Dozens of robots simultaneously uttered Dante Emma's voice and said, "Satan! You don't seem to understand? "

Ye Feng then looked at the dozens of robots, then said faintly, "I understand! In fact, everything is in your plan! "

Dante Emma's voice sounded again, dozens of mouths at the same time, Dante Emma's voice said, "Oh? What a plan

Ye Feng immediately said, "you let me go there, just to let me release the virus there, and then infect everyone here! In fact, you already know that! "

Dante Emma laughed and said, "virus? Well, it's not entirely accurate, but it's almost the same meaning, but the real plan starts with your promise to help me save Monica! "

Ye Feng immediately asked Dante Emma, "so, the obstacles outside your office are also fake?"

But Dante Emma shook her head and said, "that obstacle is true, otherwise my plan can be completely without you. Do you think you need to help me to save a Monica in Angola with my ability? If I do it myself, let alone save Monica, I'll even Angola, won't I? "

After listening to what Dante Emma said, Ye Feng thinks that what Dante Emma said is also good. With his ability, he can really make the Angolan prison clean.

But Ye Feng looked at Dante Emma curiously and said, "since you can't leave your office, how do you know these things?"

Dante Emma immediately said, "since you've been there, you should have seen the history of these robots, and you should know the plan of the original owner of my body. But what's not shown in those films is that when my consciousness enters into the shell of the machine, his consciousness really goes into hibernation, but that's not true for me For me, it's just a museum about their planet step by step. Although this museum can't be inherited by me automatically, I can go in to read and study at any time, so I know everything you see, and you may not know everything I know! "

Ye Feng's heart was suddenly shocked when he heard that Dante Emma said that although the robot's consciousness was not directly converted into Dante Emma's memory, Dante Emma could read it at any time.

Hearing this, Ye Feng couldn't help staring at Dante Emma for a long time before he said, "so you know the plan of these alien robots to colonize the earth?"

Dante Emma smiles, and then only one robot comes forward. It comes to the front and back of Ye Feng and Dixie. Then it stops and says, "of course I know!"

Ye Feng stares at Dante Emma and says, "so? What are you going to do? "

Dante Emma said to Ye Feng, "colonizing the earth is not good for me at all. Once it becomes a reality, I am just one of the slaves of the planet. Why should I do such a stupid thing? Now I just need to use their technology and their invincible body. I can do it myself The master of the earth, the overlord of the earth over hundreds of millions of people, why do I let the overlord of the earth not do it, to be the poor slave of the planet? Do you think so? "

Ye Feng is relieved to hear Dante Emma say that. He is really afraid that Dante Emma's brain circuit will suddenly be short circuited and make a decision to destroy the earth.

At this time, Dante Emma said to Ye Feng, "I really enjoy my feeling now. Everyone on the island will be assimilated into what you look like in front of you. Of course, including you and you..." And he looked at Dixie.

"I'd rather die than be like you!" she said

But Dante Emma said with a smile, "the insignificance and ignorance of human beings have been fully displayed from you! And what I just showed you, don't you see the meaning at all? " Then he looked at Ye Feng and said, "you can't see it, can you? That would be a great disappointment to me! "

Ye Feng looked at Dante Emma and said, "do you want to tell us that you are the existence of pure consciousness, and the body is just a temporary carrier for you?"

As soon as Dante Emma heard this, she immediately laughed and said, "Satan is Satan. It's a little transparent. It didn't disappoint me!" When they said this, the robot in front of Ye Feng and Dixie just said the first word in a sentence. Every other robot only said one word. More than a dozen robots spoke continuously, and then they became a sentence. There was no sense of disobedience.

Ye Feng see in the eye, also clear, Dante Emma just deliberately to show off to him and Dixie, his carrier can be many.

Dante Emma then continued, "so I say I'm a God. I can be in the body of any robot in front of you. Of course, I can also be in any computer. The next step may be in any life on this island, and the next step may be anywhere, including a drop of water, a stone, a grain of sand! Even a gust of wind, it could be me

When Ye Feng hears what Dante Emma says, he can't help but move. He looks at the robot in front of him, but Ye Feng also hears another signal from Dante Emma's words.Dante Emma said just now, what might be the next step? What does that mean? Does it mean that Dante Emma still can't do this? This is particularly important for Ye Feng. If Dante Emma can really do what he said, then Dante Emma will really become a God, worthy of the name.

Maybe this kind of ability, for the planet where the robot is located, may only be achieved by ordinary people, but on earth, it is absolute God.

But now Dante Emma can only control these people who have been assimilated into robots, and Ye Feng's current consciousness is still autonomous, which shows that this is right. Otherwise, if Dante Emma can really control everything, there will be no difference between himself and these machine shells in front of him.

Think of here, Ye Feng put down a little snack, although Dante Emma has been very powerful, but not powerful to omnipotent.

Seeing Ye Feng looking at herself, Dante Emma immediately asked, "what are you thinking? What are you still thinking about killing me? "

As soon as the voice fell, the robot in front of him exploded to pieces and fell to the ground.

Ye Feng and Dixi see this heart under all a Lin, secret way, what's wrong with these robots?

But then another robot came, and continued to say in Dante Emma's voice, "don't be nervous. I detonated myself. I just want to prove to you that killing one or two robots has no effect on me. My consciousness flows freely. I'm here at this moment, and I'll probably be somewhere else at the next moment! How easy is it to kill me? "

Ye Feng pondered for a long time, then looked at Dante Emma and said, "since you already have this ability, why don't you just kill me and Dixie?"

Dante Emma said, "I don't have to do it myself. I said that before long, you will be assimilated, including all the life on this island!"

Ye Feng understands what Dante Emma means. He is waiting for himself and Dixie to become robots. Thinking of Ye Feng, he can't help but look at his hand and find that there is still no assimilation phenomenon mentioned by Dante Emma.

However, when we look at her hands, we can see that her hands have completely become metal. When she sees Ye Feng looking at her hands, she instinctively raises her hands to have a look. Seeing that her hands have become black metal, her face suddenly changes.

Dante Emma looked in her eyes and said to Dixie, "Dixie, Congratulations, you'll be one of us soon!"

Ye Feng suddenly thought of something and immediately asked Dante Emma, "so what do you mean by those robots in the dark grid of your office?"

Dante Emma then said to Ye Feng, "those are just failed experiments. They used to be people on this island, and they used to be aborigines. After I used them to experiment, I found that they could not live in their brains after they became robots. So I put them there for collection, waiting for one day, I can read all the information on this planet After knowledge, I believe I can still control them! "

Ye Feng's heart sank when he heard the words, and he said in his heart that they were the indigenous people of the Shawang people, but at the same time, Dante Emma was telling himself that Dante Emma couldn't get into the consciousness of the Shawang people.

Dante Emma then said to Ye Feng, "you don't have to think about it. Since I can tell you, I'm not afraid that you can think of any way to deal with me! Besides, there is no indigenous people on this island! "

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