After entering the elevator, Ye Feng looks back at Dante Emma, who is still standing at the door. Otherwise, she nods to him, and the elevator door slowly closes.

When the elevator goes down, Ye Feng takes out the map in his hand and looks at it carefully. After recording the map in his mind, he immediately puts away the map.

The elevator door just opened at this time. Ye Feng immediately went out of the elevator door and walked forward according to the address marked on the map. Soon he arrived at a door, which was immediately opened when Ye Feng arrived.

When Ye Feng walked out of the door, he saw the buildings and blue sky and white clouds outside. He couldn't help standing at the door and took a deep breath. Since he came here, he hasn't been out of the buildings here. At this time, a sea breeze came out, and Ye Feng felt refreshed.

After taking a few breaths of fresh air, Ye Feng immediately walked forward according to the sign on the map, and soon arrived at the entrance marked on the map.

Here is a patio behind the building. Ye Feng stands at the wellhead and looks down. It's dark inside. He feels a little dark.

However, Ye Feng narrowed his eyes a little at this time, and the black in the well seemed to fade gradually that day, as if a dark fog was gradually dispersing. In fact, Ye Feng's eyes have been strengthened now, which is different from ordinary people. He can see the places that ordinary people can't see clearly.

But even though Ye Feng's eyes have been modified to see further and more, and he is more accustomed to the dark, he still can't see the bottom of the patio.

However, Ye Feng took a deep breath and jumped directly under the patio. Suddenly, his body plummeted straight down and fell down the patio.

It took more than a minute to fall. Suddenly, Ye Feng's feet sank, "bang", and Ye Feng was standing at the bottom. Due to the inertia of falling, his whole body squatted on the ground.

At this time, Ye Feng stood up and immediately looked around. It was still dark all around. However, Ye Feng got used to this kind of black smoke very quickly. He immediately saw that there was a passage almost as long as the patio on one side.

Ye Feng immediately slightly side head, along the passage toward the front, also don't know how long, Ye Feng just see in front of no road, and blocking the way is a metal net.

Ye Feng immediately stretched out his hand to break the iron net, and then went out. After going out, he found that it was a big space, but it was still dark.

With his excellent eyesight, Ye Feng took a general view of this place. It was like a huge hall. In the middle of the hall, there was a circular stepped platform. On the platform, there seemed to be a chair. In front of the chair, there was an arc-shaped platform.

Around the hall, there are three identical chairs after each section. There is also an arc-shaped platform in front of it, but it looks smaller than the one above the column. There is nothing else in the whole space except these.

When Ye Feng saw this, he walked towards the cylindrical platform. Unexpectedly, as soon as he stepped up a step, the bottom step of the cylindrical platform lit up, and suddenly the whole hall was illuminated.

Ye Feng then looked around, but noticed that the chairs and the platform in front of him were all black and silver metal, which looked similar to the metal quality of Dante Emma.

Ye Feng didn't think much about it. He immediately took another step. In an instant, the surrounding of that step was also lit up. Next, the same thing happened every step.

When Ye Feng reached the top of the cylinder, the whole hall was illuminated, not to mention the seats and the platform in front of him, including the surrounding walls and the ground under the cylinder steps.

The walls around are also made of black and silver metal. On the walls are some strange looking symbols, some of which look like patterns, and some of which look like hieroglyphs left by human ancestors.

The ground is also made of black and silver metal, with irregular patterns, which looks like a whole and unrelated patterns.

Ye Feng looked at it a little, but he didn't understand it any more. At this time, he went to the chair and looked at the platform in front of him. The platform was still made of black silver metal, and there were countless button like things on it.

Ye Feng looked for a while, and then sat down on the black silver metal chair covered with dust. As soon as he sat down, the chair made a mechanical start sound.

Ye Fengxin next a Lin, just want to sit up, don't want to chair on both sides but spring out two metal pieces, instantly toward the middle close, Ye Feng tightly wrapped in the chair.

At this time, Ye Feng felt that the back of the chair was slowly leaning back, and his body began to change from sitting to reclining. The dark metal cover in front of him suddenly lit up. In a flash, everything in front of him was like a science fiction movie, and the black and silver metal gradually became transparent.

At this time, Ye Feng looked at the symbols and patterns on the wall outside as if they were alive, moving around the wall, and the irregular patterns on the ground began to shine, forming a huge pattern. The most amazing thing was that the two-dimensional pattern gradually began to rise to the air, and gradually formed a three-dimensional pattern.At the same time, the active symbols and patterns on the wall also jumped out of the wall, and began to move towards the three-dimensional light patterns, as if each symbol had life, and automatically found its own position.

At first, Ye Feng didn't quite understand what was going on. After all these strange things stopped, Ye Feng was shocked by everything in front of him. After the so-called three-dimensional light pattern fused with the characters on the wall, what appeared in front of him was actually a nebula.

The chair that Ye Feng sat on was like a mini spaceship and began to fly towards the front. Although Ye Feng knew everything in front of him, it was just that the nebula was moving towards him, forming a sense of visual impact. But at this moment, Ye Feng really felt as if he was going through the universe.

After the lucky movement stopped again, the picture of a small galaxy in front of him gradually began to enlarge. Ye Feng found that this is a galaxy with more than ten stars. Soon the camera moved closer to one of the stars, and the star in front of him became bigger and bigger.

In an instant, he felt a cloud of smoke in front of his eyes. Ye Feng knew that it might be breaking through the atmosphere of the planet. It was not surprising that it became clear soon. The picture in front of him was a scene of overlooking the planet from a high altitude.

The camera is getting closer and closer, and soon you can see the towering buildings on the ground. However, these buildings look completely different from those on the earth. All of them look like individuals, but they seem to be connected as a whole, and they are all made of black and silver metal.

As the camera continues to zoom in, what soon appears in front of you is a metal building window. After the window continues to move towards the inside, Ye Feng noticed that there are countless black and silver metal robots like Dante Emma here, which are busy, but the surrounding environment is all black and silver metal, which seems particularly monotonous and depressing.

But in Ye Feng's eyes, he couldn't see what they were doing. Soon, the camera continued to draw close to one of the robots, but there was a metal platform in front of him. The robot seemed to be operating the buttons on the platform.

The black and silver robot presses a button, and a nebula image appears in front of it. Its finger is playing on the nebula image, and the nebula image begins to get bigger and bigger. Finally, the movement of the nebula image stops, and its finger is on one of the galaxies, and the camera immediately zooms in.

After the camera zooms in, Ye Feng can't help but move. It's actually his solar system. This is a galaxy map that Ye Feng is familiar with.

Finally, the robot points its finger on the earth, and the earth zooms in countless times. Finally, just like it just crossed the atmosphere, the earth's ground appears in front of it. Finally, the picture stays in mid air, watching the busy earth people on the ground.

Then the picture in front of him disappeared, and the robot immediately stood up and quickly walked to one side. When it got to a place, it stood still. A square piece of metal immediately rose where it stood, and it took him to the upper several hundred layers of space.

When the metal stopped to the unknown number of floors, the robot immediately left there and continued to walk towards the other end. Ye Feng noticed that every floor here seemed to be the same, but it was all black and silver metal space, so there was no big difference.

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