Ye Feng doesn't know how to explain to the three women, namely, Dixie, Zhuo wanqiu and Scarlett. Then he digs off the topic and asks Dixie, "have you seen Monica?"

Dixie shakes his head and says to Ye Feng, "I just went to find Zhuo wanqiu and Scarlett. I didn't find Monica. When I came here, I met some clones. I was delayed for a while. Fortunately, these clones don't have much fighting power!"

Ye Feng can't help but take a deep breath when he hears the speech. At this time, after pondering for a while, he says to Dixie, "you go to find Monica now!"

Zhuo wanqiu looked at Ye Feng and said, "brother Satan, isn't that Monica's sister? Isn't she the one you went to save? Yes? You and her so soon... "

Ye Feng didn't wait for Zhuo wanqiu to finish, and immediately said, "Monica has perfect serum. On the one hand, her blood can treat many imperfect clones on the island. On the other hand, if her serum is known by other outlaws, it will be her disaster and the disaster of human beings!"

As soon as she heard this, she immediately nodded and said, "OK, I'll go to her now!"

Scarlett smell speech also toward Dixie way, "I help you together!"

Zhuo wanqiu said to Scarlett and Dixie, "I'm not as good as you, so I won't get involved. I'll help you if you can't save people at that time."

Ye Feng also nodded at this time and said to Zhuo wanqiu, "just follow me!" Then he walked to his desk, took out the pistol and magazine Dante Emma had collected from the drawer, and threw them to Dixie and Scarlett.

After taking the pistol and the clip, Dixie and Scarlett load the clip and immediately nod to Ye Feng. Then they go in a hurry.

When Dixie and Scarlett walked away, Zhuo wanqiu quickly walked to Ye Feng's side. When Ye Feng just turned around, she immediately put her arms around Ye Feng. Then she hugged Ye Feng tightly and said in a soft voice, "brother Satan, you have finally changed back to your original appearance. Do you know how much I miss you?"

Ye Feng just patted Zhuo wanqiu on the back and said softly, "I know, but now is not the time to say this!" With that, he slowly pushed away Zhuo wanqiu.

When Zhuo wanqiu let go of Ye Feng, she still gave him a kiss on the cheek. Then she immediately walked away without looking at Ye Feng, as if for fear that Ye Feng would blame her.

Ye Feng just touched his mouth and didn't worry too much about this problem. Instead, he went directly to the robots. Looking at these robots, he always felt that there was something wrong in his heart, but he didn't know what was wrong.

Zhuo wanqiu hides from Ye Feng for a moment, waiting for Ye Feng to blame himself. Unexpectedly, Ye Feng doesn't mention it at all. When he turns around, he sees Ye Feng standing in front of the robot, staring at one of the robots.

Seeing this, Zhuo wanqiu went over and said, "are these robots models? All of them are cool. If only they could move! "

She said also went to a robot in front of a look at Ye Feng, but saw Ye Feng standing in front of the robot motionless, do not speak, just quietly watching.

Zhuo wanqiu felt bored. At this time, she also looked at the robot in front of her. Seeing that the metal material of the robot looked very special, she couldn't help reaching out and touching it.

Unexpectedly, Zhuo wanqiu just reached out to touch it, and immediately gave a "ouch", then he put a finger in his mouth.

Ye Feng can't help but frown and look at Zhuo wanqiu, "what's the matter?"

Zhuo wanqiu released her finger and said to Ye Feng, "it's OK. I've been scratched. My finger seems to be broken!"

Ye Feng then reached for Zhuo wanqiu's hand, looked at her finger wound, mouth still said, "how so careless!" Then he saw that there was a wound on Zhuo wanqiu's finger, but the wound was still blood red at the beginning. After a while, it began to turn purple and turn black again.

Ye Feng saw this, his face suddenly moved, and then pulled Zhuo wanqiu's finger close to his eyes, for fear that he was wrong. After Zhuo wanqiu's finger was pulled closer, he found that not only the color was still black, but also the black seemed to be spreading at a slow speed.

Zhuo wanqiu see Ye Feng staring at his fingers, heart can't help a while moved, he is just a small wound, but Ye Feng's appearance seems to be very nervous.

At this time, she wants to retract her fingers, but it seems that this is not good. Ye Feng's man is so concerned about himself, so she lets Ye Feng hold his hand. She just looks at it in her heart and doesn't speak.

Ye Feng looked at it for a long time to make sure that the black is really spreading, but if you don't look carefully, you won't easily find it.

At this time, he released Zhuo wanqiu's finger, and then asked Zhuo wanqiu, "where did you touch?"

Zhuo wanqiu immediately pointed to the chest of the robot in front of him and said, "that's it!"

Ye Feng smell speech toward Zhuo wanqiu pointed to the direction of a look, but see that the chest is indeed a blood bead, but the blood bead has completely become black, also don't know is and Zhuo wanqiu's hand is the same, or because the blood bead is in the whole body black machine body, so look like black just.Ye Feng then looked back at Zhuo wanqiu and said, "do you feel anything wrong?"

Zhuo wanqiu shook her head and said, "no!" Then he comforted Ye Feng and said, "brother Satan, am I so delicate in your heart? It's just a scratch. Don't worry about small things! "

Facing Zhuo wanqiu, Ye Feng stares at Zhuo wanqiu carefully for a long time. After he makes sure that Zhuo wanqiu doesn't seem to show any unusual characteristics, he is a little relieved. However, he thinks that the wound on Zhuo wanqiu's finger is still blackening at a slow speed. He always thinks it's a matter, and he is also thinking about how to deal with it.

Zhuo wanqiu is surprised to see Ye Feng's dignified expression. It's not like Ye Feng he knows. In the past, he fell down and broke his knee. Ye Feng would only educate himself there, saying that he has grown up and can't always be so delicate. This time, he just cut his hand. He was so nervous.

Thinking of Zhuo wanqiu, she could not help looking at her finger. She saw that the wound was supposed to be red, but it was dark. It was like a black line on her finger. She couldn't help rubbing it. When she saw that it hadn't been wiped off, she immediately pressed it again. She didn't want the blood squeezed out of the wound to be black.

Seeing this, Zhuo wanqiu couldn't help but move her face and said, "what's the matter? Why is my wound like this? "

At this time, Ye Feng immediately picked up Zhuo wanqiu's finger, and then said to Zhuo wanqiu, "please bear it!"

With that, Ye Feng immediately pulls Zhuo wanqiu to the desk, picks up the scissors used to cut cigars on the desk, and then pestles the wound on Zhuo wanqiu's finger.

Seeing this, Zhuo wanqiu could not help but move her face. Instinctively, she wanted to withdraw her fingers and said, "brother Satan, what are you going to do?"

Ye Feng looked up at Zhuo wanqiu and said, "don't worry, I won't cut off your finger. Your finger may be infected. I'll help you deal with it. It may hurt a little Turn your head

Zhuo Wan Qiu a listen to this words, facial expression tiny move way, "infection?"

Ye Feng then harshly toward Zhuo wanqiu, "don't want the whole finger cut, turn around!"

Zhuo wanqiu was seldom scolded by Ye Feng in this tone. First, she was stunned, then turned her head immediately.

And Ye Feng cut Zhuo wanqiu's wound with scissors at this time, and then cut off the black part of Zhuo wanqiu's finger wound with scissors.

Zhuo wanqiu suddenly felt a pain, but the pain is acceptable, just a dull hum, fingers instinctively shrunk, want to turn to see, but also dare not.

After cutting off the black part of Zhuo wanqiu's finger, Ye Feng pressed it with his hand and found that the blood inside turned red. He was relieved. He put down the scissors and then took out two pieces of facial paper to help Zhuo wanqiu wrap her finger. Then he said, "it's OK!"

Hearing this, Zhuo wanqiu turned her head and looked at a trace of red on her finger, which was wrapped by the tissue paper. She was a little relieved. The other hand immediately wrapped the tissue paper. Then she looked at Ye Feng and said, "thank you, brother Satan!"

Ye Feng didn't speak. At this time, he looked at the robot in the dark lattice of the wall. He was surprised that the metal still had the effect of infection?

But when I think about it, I don't think it's strange. After all, these are all from extraterrestrial. It's really not sure what's on the surface. It's not surprising that I'm infected.

It's just that these robots look no different from those in the spaceship and Dante Emma's body, but why don't they have a raised button on the back of their brain? This makes Ye Feng puzzled.

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