Dante Emma sneers at Ye Feng and kicks him in the chest with his robot legs. She also says, "have you ever been reformed to resist kicking? If you know this average person, I can kick all his ribs with one foot, and I can directly kick him to death with two feet! "

Ye Feng also felt that the strength of Dante Emma's foot was really heavy, and it was really painful to kick her in her chest. If she was before, she would be seriously injured even if she didn't die.

But now that Ye Feng's body has been transformed by park Yingxiong, he kicks it down. He just feels that his skin hurts, but his bones are safe.

Ye Feng's heart can't help but wonder whether the body that has been transformed by park Yingxiong's gene has become strong and iron? I can't feel the bones at all.

Ye Feng has always felt that he is not the opponent of Dante Emma, so there is not much actual competition between him and Dante Emma. At this time, his heart moves. After he has been transformed, he has experienced the advantages of speed, but he has not experienced the advantages of other bodies.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng immediately reaches out and grabs Dante Emma's robot foot after he kicks it down again.

Seeing this, Dante Emma said with a contemptuous smile, "with your flesh and blood, do you want to be a mantis?"

With that, Dante Emma immediately starts to exert her strength under her feet, and Ye Feng concentrates all her strength on her hands at this time, seizing Dante Emma's feet. All her strength starts to run counter to Dante Emma's strength on her feet. After her support, Dante Emma's feet don't move.

See so, not only Ye Feng took a breath of air-conditioning, did not expect to have such a great strength, even Dante Emma also surprised to see Ye Feng, he seems to have no idea that Ye Feng can actually grasp his feet, let his strength can't make out.

Not only does Dante Emma's foot want to kick down, but he can't even pull it back. At this time, his foot is completely controlled by Ye Feng's hands and can't move.

Just when Dante Emma was surprised, Ye Feng suddenly let go of her hand. Dante Emma stood unsteadily, and immediately fell back, but soon he found the balance and stood firm.

But at the same time, Ye Feng, a carp in the same place, jumped up directly. Without waiting for Dante Emma to stand up, he immediately jumped forward again and smashed his fist at Dante Emma's head.

Dante Emma doesn't know whether it's because ye Feng punches too fast and doesn't have time to hide, or she doesn't want to hide at all. She is directly hit in the head by Ye Feng's fist and makes a "bang" sound, which is like the dull sound of heavy metal hitting on the heavy metal.

Dante Emma's head was a little confused by the blow, and Ye Feng's hand was shocked by Dante Emma's head, and their arms were numb. They were stunned.

Ye Feng didn't wait for Dante Emma to recover. He immediately went up and punched again, aiming at the same part of Dante Emma. After a dull Bang again, Ye Feng hooked Dante Emma's neck, and then used all his strength. After a hard twist, the machine skull was directly twisted by Ye Feng, but it was still hanging on his shoulder.

Dante Emma's robot body shakes aimlessly for a few times, falls to the ground and never moves again.

Ye Feng just took a long breath. It seems that the robot is not invincible. He can solve them completely.

At this time, Ye Feng felt the wind behind his head. As soon as he looked back, he saw a dark shadow in front of him. Without waiting for him to recover, his forehead suddenly hurt, and his body flew out in an instant. It was directly installed on the wall of a building, and the wall was cracked in an instant.

Did not wait for Ye Feng to stand up, the shadow is a long-distance jump in front of Ye Feng, one hand dead will Ye Feng pressed on the wall, the other hand and the engine in general kept facing Ye Feng's head, in just a few seconds out of a dozen circles.

Ye Feng's head was also blindfolded by the iron fist, and his forehead was bleeding, but it seemed that the bone was all right. If it was a normal human, his head would have been smashed like a watermelon.

After several dozen punches, the robot found that the wall behind Ye Feng's head was deeply sunk, but Ye Feng's head was only scratched a little skin. It can't help but frown and sneer, "it seems that park hero's transformation technology has something to hide from me?"

Ye Feng didn't speak. While Dante Emma was talking, he dealt with it in an instant. He kicked the robot body directly in front of him. While the robot body was in the end, he rushed up with a strong step. Facing the head of the robot, he kicked off the head of the robot.

That machine body on the ground suddenly and motionless, at the same time, Ye Feng's side suddenly jumped over a robot, but the voice is still Dante Emma.

But Dante Emma sneered, "I can use more bodies. Even if your body is so powerful, how many times can you kill me? I can kill you with one chance, but you can't! "While talking, Dante Emma has reached Ye Feng's side, and then kicks Ye Feng's abdomen. Just as Ye Feng is about to fly to a place, Dante Emma grabs Ye Feng's arm, and then kicks Ye Feng's arm.

If it's a normal human arm, Ye Feng's arm can be directly removed by Dante Emma. But after his foot, Ye Feng's arm is anti physical twisted, but on the surface, it's only red and swollen, but it doesn't have the picture of bone piercing skin and flesh.

At the same time, Ye Feng clenched his fist with his other hand and punched Dante Emma on one side. The strength of his fist was also very strong. He knocked Dante Emma to the ground with one punch.

At the same time, Ye Feng jumped back, stretched his arm on the ground and twisted it. The misplaced arm bone immediately returned to its original shape.

Dante Emma then got up from the ground, looked at Ye Feng, can't help but say, "this body is really extraordinary!"

But Ye Feng sneered at Dante Emma, "what? I'm beginning to envy you, aren't I? Do you think it's much better than your robot body? "

Dante Emma is really in the mind of Ye Feng. After seeing that Ye Feng's flesh and blood has been transformed by park Yingxiong, the hardness has been tough, which is not much weaker than her steel body.

Since flesh and blood can reach this level, I still envy to have such a flesh and blood. After all, after becoming a robot, a lot of fun in life will be gone.

Dante Emma can't help but look at the assimilating Dixie not far away. She thinks that if she wants to have such a flesh and blood body at the beginning, Dixie has been around for so long, and she has already laid hands on Dixie, no matter whether she is willing or not.

But Dante Emma is all iron and steel, and even if he has any idea of Dixie in his heart, his body has no reaction at all.

Thinking of this, Dante Emma immediately roared and rushed to Ye Feng. She grabbed Ye Feng's neck and pushed him to the wall, trying to break Ye Feng's neck.

And Ye Feng can also feel his neck is struggling, he a little hard, suddenly blue veins on his neck, Leng is not to let Dante Emma twist half a minute.

Seeing this, Dante Emma immediately punched Ye Feng's abdomen. Anyway, his arm is completely mechanical and doesn't need his strength at all. It's like an automatic boxing machine. He punched dozens of fists in an instant.

Ye Feng's chest was beaten by Dante Emma and began to bend back completely. Even the wall behind Ye Feng was deeply sunk, but Ye Feng still looked at himself.

Dante Emma looks at Ye Feng. She secretly thinks that even if ye Feng has transformed his body, it's just faster and stronger. How can she know that Ye Feng's body and his machine body are not so different.

Ye Feng immediately put out his hand to hold Dante Emma's arm and said with a sneer, "it seems that the difference between God's body and my mortal body is not very big!"

He immediately kicked one foot up and directly hit Dante Emma's chin. When he got down, he kicked Dante Emma's machine head off.

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