But Ye Feng also knows that it's useless even if he can solve these robots continuously, because Dante Emma can transfer his consciousness. As long as he kills one, Dante Emma will immediately transfer his consciousness to another robot. Therefore, Ye Feng knows that in order to solve Dante Emma completely, he must eliminate Dante Emma's consciousness.

But since Ye Feng was so old, there are many ways to kill people. But to eliminate a person's consciousness, Ye Feng has never encountered such a problem. Therefore, at present, Ye Feng still has not found a way to completely eliminate Ding Emma. Even the present body is not inferior to Dante Emma Iron body, at most, is a draw with Dante Emma.

Not surprisingly, after ye Fenggang kicked the head of a robot, Dante Emma's consciousness immediately transferred to the body of another robot.

But this time, Dante Emma did not venture to attack Ye Feng. After all, he saw that although Ye Feng was born in the flesh, he was completely transformed by park hero with advanced technology. The changes should include speed, strength and other external functions, as well as a series of transformation projects unknown to him, such as internal bone strength.

Dante Emma is surprised that park hero's transformation projects are all carried out under his own full monitoring. Although he is not very familiar with these sophisticated earth technologies, at least he will not escape his eyes in general direction.

But just in this case, park hero still escaped his own eyes, and actually strengthened Ye Feng's body to such an incredible degree behind his back. At that time, he would certainly let Park hero continue to study, and might postpone all his plans. Although the alien robot body is very powerful, many human functions have been improved Lost, if you know Park hero can build such a body, maybe Dante Emma will think of transferring his consciousness to such a cloned body.

And Dante Emma also saw that all the Satan's bodies that had been transformed like this were only those in Ye Feng's body. Other clones didn't have such transformation. In other words, at this time, park Yingxiong specially made it for Ye Feng.

At the same time, this project may have been studied by park Yingxiong a long time ago, or even prepared for him. After all, Dante Emma also knows that although Park Yingxiong is invited to serve himself, he has always rejected himself in his heart, so Park Yingxiong has developed such a super clone to leave here The original motives and ideas of the company.

At this time, Dante Emma has a pair of black eyes, staring at Ye Feng, looking at Ye Feng in front of her.

At this time, Ye Feng is also looking at Dante Emma. His idea is no less than that of Dante Emma. Now he knows that once Dante Emma leaves this island, it is the beginning of his hegemony and even the destruction of the whole earth. Therefore, he must completely solve Dante Emma here, and can't let him leave here alive.

Dante Emma came to Ye Feng and said, "Satan, it seems that hero park has made a lot of sacrifices for you!"

Ye Feng said to Dante Emma, "then you should reflect on what you have done to park hero? Why can't I buy his heart! "

Dante Emma shrugged her shoulders and said, "it doesn't matter. There are many things in the world. What I want to carry out is a reform that sweeps across the world and concerns everyone's fate. Not everyone can understand how to reshape the status of human beings in the universe. I always think you are smart. Don't you still understand me and stand on the opposite side of me? What's more, a technical life idiot who only knows how to do technology all day, but knows nothing about other aspects? What he thought was his wife and children's hot pit head. How could he think of such a profound idea? But I believe that in the near future, if his consciousness can still sense what I have done, he will regret his original behavior! "

Ye Feng looked at Dante Emma for a long time, then said with a sneer, "what? It's time to be advanced. Do you still think you are saving mankind? "

Dante Emma sighed helplessly, "many reformers in history were not understood at that time. It's not your fault. It's just that the evolution of human's overall consciousness is too backward. Therefore, our whole earth civilization seems to be civilized and advanced, and it's placed in the whole universe. In fact, it's pathetic, including the alien machine life in front of you, they Why dare you come to earth to offend us, even want to colonize us? Our technology is too backward, so I want to take our entire human beings and stand in the forest of the universe. Is this idea wrong? "

Ye Feng sneered and said, "you are ready to brainwash me again because you find that you can't do me for a while, right? If I remember correctly, a moment ago, you still regarded yourself as a God and despised the mole ants on the earth. How? How long has it been? Do you package yourself as a hero who has worked hard for the people of the earth and endured the curse? Don't forget, there's no monster like you on the earth. If you go out to show people, let alone lead the earth civilization to stand in the forest of the universe, you will be regarded as a monster first! Sorry, you may not realize that you are no longer a member of human beings. You can't represent human beings! "After listening to Ye Feng's words, Dante Emma immediately looked at Ye Feng thoughtfully. After a long time, she said with a smile, "I know that I can't talk to you, but it doesn't matter. Now your body is as strong as me, but the difference is that you are always flesh and blood, and although my body of steel seems to be a monster in your eyes, it's just a monster like me, I'm not I can live here forever. Even if I can't kill you now, the only thing I'm better than you is that I have plenty of time. I can wait and spend time with you! "

At this point, Dante Emma said with a smile, "even if Park hero transformed your genes and extended your life, I'm sorry, as long as it's still flesh and blood, even if his technology can make you live for thousands of years, but after thousands of years? No matter how hard your bones are, your skin and flesh will also age. You will always become a pile of dead bones. However, I will still be like this after thousands of years, not to mention hundreds of millions of years. In this period, my knowledge will grow year by year with the passage of time, and my ability will become greater and greater. At that time, who can organize me? What I'm going to do now is not to kill you, just not to let you leave here! "

Speaking of this, Dante Emma accentuated her voice and said to Ye Feng, "time is always on my side, so the victory must belong to me. Even if you can destroy my body infinitely, my consciousness will last forever, unless you can completely eliminate my consciousness! It's a pity, not to mention you. Even the civilization and technology that I've mastered for a thousand years in the lead of elte star, I haven't found a way to completely eliminate consciousness, let alone you? "

After listening to Dante Emma's words, Ye Feng's heart moved. The so-called robot planet was originally called Aerte planet, and what Dante Emma said is also a fact. He really can't eliminate Dante Emma completely, and he really doesn't have any advantage in time. After all, he doesn't know how long his life can be prolonged by park hero's genetic transformation, even if it is Ten thousand years, what about ten thousand years later?

However, in the current form, although he can't kill Dante Emma, Dante Emma can't kill himself, and his knowledge will grow year by year. Although he can't understand the advanced technology of the so-called Elter star, at least time can't be spent in vain. As long as he has time, he will be able to eliminate Dante Emma completely The way to know.

And Dante Emma doesn't want to leave Suzy. That's just right. That's exactly what he thinks. He will never let Dante Emma leave Suzy.

Even as far as the current situation is concerned, Ye Feng knows that some of the instruments on Susi Island, including computers and networks, are isolated, so Dante Emma's consciousness is still inseparable from Susi island. However, just as Dante Emma said, he will gradually grasp the advanced earth's science and technology of elte as time goes by, and he will always find a way to leave Susi The island's way.

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