Ye Feng listen to Dante Emma say so, can't help but heart something a Lin, this island actually has underground space? And can it stop Dante Emma from entering such a powerful consciousness? Is it Dante Emma's so-called God, hidden in it?

Thinking of this, Ye Feng immediately asked Dante Emma, "where is this underground space?"

Dante Emma immediately stood up, went to the desk, picked up the pen and paper, quickly drew a map on the paper, then shook her hand, the paper flew towards the door, like a blade,

Ye Feng immediately reached for it, felt a pain in her palm, and saw that her palm was scratched by the paper, but the wound soon healed Yes.

Seeing this, Ye Feng knows that if Dante Emma can really come out, he can't be his opponent. He has completely achieved the point of picking leaves and flying flowers. In addition to his omnipotent body which can't be separated from this room, even if his body has been strengthened, how can he be his opponent?

But Ye Feng didn't think much about it. He looked at the map on the paper, and his face moved slightly. It was like a map made by a computer. The map was vertical and horizontal, and the route was detailed. It was almost the whole island map of Suxi island. Every building was clearly marked. Compared with the map he had drawn for himself before, it was very clear Mustache's map is like a kindergarten child's doodling, while Dante Emma's chapter is like a professional cartographer's drawing with sophisticated instruments.

Ye Feng couldn't help looking up at Dante Emma, frowning slightly and saying, "you're a map..."

Dante Emma walked to the door and said to Yefeng, "what? Isn't it detailed? "

But Ye Feng shook his head and said, "no, I just didn't expect that you still have these abilities!"

Dante Emma said to Ye Feng, "since I have this body, many incredible things can happen to me. Drawing a map is nothing at all!"

Ye Feng took a look at the place marked with the entrance of underground space on the map, then looked up at Dante Emma and said, "what else is incredible?"

Dante Emma took a look at Ye Feng and said, "there are too many. For example, I realize that I can connect to the computer on the island..."

Before Dante Emma finished, Ye Feng immediately asked, "what about other computers in the world?"

Dante Emma shook her head and said, "the computers on the island are connected to the local area network. The network of Suxi island can't connect with the outside world. If I can leave Suxi island and enter the world Internet, it shouldn't be a problem!"

Ye Feng stares at Dante Emma for a long time. He knows that what Dante Emma said is right. If Dante Emma is really allowed to leave here, then he can access the Internet. It will be a disaster.

But Ye Feng didn't say anything. He just took a look at Dante Emma and said, "so, you're AI?"

Dante Emma looked at Ye Feng and said, "maybe it's more advanced than artificial intelligence, but I don't know many functions now. My mind is always on how to leave here, so the research on my body is still limited. Moreover, even if I have the ability now, I can do everything on the Island, so I'm not in a hurry to study it..."

Speaking of this, Dante Emma looked at Ye Feng with a slight sigh and said, "of course, what I said is omnipotent, not including leaving here!"

Ye Feng then looked at Dante Emma, then put away the map, nodded and said, "OK, I'll go and have a look now!" Then he turned and left immediately.

Don't want to Dante Emma immediately stopped Ye Feng way, "wait a minute!"

Ye Feng stopped, looked back at Dante Emma and said, "what's the matter?"

After staring at Ye Feng for a long time, Dante Emma said, "if you help me like this, I'm not afraid that once I get out of trouble, it will be bad for you!"

Ye Feng immediately said, "of course, I'm worried, but compared with the God behind you, you're pathetic!"

After hearing this, Dante Emma not only didn't get angry, but nodded and said, "you're right. In front of him, I'm a mole ant, but my worry is also here. You're not even my opponent. If you meet him after you go in, you can't be his opponent at all!"

Ye Feng can't help nodding and said, "you're right. Even if it's OK, I'll leave the island. I won't ask about it, and I'm happy to be at ease!"

Dante Emma immediately said to Ye Feng, "if you leave this island, if he has any conspiracy to do harm to the whole mankind, even if you leave, you can't settle down!"

When Ye Feng heard that Yan was staring at Dante Emma for a long time, he said, "if he really has any conspiracy to do harm to the whole human race, then he is not a God, he is a devil!"

As soon as Dante Emma heard this, she looked at Ye Feng slightly, but she murmured, "devil?"

Ye Feng continued to say to Dante Emma, "yes, the so-called gods, which benefit all people, can be called gods. How many of those who harm the common people will be called gods? Including you, if you use your ability to really change the world, for the sake of all people, maybe you can really become a God, but if you just want to achieve your own self-interest, even if all your care is implemented, you are just a devil in the end No, demons overestimate you. There are more powerful demons on you. Then you are just a demon at most! "Dante Emma listen to Ye Feng said, for a long time did not speak, just staring at Ye Feng.

And Ye Feng then continued, "and since your God has the ability to raise you up, and has given you such great ability, have you ever thought of another question, how many such you your God has created in the world? If so, then your status will drop in a straight line. Even the devil will not count. At most, it is just one of his many minions! "

Listen to Ye Feng say so, Dante Emma still didn't speak for a long time, after a long time, this just said to Ye Feng, "what you said may be right, but you still have to be careful!"

Ye Feng said to Dante Emma, "are you worried that no one will help you get out of here after I go to die?"

Speaking of this, Ye Feng added to Dante Emma, "to tell you the truth, I promise to help you, but not entirely to save you out of trouble, but I want to see the God in your mouth, if possible, I know what his plot is. Maybe I can solve your problem by the way, but it's definitely not for you!"

Dante Emma nodded at this time and said, "of course, I know that even if you can't deal with me, I can't leave here. I can't do any substantial harm to you, but he may not. If he is the devil in your mouth, his ability is enough to destroy heaven and earth!"

Ye Feng nodded at this time and said, "so I'm going to have a look. It's God or devil. I'll know when I see it!"

Dante Emma then stretched out her hand towards the door. There was a dagger in her hand. It looked black and silver, as if it was made of the same material as Dante Emma's black and silver metal. He immediately threw the dagger towards the door, making a clear sound.

Dante Emma said to Ye Feng, "this dagger is made of the material of my body. It's invincible. I can't help you any more. It's the only one I can help you!"

Ye Feng took a look at the black and silver dagger lying quietly on the floor. Then he picked it up and weighed it in his hand. It was much heavier than he imagined.

According to the appearance of the dagger, the dagger is only two or three hundred grams at most. But after holding it in his hand, Ye Feng knows that the dagger must weigh at least a few Jin, and its weight is in inverse proportion to its appearance.

And this dagger has a burning feeling in my palm. Just a moment ago, my palm was already sweating, but this kind of burning is between the zero point that I can't stand and the zero point that I can't stand.

After waving the dagger casually, Ye Feng put the dagger away and nodded at Dante Emma, "OK, thank you! Is there anything else? "

Dante Emma looked at Ye Feng, pondered for a moment, then nodded and said, "good luck

Ye Feng didn't say anything, and immediately turned to walk. This time, Dante Emma didn't stop Ye Feng. She just stood on the Bank of the door, staring at Ye Feng in the elevator door. He immediately opened the elevator door in front of Ye Feng with his consciousness, just as Ye Feng walked in.

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