Listen to Dante Emma say so, Ye Feng can't help staring at him at this time for a long time, his brain at this time of rapid operation, thinking of all possible victory over Dante Emma.

Before, Ye Feng felt that Dante Emma died just by pressing the button. Some of them were too easy. Now, it's better to let Dante Emma die so easily.

Now Dante Emma, even if not the God in his mouth, is almost beyond human power to deal with him. Just because his consciousness can change at any time, he has no way to deal with him.

Looking at the dozens of robots in front of us, even if we can kill a few, what's the use? As long as we kill one, Dante Emma can immediately transfer her consciousness to another robot.

In addition, now the body side of Dixie is slowly being assimilated, which means that it will become one of many robots in a short time. Once Dante Emma controls Dixie to deal with himself, will he kill himself or not?

Dixie seems to see Ye Feng's dilemma in general, then suddenly said to Ye Feng, "if I will really become that person not ghost not ghost look, you immediately kill me!"

Ye Feng smell speech can't help but side head to see a Dixi Si, but see Dixi Si's eyes firm, can see Dixi Si is willing to die, also don't want to become a robot.

Ye Feng did not answer the words of Dixie, after all, he did not dare to guarantee that at that time, he will certainly kill Dixie, or will not kill Dixie.

At this time, Ye Feng thought of another problem, even if the alien civilization is more advanced than the earth civilization, it is impossible for the body to be directly transformed into metal technology, right? There must be something I don't understand at present.

But at this time, Dante Emma took a look at Dixie, and saw that her whole arm had blackened and turned into a black silver metal arm. She couldn't help laughing and said, "Dixie, you and Satan came and went together before, but I didn't expect that you and I would be the same kind of people in the end! But you can rest assured that even if you really become me, I will try to make you recover your self-consciousness! "

At this point, Dante Emma immediately added, "but not now, but later!"

Dixie looked coldly at Dante Emma and said, "Dante, you are so ugly now. You are even uglier than before. Before, I just thought you were more eccentric. Now I can recognize your face!"

As she said, she took a cold breath. "What you look like now is really suitable for you. You have the same heart of stone, cold and heartless. Even if you dominate the universe, you are a strange and cautious, lonely, narcissistic, self pitying and self loving wretch in my eyes."

As soon as Dante Emma heard this, her face suddenly moved. Immediately, a robot rushed in front of him and quickly strangled his neck. The speed was so fast that Ye Feng didn't have time to stop him.

But Ye Feng is also in the first time toward Dante Emma shot, Dante Emma's machine body, even don't look at Ye Feng, just put out a hand, blocked Ye Feng's fist, and then tightly squeezed Ye Feng's fist, mouth coldly said, "you don't have to worry, I'll find you later!"

As soon as the words fell, Dante Emma immediately pushed her hand towards the front. Ye Feng's body was immediately pushed out by Dante Emma's robotic arm and fell heavily on the ground.

Ye Feng feels that his body is about to be broken up by Dante Emma. He hasn't recovered for a long time.

But at this time, Dante Emma continued to hold on to Dixie's neck, but said faintly, "Dixie, you know I've always been fond of you!"

But Dixie sneered and said, "it's disgusting to be liked by you as if you are covered with maggots!"

Dante Emma's face moved slightly at this time, and her tone did not change. She just said faintly, "do you think I won't kill you?"

"If you want to kill me, do it as soon as possible! If you don't kill me, I will continue to scold you and disgust you... "

Dante Emma's eyes were black. After looking at her for a long time, she let go of the hand that held her neck. But she sighed, "you win. You are the only woman I've ever had a good feeling for in my life. Maybe you will always be the only one. No matter what you say or do, I won't kill you! I will keep you by my side forever, but you are a human, a clone, or a man with a machine body. Even if you have no self-consciousness, I will keep you, so that you can see with your own eyes the day when I become a God. There is more than one kind of success in this world. Satan you appreciate is only a chess piece on my way to becoming a God in the end! "

Then Dante Emma looked at Dixie and said, "you say, now it's Satan, he succeeded, or I succeeded?"

But after staring at Dante Emma for a long time, Dixie sneered, "in my eyes, no matter what you do, you are not as good as Satan. Don't say he is still alive, even if he is dead, you will never be as good as him. You are a complete failure."

As soon as Dante Emma heard this, her brow suddenly moved, and she immediately put out her hand and smashed Dixie's shoulder with one punch. Dixie was instantly hit by Dante Emma.Like Yefeng before, Dixie fell heavily on the ground and didn't recover for a long time.

At this time, Ye Feng had already sat up and looked at Dante Emma. Then he said in a deep voice, "what's the matter with me? It's not your style to fight women?"

As soon as Dante Emma heard this, she immediately pushed her legs on the ground, and her whole body soared directly into the air. In an instant, she came to Ye Feng. Then she grabbed Ye Feng's collar and pulled him up. With a cold hum, she said, "are you very proud of what Dixie said?"

Ye Feng said to Dante Emma, "the more you lack, the more you show off! The reason why you care is that you will never get it. You think I'm proud. In fact, I'm not proud of my friendship. I'm just moved. But you'll never get a little favor from Dixie. I'm not proud. I'm just sad for you! "

As soon as Dante Emma heard this, she immediately took Ye Feng and fell to the ground. Then she stepped on Ye Feng's chest and didn't let him get up. She still hummed coldly, "look at the disparity between you and me. Are you sad for me? Don't I feel sorry for you? Now you are like a bedbug all the time. At my feet, I want you to live and die. Who do you say is pathetic for whom

Ye Feng looked at Dante Emma with a sneer and said, "I'm sorry for you!"

Dante Emma immediately kicked Ye Feng's abdomen, and immediately hummed coldly, "hard mouth?"

But Ye Feng said with a smile, "you see that you are so powerful, and Dixie sees that you are pitiful. Do you see that there is a person around you who sincerely helps you? I'm not as powerful as you, but if you look around me, don't you feel envious and self pity? "

As soon as Dante Emma heard this, her face suddenly moved, and she immediately became angry again. She grabbed Ye Feng and immediately threw him heavily on the ground with a loud bang. To tell you the truth, when Dante Emma fell Ye Feng, it was as easy as an adult falling a puppet.

Waiting for Ye Feng to fall to the ground, Dante Emma immediately stepped on Ye Feng's body and sneered, "what if you have someone around you? Who can stop me when I do this to you? What about your previous arrogance? No matter how fierce and arrogant you used to be, no matter how trusting and reusing you are in TSL organization, what's the use? Are you still so pitiful under my feet now? " Say to still exert oneself to grind foot in the abdomen of leaf maple, send out the voice of a burst of wildly laughing.

Ye Feng looks at Dante Emma. He knows that he is not the opponent of Dante Emma, but he still sneers and says, "you talk a lot of nonsense. Do you know the reason why the villain died of talking a lot? Are you giving me time to kill you when you talk so much nonsense? "

When Dante Emma heard this, she immediately sneered, "the villain died of talking too much? I just talk a lot. How can you kill me? "

Ye Feng smell speech immediately and ha ha a smile way, "so say, you admit that you are a villain?"

As soon as Dante Emma heard this, she immediately pulled Ye Feng up from the ground and fell to the ground. After several consecutive falls this time, she continued to step on Ye Feng's chest and sneered, "look at us now, who is like the protagonist and who is like the villain? If you are the main character Is there such a useless protagonist as you? "

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