Ye Feng has realized that the scene in front of him is just the alien spaceship recording what happened from their own planet to the earth.

The next scenes gradually became clear, from the passing of modern ships to the landing of people on the island and the capture of the aborigines.

And the Aboriginal people gradually formed the Shawang ethnic group after the mixed blood of how many bags and the foreigners who came from the outside.

The foreigners who landed on Suoxi island began to build various facilities on the island and gradually began to modernize the island, while the Shawang people became slaves.

On a stormy night, the shawangs, led by Zhalong Peng, ventured to leave Suoxi Island, while the remaining shawangs were gradually used by the invaders for various experiments.

At this time, the robot began to really start his work at hand. He began to use his consciousness to invade the computer here, enter their programs, and gradually began to control the island.

Ye Feng knew at this time that the reason why robots have never had any contact with humans on the island is not that they are unwilling to contact with people on the island, but that they have passed through the time and space when they did not come, and the earth's civilization is still very backward, so he has been waiting for the development of the earth's civilization to develop technology that can be used by him .

Finally, the robot waited until this day, and all the equipment on the island could be used by him. Originally, he could use their technology far beyond the earth to develop a base on the island, but at this time, the robot found that its own energy began to run out.

Today's energy can not support it until that day, because years have been spent here for thousands of years, and at this time, the robot found a dying man on the beach, it was Dante Emma.

The robot brings Dante Emma back to the island, and wants to treat him, but finds that his body is not worth saving at all. Even if it is saved, it is also a disabled person.

At this time, the robot enters into Dante Emma's brain through consciousness, and finds that he is different from everyone on the island. After all, Dante Emma is an elite in TSL even though she is not as good as Ye Feng. She is exposed to some high-tech and dangerous tasks. In addition, the robot understands Dante Emma's depression and dissatisfaction, which just gives the robot a glimmer of spirit A sense of humor.

The self-consciousness in its machine body needs to be dormant, but after it has been dormant, we don't know how many years it will take, maybe decades, hundreds of years or even more.

So it must find a sense of ambition and desire to control its body at this time, so that it can continue to participate in the construction of the base. When it wakes up, it can accept these achievements by the way.

So the robot began to pull Dante Emma's consciousness away from his body and implant Dante Emma's consciousness into his own consciousness.

In order to let Dante Emma concentrate on serving him, he set up a technological barrier in an area of the building, which makes Dante Emma can never leave here. After all, it also knows that after human beings on the earth have the knowledge and ability of their planet, their desire will tend. He wants to rule the whole planet, which is not the result that robots want to see.

But what the robot didn't expect was that after transplanting consciousness, it had not taught Dante Emma how to use the advanced scientific and technological knowledge of their planet stored in her body and brain, and its energy was exhausted.

Even the robot didn't have time to give Dante Emma the order to help him build a base to set sail back to his own planet. The robot's consciousness went into sleep, and his body was quickly controlled by Dante Emma's consciousness.

The next scene is that when Dante Emma is conscious, she finds that her body is different. From the beginning of resistance to the later use, she gradually starts to use these abilities to further control all the resources on the island.

The original people on this island planned to build a base here, specializing in the production of human clones and organ transplantation business. After learning about this, Dante Emma began to show what the robot worried most before dormancy.

It didn't expect that even if Dante Emma was limited by him, her desire could expand infinitely. Within the only scope, Dante Emma could come up with a conspiracy to rule the world.

Since he used the island's human clones to issue orders to them, he went to the world to find the people with the strongest cloning technology, genetic modification technology and memory transplantation technology, and all helped him network these talents to Suxi island. This is why Park hero was kidnapped by him.

Later, Dante Emma knew about the defects of human cloning, and he began to create a complete serum of Monica. However, he didn't want to let Monica know all this. He just regarded himself as his elder brother and let Monica settle in the United States. What he didn't expect was that Monica escaped his control in the United States and even went to jail for committing a crime. As like as two peas, Elmar also used his dead body to create a clone that was exactly the same as himself. Dante Elmar, who had been cloned in Stewart Island, continued to pretend to be herself, even to subvert the TSL regime in Stewart Island. He wanted to bring the elite of Stewart Island to the island of Su Xi.So Dante Emma plans to sell herself to save Monica, and at the same time wants to bring herself to Suzy island to help him rule the so-called strongest army to launch a global war, so as to achieve his desire to control the world.

Later, when Dante Emma learned that there was an accident with Dixie, she asked people to find part of Dixie's body, took her DNA to Suzy Island, and successfully revived Dixie.

After that, he brought Monica from the Angolan prison, and Ye Feng knew all about it.

At this time, the picture in front of him gradually disappeared, and the iron plate in front of him also gradually moved away. Ye Feng looked at the empty spaceship hall in front of him, and it took him a long time to relax.

I didn't expect that I just lay here for a moment, but experienced a journey of hundreds of thousands of light-years to the stars, and also experienced thousands of years of time travel, so that I could understand everything on Susi island.

Ye Feng came down from the chair and went to the foot of the steps. He thought that Dante Emma's body was not made for him by his so-called God. His body was the God in his mouth.

But how does Dante Emma inherit the process of the so-called God's body in his mouth? Dante Emma doesn't know. If he knows, he won't let himself investigate all this for him.

Dante Emma would never have thought that his God had already left an image of the whole story here. I believe this image is also Dante Emma's God. He wanted to wait for Dante Emma to build a base for him to return home before showing it to Dante Emma. Unexpectedly, he saw it in advance.

As for Dante Emma, she has used her consciousness to control everything in Suoxi Island, but her consciousness can't enter here. Ye Feng doesn't know what the robot has set up and how to crack it.

But Ye Feng found a problem, that is, when the alien robot race came, he was not the only one, and there were other robots. Although they had no "life" characteristics after arriving at the earth, shouldn't their bodies all stay in the cabin of the spaceship?

Why can't we see a robot's "corpse" in the cabin hall now? These guys are all made of special metal, so it's impossible for the corpse to decay. Moreover, even human beings, if the corpse decays after many years, they will leave bones. These guys actually don't leave anything, which is totally against the common sense Are you ready?

Ye Feng even thought to himself that when he just observed the context, he inadvertently missed the details? You didn't pay much attention?

Thinking of this, Ye Feng's secret way is not possible. The video process is completely out of his control. The slow and fast forward lens prepared by the robot shows him. He looks very carefully. There is no omission. Or the robot deliberately hides this segment and doesn't let him see it?

But all this is Ye Feng's guess, as long as you don't see, Ye Feng can't guess the specific situation, and so far this is not the most important.

At this time, Ye Feng turns around in the cabin, but nothing is abnormal. There is no explanation on how to remove the control of Dante Emma.

And to be honest, Ye Feng doesn't intend to let Dante Emma go. People are like this. Now he is in trouble and asks for help. Of course, he looks a little pitiful, and his figure is naturally lower. But once Dante Emma is completely free, Ye Feng can know what Dante Emma will do. That will be the sorrow of all mankind, and he will never Do such a stupid thing.

The reason why he agreed to Dante Emma was that Ye Feng wanted to know what secret was behind it. Now that the secret has been known, there is no need to continue.

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