At this time, Scarlett suddenly ran back to Ye Feng and said, "no, there are robots all over the island. Dixie is trapped!"

Ye Feng a listen to this, complexion suddenly move, this island how can suddenly all over the robot? Is it related to the disappearing robots?

Ye Feng didn't think much, and immediately went to the desk, took out a gun from the drawer and gave it to Zhuo wanqiu, "you should know how to protect yourself!" Then she said to Scarlett, "you follow late autumn all the way. You don't care about other things!"

With that, Ye Feng immediately arrived at the elevator entrance. Scarlett and Zhuo wanqiu were stunned. They didn't even see how Ye Feng got to the elevator entrance, so they saw Ye Feng enter the elevator.

Zhuo wanqiu was stunned for a long time before she regained her mind. She looked at Scarlett and said, "do you see that?"

Scarlett is already looking at the elevator door with a dull look, and then she gives a "um". Obviously, the scene just happened has gone beyond Scarlett's cognition of the world.

Scarlett even felt a little more scared. She was shocked when she saw the robot just now. Later, when she went to find Monica with Dixie, she found that there was a robot that could move outside and attack them, which made her even more shocked.

Scarlett now feels that everything on this island seems very strange. She feels a little chilly when she thinks about it.

But in Zhuo wanqiu's eyes, all this was just novel. She didn't feel any fear, including when she was taken to this island by Dante Emma as a hostage to threaten Ye Feng, Zhuo wanqiu didn't feel the slightest fear, because she believed that Ye Feng would come to save herself.

At this time, Ye Feng had already left the building. As soon as he went out, he saw two robots rushing towards him. Seeing their free movement, they were not different from human beings, and they were almost the same in shape as Dante Emma, so there was no difference.

Listening to Scarlett and seeing with her own eyes are two concepts. When Ye Feng saw that there were robots on the island, he was also awe inspiring, but he quickly avoided the attack of the two robots.

Ye Feng jumped up and directly kicked the other robot in the head. The two robots were directly kicked to the ground by Ye Feng. However, the two robots just fell to the ground and immediately stood up out of thin air. They didn't support the ground with their hands, just like the tumbler's automatic bounce after touching the ground.

Ye Fengxin next move, at this time a jump body jump to a robot behind, take a close look, found that the two robots after the head is not that convex button.

Ye Feng immediately pulled the two robots to collide with each other, and the two robots immediately fell to the ground. At the same time, Ye Feng immediately flashed in a direction.

Soon Ye Feng found that Dixie was surrounded by several robots. Dixie kept shooting at the robots around her. After those robots were shot, they were just dull. Then they continued to walk towards Dixie. They were not afraid of Dixie's pistol.

Ye Feng immediately rushed to see this, quickly kicked over a few robots, pulled Dixie to run away, until the no man's land, and then stopped.

Dixie breathlessly looked at Ye Feng, his face flushed, it is obvious that Ye Feng just with her escape, with a rapid, and Dixie's body is simply unbearable.

At this time, Ye Feng asked if there was anything wrong with Dixie. Dixie shook his head and said that he was ok, but he was still panting. He couldn't speak at all.

Ye Feng also seems to see the problem, indicating that his speed is only suitable for himself, and he can't run with other people. It's still a short distance. If it's a long distance, it may not be able to save people, but it will become harmful.

This is just like the European and American science fiction blockbuster flash, his own speed can be against the sky, but if he pulls a person to run, maybe after flash stops, that person will find that he is holding only the other person's hand.

After a long time, Dixie gasped for breath, and immediately said to Ye Feng, "these robots have changed from clones on the wet island!"

Ye Feng a listen to this words, complexion suddenly a change, surprised looking at Dixi Si way, "what do you say?"

Dixie immediately said to Ye Feng, "it can't be wrong. I've met a robot. Only half of it is machine, the other half is body, and the body is rapidly blackening. Isn't that enough to show that these robots are human beings?"

When Ye Feng heard that, he suddenly seemed to understand something. After he pressed the buttons on the back of the robots' heads, the robots turned into black metal squares. After the black metal squares played all his life, they fell to the ground and turned into dust and scattered everywhere.

And this is probably the last attack of these robots. They use their bodies to turn into something similar to a virus and spread it in the air. They begin to infect these people on the island and transform their bodies into robots.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng wondered why he had nothing to do with himself if he was really infected in this way. Dixie, Scarlett and Zhuo wanqiu had nothing to do with him. It was just that these clones on the island had changed?At this time, Ye Feng couldn't figure out a problem for a while. There must be some reasons he didn't know at present.

Thinking of Ye Feng, she asked Dixie, "have you found Monica?"

Dixie shook his head and said, "not yet. I believe Virgil must have hidden her!"

Just then, Dixie's face suddenly changed, and he looked at some place behind Ye Feng in surprise.

Ye Feng immediately looked back at the past, but saw that not far behind him, there were two robots walking slowly towards this side.

Ye Feng immediately made a pair of ready to start appearance, don't want one of the robots but toward Ye Feng a smile way, "you can't think of it?"

After listening to the voice, Ye Feng's face suddenly changed. Even Dixie on one side looked at the robot in surprise. Then he asked Ye Feng, "didn't you say Virgil is dead?"

There's no mistake. The voice of the robot is Virgil's, that is, Dante Emma's, but Dante Emma's iron body has been destroyed by himself. Why?

Two robots continue to walk towards Ye Feng, and not only these two, there are many robots gathering around.

And the robot that didn't speak also spoke at this time, "Satan, I really want to thank you..."

At this point, another robot not far away continued to say, "you dare not release me from the only space in that office..."

Then he changed another robot and said, "and let me find that I still have such powerful ability..."

Just then, he changed another robot and said, "all the robots you can see in front of your eyes are my avatars..."

Several robots speak one after another, but the voice is Dante Emma's, which shows that Dante Emma is right. These robots are his incarnation.

That is to say, Dante Emma not only has nothing to do, but also becomes more powerful, powerful to his body everywhere.

Soon dozens of robots surrounded Ye Feng and Dixie in the middle, neatly forming a circle, surrounded by Ye Feng and Dixie, a pair of black eyes looking at Ye Feng, no one spoke.

Ye Feng stares at these robots all around, and says in his heart that if Dante Emma can really incarnate into so many robots, he and Dixie will be buried here today.

At this time, the robots around Yefeng and Dixie spoke to Yefeng one after another and said, "how about it? Now do you feel the strong side of me as God? "

The robots that surround Ye Feng and Dixie only speak one English word. In a word, almost half of the robots cooperate to complete it. This kind of touching makes Ye Feng and Dixie can't help taking a breath.

Dante Emma then continued, "everyone on this island will be assimilated by us Look at your hands, Dixie

As soon as she heard this, her heart moved, and she immediately looked at her hand, only to find that her nails were completely black, and were slowly spreading towards her fingers.

Ye Feng also saw this scene, and immediately thought of Zhuo wanqiu's previous hand. He was shocked. In other words, it's only a matter of time before all the people on the island will gradually become robots?

Thinking of this, Ye Feng immediately took a look at his hand, only to find that there was no reaction at all. He thought to himself, was it later that he was assimilated?

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