "

Ye Feng was speechless when he heard what Dante Emma said. Although he also knew that Dante Emma had changed some concepts, which made his words seem reasonable, in fact, when it comes to the deepest essence, it is such a truth.

Even if you simply make a friend, it's not because a friend needs you, but because you need a friend. When you need a friend, someone will come forward. When you need to talk, someone will be willing to be a garbage can. When you need to be alone, someone will accompany you. So after tracing the source, it's right that all interpersonal relationships are purposeful.

However, Ye Feng is not in the mood to discuss with Dante Emma whether human nature is evil or good. His purpose has never changed, that is, to find the weakness of Dante Emma, which has not changed from beginning to end. Everything else can be thought about slowly after he killed Dante Emma, even if he applied to a course in philosophy department.

And at this time, Ye Feng suddenly thought of a problem, heart suddenly a Lin, secretly scold oneself how so silly, such a simple flaw, he did not find, and Dixie also repeatedly remind himself.

Ye Feng thought of this, a hand to throw away the cigar, and then a flash to Dante Emma's office door.

Didn't Dixie say before that she had never seen Virgil leave the office? If this is true, then this may be the only weakness Dante Emma has found herself.

Seeing this, Dante Emma's face suddenly changed and said to Ye Feng at the door, "what? Can't think of a way to deal with me, just want to run away? That's not your style! "

Ye Feng stares at Dante Emma and says, "it's really not my style, but I know it's not your opponent, and I'm still here to show off my ability. It's not my style either!"

Dante Emma's face is slightly moving to look at Ye Feng, this time under the foot of a strong pedal, the whole body directly jumped up, instantly fell in front of Ye Feng.

But Dante Emma just stood at the door looking at Ye Feng, staring at Ye Feng for a long time, also did not speak.

But Ye Feng said to Dante Emma, "what? Can't get out? With what you can do now, you can't let me leave! "

After staring at Ye Feng for a long time, Dante Emma said, "what do you know?"

Ye Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "I don't know what, but I've never seen you leave this office. It's said that you can't leave here. I just want to see if the rumor is true!"

Dante Emma's face changed slightly, and then she snorted, "it must be Dixie, so I shouldn't have been soft hearted to keep her!"

Ye Feng looked at Dante Emma and said, "can you come out and catch me? If you don't catch me, I'll go! "

Ye Feng immediately turned around and left. At this time, Dante Emma immediately stretched out her hand towards the door. As soon as his hand reached out to the door, there was a power grid, which completely held Dante Emma. Because his hand had touched the power grid, he immediately felt a shiver all over his body, and then made a "bang" sound, which immediately killed his whole body It bounces off.Dante Emma's body was directly hit by the bullet behind a wall, the wall immediately split a gap.

Hearing this, Ye Feng immediately turns to see that Dante Emma's whole body is trapped in the wall, and the metal body is still shaking.

Although Ye Feng has heard Dixie remind himself several times that he may not be able to leave the office, he has never known why and what will happen if Dante Emma leaves.

Now this is the first time that Ye Feng has seen Dante Emma punished. He can't help but be surprised.

Although I know that Dante Emma really can't leave this office, Ye Feng's heart is not more relaxed, but more strange.

Dante Emma is already against heaven, but what is the power to prevent Dante Emma from leaving here? Why are you keeping Dante Emma here?

It seems that a bigger mystery has emerged, and what is behind it? What's the plot? The more I think about it, the more I think about it, the more I think about it.

After a while, Dante Emma's body, which was trapped in the wall, did not tremble any more. She came out directly from the wall. As soon as she came out, the sunken corner of the wall suddenly had some debris falling to the ground.

After Dante Emma came out, she immediately moved her body and glared at Ye Feng at the door.

Ye Feng can't help but say to Dante Emma, "it seems that you really can't get out of this room?" Then he said with a smile, "what kind of God are you? The God of autism? "

As soon as Dante Emma heard this, her face suddenly changed. Then she jumped towards the door again, and landed at the door with a bang.

Seeing this, Ye Feng didn't step back. Instead, he moved closer to the door and said to Dante Emma, "what's up? God of autism! You want to try again? Don't you say you have no shortcomings? "

Dante Emma immediately extended her hand to the door, but just as his hand was about to reach the door, the electric current at the door immediately appeared, making a sound of electric current. Dante Emma was still strong, but when she saw the electric current, her face suddenly moved again. Her hand was in the air, but she didn't show it again.

Seeing this, Ye Feng is even more unscrupulous. No matter how tough Dante Emma is, as long as he can't get out of this place, no matter how powerful his ability is, he can't beat him.

However, another problem has emerged, that is, if Dante Emma does not come out, even if he wants to kill him, he may have no way to do it. What's more, even if Dante Emma can come out, he may not have any ability to kill him.

Dante Emma snorted angrily, as if she were talking to herself or someone else, "why? Why give me such a body, but also give me such a limit? "

However, the answer to Dante Emma is only a dead silence, there is no response to Dante Emma.

When Dante Emma frowned, she immediately looked at Ye Feng and said, "if you have the ability, come in!"

Ye Feng smiles and takes out a cigarette from his pocket to light it. Then he takes a puff of smoke towards Dante Emma in the door. Then he says in a whisper, "you can come out if you have the ability!"

Dante Emma stood at the door and glared at Ye Feng for a long time. Finally, she turned around and walked toward the sofa, but said nothing.

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