The robot went to the front and back of another robot and stretched out its finger. The robot also stretched out a finger. After contacting with its finger, the two people's fingers sent out an extremely short flash of light, as if they had received any message through the contact of their fingers.

After receiving the information, the robot immediately goes out and stops at a place. The metal on the ground immediately starts to carry it to move towards a place. In front of us, there is a wide space. In this space, there are almost large metal buildings everywhere.

as like as two peas, the robot was sent directly to the metal building. Ye Feng discovered that there was only one hall in the metal building, and the hall was arranged as if it were the same place. It quickly walked to the front of the cylindrical platform.

The robot sat on the chair, and soon other robots came in. They went to their own places and sat down. When they were full, there was a shiver in the space, but the wall in front of them suddenly began to be transparent. Through the transparent wall, Ye Feng realized that the building had soared into the air.

Ye Feng knew that the building was the place in front of him, and it was also a spaceship like object. Soon the spaceship flew out of the atmosphere of the planet and into space.

The robot sat on the chair and kept pressing the button in front of it. A scene appeared on the ground and the wall in front of it. Just like the scene I started to see, a three-dimensional pattern from two-dimensional to three-dimensional appeared in the hall of the whole spaceship.

Finally, under the operation of the robot, we quickly found the location of the earth. In less than a minute, the spaceship began to fly away from the outer space of the planet. The galaxy clouds and dust in front of us were just like passing clouds and smoke in front of us.

I don't know how long it took for Ye Feng to see the Milky way in the picture. After entering the Milky way, he gradually discovered the solar system, and finally flew towards the earth. Soon, he reached the outer space of the earth, and finally entered the atmosphere. In a violent shaking of friction with the atmosphere, he entered the earth.

The ground on the ground began to grow from small to large, but the spaceship that passed through the atmosphere seemed to be constantly shaking. Then someone began to check the machine. After all kinds of inspection, no problem was found. Finally, a loud bang was heard, and all the robots were knocked out of their original seats, including the one in the middle, while inside the spaceship It's completely dark.

After a long time, everything seems to be calm. From the dark picture, Ye Feng vaguely sees a robot standing up, and then it goes down the steps. It must be the one sitting in his own position. It looks around the inside of the spaceship, and there is a robot lying on the ground.

Finally, it returned to its original position and kept pressing the button in front of it, but the spaceship didn't respond at all. After a while, suddenly the wall became transparent. Ye Feng could see the picture clearly, but he could see that there was an endless ocean all around the wall, and he couldn't see the end at all.

And in the hall inside the spaceship, there are robots all over the place, falling on the ground and motionless. It seems that there is no "life" feature.

The only remaining robots then went down the steps, one by one checking the robots lying on the ground, and finally found that except for it, there was no "life".

After a long time, the robot stood up, opened a door and went out.

Ye Feng followed the picture out of the spaceship, but saw that the spaceship did crash on the sea. Looking around, he could see nothing but the sea water.

The robot has been sitting on the top of the spaceship, and it starts to alternate day and night in an instant, and the alternation is faster and faster, and the light and dark are flickering. Ye Feng knows that this is the fast forward of the picture, and each light and dark alternation represents a day.

I don't know how many days and nights later, the picture gradually began to slow down. At this time, Ye Feng found that the top of the black and silver metal spaceship was completely covered with soil. I don't know how many years it took to accumulate such a piece of soil on the surface metal.

At this time, in the distance of the sea, I saw a small boat with several people on it. However, these people were not covered in their clothes. They simply blocked their bodies with leaves, and their goal was not here. They just passed by, and they didn't even see it. They drifted away.

At this time, the robot stands up and stares at the boat floating far away. Then it immediately enters the inside of the spaceship and starts to operate the buttons in front of it. It doesn't want that the spaceship is like a ship at this time and starts to move forward. Soon it sees the people on the boat in front of it.

However, the spaceship did not approach, but followed far behind. After a long time, I saw a path ahead. Those people quickly landed on the island and stood on the coast, cheering.

But the spaceship just looked at it from a distance and didn't get close. After the people on the shore walked away, the spaceship drove past and finally ran aground on the beach.

The robot immediately got out of the spaceship and began to land on the island. After observing the island, Ye Feng also saw the people who had just landed on the island. Only then did Ye Feng notice that these people are not like people in today's society. They are not only naked, but also have more similar living habits to people in ancient times, including their appearance, spitting forehead, wide chin, and even hair on their bodies It's very thick.After the robot returned to the spaceship again, it immediately drove the spaceship into the deep sea. Then the spaceship dived into the bottom of the sea and drove towards the sea. A drill and other things appeared in the front of the spaceship immediately. The whole spaceship actually drilled directly into the bottom of the sea.

I don't know how long after drilling, water reappeared around the spaceship and finally surfaced again. The machine immediately opened the cabin door and went out. Ye Feng saw that the spaceship was actually on a small lake in the middle of the island, and the body of the spaceship occupied half of the lake.

The robot stands on the top of the spaceship and observes the situation around it. Then it alternates day and night. After the picture slows down to normal again, Ye Feng finds that the other half of the lake has disappeared, and the spaceship is surrounded by a forest.

The robot then walked in one direction, all the way to the seaside. On the way, it also met the human group who landed. At that time, only a few people landed, but now it is a tribe of No. 100 people.

But the robot did not disturb them, all the way to the sea, standing beside a stone by the sea, looking at the sea.

After a while, he saw a huge ship coming in the distance. When Ye Feng saw the ship clearly, he found that it was completely wooden.

In today's society, there are almost no wooden ships, even inland ships are rare.

Soon the ship came and stopped not far from the sea. Then someone on the deck put down the rope ladder tied with wood and rope. Several people came down from the ladder, and some wooden barrels were thrown down on the deck. The people started to swim towards the shore with wooden barrels.

When those people came ashore and stood there twisting their clothes, Ye Feng found that their clothes were more like medieval European clothes, and they all looked like Europeans and Americans.

After several people went ashore, they started to carry wooden buckets towards the jungle, but they didn't go deep. After finding water at a water source, they filled the water source with wooden buckets, and then they began to go to the sea again. They swam to the side of the ship with wooden buckets, tied the wooden buckets with the rope thrown down from the ship, transferred the wooden buckets to the water source, and then dropped several wooden buckets.

Then the men went ashore with buckets and went to the water source to get water. After a few cycles, the men also climbed on the boat, and then the ship drove away.

After countless days and nights, when I saw the boat coming again, there were several boats on the sea at the same time. Unexpectedly, the two boats kept shooting at the opposite boat.

In the end, several hostages on the two ships escaped to the shore. After entering the forest, they never appeared again. After the picture accelerates again, the wooden ship stranded on the beach has disappeared.

When I saw the ship again, I first heard the roaring sound, and then it turned out that it was already an iron warship. The two warships were firing at each other on the sea, and soon the two warships were hit and sank to the bottom of the sea at the same time.

It suddenly occurred to Ye Feng that when the robot looked at the earth before, the picture of the earth he saw was just the modern urban situation. Why did it start from ancient times after landing? Did interstellar crossing take place when the planet moved to the earth at that moment?

And the scenes in front of us are just the process from the cause to the modern time?

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