Ye Feng turns around a few more times, but he doesn't find anything, and then he is ready to leave. It is estimated that the film setting of the spaceship can only be watched after Dante Emma has completed the task. Then the robot will recover consciousness, even without him recovering consciousness, that is, let Dante Emma drive the spaceship away from the earth and return to the robot's planet.

Besides, Ye Feng can't see anything else, but when he is ready to leave, he looks back at the cylinder steps and finds that there is a button behind the platform, which he didn't notice before.

Ye Feng thought or went up, hesitated to look at the button in front of him, thought to himself whether to press it to see what the result was.

And Ye Feng also knows the reason why he is curious to kill the cat. Maybe this button is similar to a self destruct device. Isn't he killing himself?

But Ye Feng also knows that the reason why Curiosity Kills cats has always existed is that human curiosity is endless, so in the end, Ye Feng put his hand on the button.

After taking a deep breath, Ye Feng finally pressed the button. At the moment Ye Feng pressed the button, the cylinder gradually began to descend one step after another. Gradually, the cylinder began to turn into a plane again, and finally returned to the flat ground. The seats and platforms around began to gradually collapse into the wall.

When the cabin Hall of the whole spaceship was empty again, Ye Feng looked around and saw a button somewhere in the wall. This time, Ye Feng didn't hesitate any more, but quickly walked over and pressed it hard.

With this press, the floor of the ground gradually began to disappear one by one from the middle position. It began to spread around from the previous position of the central cylinder, and soon it came to Ye Feng's eyes.

Ye Feng at this time while looking at what is the situation below, but also to find their own foothold, and so on after the floor all disappeared, he is not to fall directly.

However, Ye Feng found that the following seems to be a funnel-shaped space, did not wait for Ye Feng to see clearly, the foot suddenly empty, the whole body directly fell down.

Ye Feng immediately slid down the sliding funnel wall, and soon reached the bottom of the hole. He directly slid in through the hole, and suddenly became dark.

But Ye Feng's eyes had been transformed after all. He soon adapted to the dark environment and found that he was sliding down in a long and narrow tunnel just like when he came in.

But this time just a moment, he fell to the ground directly. Ye Feng just stood up, and his eyes began to light up gradually.

As soon as Ye Feng looked at the environment, it was the same as the cabin hall above, but it was about half smaller than the space above. In the middle, there was a pile of dark things.

After Ye Feng got closer, he found that he was still wondering where the disappeared robots had gone. It turned out that this pile of dark things was the "corpses" of those robots.

After turning around the pile of robots, Ye Feng looked at other places and found no other things that could attract his attention. Then he turned back to the pile of "corpses" of robots and reached out to pull one of them out.

After Ye Feng pulls out the body of the robot, he immediately squats down and looks at the robot in front of him, carefully studying the machine life in front of him.

as like as two peas, Elmar found that it was almost the same as Dante's body. It could not see what difference it was.

However, after looking at it for a long time, Ye Feng found that there was a slight difference on her face. Dante Emma's nose had two false holes, but the robot didn't have them. However, it's not strange to think about it. After all, Dante Emma needs to disguise human beings in human skin. If someone finds that his nose doesn't have air holes, isn't it Is it strange?

But the purpose of Ye Feng squatting here to look at the "corpse" of the machine is not to find fault with everyone, to find out the difference between it and Dante Emma, but to look at the current close-up, and static to see what problems the body of the machine does not know.

After looking at it from the front for a long time, Ye Feng didn't find any special problem with the "corpse" of the machine, and then turned over the robot.

After the robot was lying on the ground, Ye Feng carefully checked the back of the robot. After a long time, he didn't find anything. Just when Ye Feng was about to give up, Ye Feng suddenly found that there was a small, not obvious bulge on the back of the robot's brain, which didn't look like the tattoos on other parts of his body.

Seeing the bulge, Ye Feng couldn't help but move. After taking a deep breath, he immediately reached out to touch the bulge. First, he pressed it with his hand, and found that he couldn't press it at all. It seemed that he thought too much. How could there be so many buttons?

But when Ye Feng wants to draw back his hand, his brain suddenly reads a flash. If it's not a button, does it need to be twisted? Thinking of Ye Feng and put his hand on the raised place to twist, I didn't expect that this twist was twisted by Ye Feng.

At this time, the robot in front of it suddenly "moves", but the metal on its body seems to be moving and contracting, layer by layer. Finally, the robot, which is the size of a normal human on the earth, has shrunk to a square, a metal cube, which will not move on the ground.Ye Feng sees in the eye, the heart next a burst of curiosity, these robots can also shrink to this appearance? Thinking that he immediately pulled out a robot, turned over, and found the same button in the back of his head, Ye Feng twisted again, and instantly the robot contracted into a metal square.

Ye Feng simply pulled out all the robots and pressed them one by one. Finally, the "corpses" of all the robots stacked on the ground were made into square squares by Ye Feng.

Ye Feng looks at the square on the ground and thinks in his heart, is there such a button in Dante Emma's back brain?

But then Ye Feng sighs again. Even if Dante Emma has this device on her body, she has to be close to Dante Emma's body.

After all, now Dante Emma has such a body of steel. For Ye Feng, it is almost invincible. As long as he has any threat to him, he will be hurt by Dante Emma.

Ye Feng sits on the ground with his knees crossed, meditating for a while. Anyway, this is the place where Dante Emma's consciousness can't get in. He doesn't know what's going on here. He doesn't worry about going out for a while.

There is only one and a half weaknesses in Dante Emma that I can grasp now. One is that Dante Emma can't get out of his office, but maybe there is this button behind his head, and Ye Feng is not sure whether Dante Emma will die even if he presses this button.

After all, although I have tested all the robots here, they can turn into square metal, but these robots are "dead", and the only difference between Dante Emma and them is that Dante Emma is still alive.

The "dead" robot becomes this square, which is also "dead", but after the living Dante Emma becomes this small square, does she lose her life immediately? Ye Feng is not sure about this.

After all, these robots are alien creatures hundreds of thousands of light-years away. Even the aliens that only appear in modern European and American science fiction movies have appeared. What's impossible?

As far as the current situation is concerned, for Ye Feng, that is any kind of possibility, which may kill Ye Feng, so Ye Feng can only act cautiously.

After all, if ye Feng leaves here, he may have a chance to let Dante Emma down. After all, he must also want to know the situation here.

But even if I let go of Dante Emma's vigilance, I can't guarantee 100% success of the sneak attack on Dante Emma. Once Dante Emma finds something, I will never have a second chance.

Ye Feng sat on the ground with his knees crossed. After pondering for a long time, he didn't come up with any good way.

At this time, he looked at the small black metal squares on the ground. He reached over and piled them up one by one, just like building blocks.

He seems to be putting it unintentionally, and his mind is constantly thinking. He is still thinking that his brain is genetically modified by park hero. If he can't think of any way to deal with Dante Emma, he can only find a way to deal with one and a half of his known weaknesses.

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