Dante Emma saw Ye Feng looking at herself for a long time and didn't speak. Then she immediately turned around and left, and said to Ye Feng, "now it's an indefinite truce. I won't take the initiative to find you, and you don't want to find me! We should all know that you and I have no ability to kill each other now, so it's just a waste of time to find each other, and time is exactly what you lack most, so I'm also thinking about you. "

As Dante Emma walked towards the distance, other robots also left the scene one after another, and Dante Emma also left a sentence, "but don't blame me for not reminding you that you may live for hundreds of years because of genetic transformation, but the people around you don't have this ability. In the rest of the time, you'd better care about the women around you!"

As soon as the words were over, Dante Emma immediately gathered her strength, and then her whole body jumped up. Like Dante Emma, other robots jumped up one by one, and all the Kung Fu disappeared in an instant.

At this time, ye Fengchang breathes a sigh of relief. He clearly knows that Dante Emma is not kind-hearted. He wants to give himself time to figure out how to deal with him, but he doesn't know how to deal with himself now, so now he will definitely find a way to deal with himself.

At this time, Ye Feng took a look at Dixie not far away, but saw that she was kneeling on the ground, a pair of robotic arms supporting on the ground, and mechanization had begun to spread towards her shoulder. It was estimated that Dixie would be completely assimilated before long.

When Ye Feng comes to Dixie, Dixie looks up at Ye Feng and says firmly, "kill me!"

Ye Feng immediately squatted down and said to Dixie, "don't give up easily until the last moment. I remember you told me this sentence a long time ago!"

Disis looked as like as two peas at the time, and then suddenly he thought of the scene. He thought of the scene when he and Ye Feng said this. It happened that they had once experienced a life and death election in Stewart Island. Ye Feng was seriously injured and gave Disis a gun to Disis to end his life. Disis then spoke to Ye Feng exactly the same way, so that Ye Feng would persist. In the end, although Ye Feng suffered a lot, he survived.

Now time has changed, and now almost the same story is staged again, but the roles have changed. Dixie has become Ye Feng, and Ye Feng is now playing the role of Dixie.

Thinking of this, Dixie took a deep breath, looked down at his own robot arms, and then said to Ye Feng, "my situation is different from that of you. If you gave up in those years, you would have lost a Satan in the world. If I didn't die now, I would have lost a Dixie, but there would have been a cold-blooded machine killer!"

Ye Feng understood the meaning of Dixie, then reached out to help dixie up, but said to Dixie, "I understand what you are worried about, but don't you find a problem?"

At this time, Dixie was helped up by Ye Feng and looked at Ye Feng, saying, "are you not assimilated?"

Ye Feng immediately nodded and said, "yes, it seems that you have also found that there is no assimilation in my whole body. What does that mean? It shows that this assimilation can be prevented, and Dante Emma did not stay to deal with me for the time being. He should have found this problem too! So we have to find a way faster than him! "

Dixi Si stares at Ye Feng, looks up and down, ponders for a long time and doesn't speak.

At this time, Ye Feng raised his sleeve and put up his hands to show Dixie a careful way, "you see clearly, I'm still good!"

Seeing this, she frowned and said, "what's the reason?"

Ye Feng can't help shaking his head and said, "it's not clear yet, but there must be a reasonable explanation. We must find the reason quickly for Dante Emma!"

When dishiston's eyes were shining, he seemed to see the general hope again, but he heard Ye Feng say, "you can rest assured that if you really get to that step, I know what I will do, and I will never let you be controlled by Dante Emma!"

After hearing what Ye Feng said, Dixie immediately nodded to Ye Feng, took Ye Feng's hand with her robotic arm and said, "I'll give you all of me!"

Ye Feng just nodded, don't want to Dixie suddenly on the arm of the machine force a pull, immediately Ye Feng to drag in the past, then a hug Ye Feng, kiss Ye Feng's mouth.

Ye Feng didn't slow down for a long time. When he just recovered and wanted to be immersed in the infinite tenderness of Dixie, Dixie slowly pushed him away.

But listen to Dixie at this time toward Ye Feng said, "before we missed too much, if I have to die here, I don't want to leave regret!"

After staring at Dixie for a long time, Ye Feng immediately steps forward, hugs Dixie tightly and kisses Dixie again.

They hugged each other for a long time. It seemed that everything in the past was in their minds. They cared for each other from childhood to adulthood, but they never broke the window paper. However, everyone in their hearts knew that each other had their own heart. Today, they completely tore open the window paper that should not exist.After a long time, Ye Feng slowly pushed away Dixie Si, and then solemnly looked at Dixie Si and said, "don't worry, I won't let you have anything!"

Ye Feng's tone is very peaceful, but it's a man's commitment in Dixie's ears. She believes that as long as Ye Feng says this to herself, even if she gives up his own life, she will try her best to complete it.

Thinking of this, Dixie couldn't help nodding to Ye Feng and said, "I know, I always know!"

Ye Feng looks at her for a long time and wants to hug her and kiss her again. At this time, she hears Scarlett's voice coming from a distance behind her, "no No more... "

Ye Feng and Dixie both regained their senses when they heard the words. They looked at Scarlett, who was running anxiously not far away. However, they saw Scarlett's anxious look on her face and soon came to them, panting.

Ye Feng immediately asked Scarlett, "what's the matter?" Then she took another look at Scarlett's back, but did not find Zhuo wanqiu's figure. She immediately asked Scarlett, "what about late autumn?"

Scarlett finally gasped for breath and said to Yefeng, "Zhuo wanqiu, she She became It turns into... "

When he heard the words, he immediately said, "have you become a robot?"

Scarlett nodded at once. At the same time, when she saw that the arm of Dixie had become a machine, her face suddenly changed. She looked at the arm of Dixie in surprise and said, "you You too... "

Ye Feng immediately took Scarlett's shoulder in both hands and said, "where is late autumn now? To what extent has she been assimilated? "

Scarlett said immediately, "all the places I can see are black machines!"

Ye Feng immediately asked, "who is she? Where is it now? "

Scarlett said immediately, "still in Virgil No, in Dante Emma's office! "

Ye Feng immediately turned and ran to the office building, and said to Scarlett and Dixie, "let's go now!"

Scarlett and Dixie immediately follow. They arrive at the office building. When they get to the door of Dante Emma's office, they find that there is no Zhuo wanqiu in the office.

After Ye Feng went in, he looked around, but saw that in addition to the robot in the dark grid, he did not find the existence of Zhuo wanqiu. He immediately turned back and asked Scarlett, "where are people?"

Scarlett also looked around in surprise and murmured, "yes, what about people? It was just here? "

After looking around, she immediately said to Yefeng and Scarlett, "will Dante Emma take her?"

When Ye Feng and Scarlett heard this, their faces suddenly changed. Yes, if Zhuo wanqiu was captured by Dante Emma, it would be troublesome.

Ye Feng found a problem, that is, the robots in the dark grid are almost the same. If Zhuo wanqiu is completely assimilated and captured by Dante Emma, then he can't tell which robot is Zhuo wanqiu. If Dante Emma says that his body is Zhuo wanqiu, he will be very passive no matter whether the reality is or not, No hands, no hands.

Obviously, Dixie also thought of this problem. At this time, she looked at her shoulder to see her assimilation. She thought that if she became a robot, maybe she would be controlled by Dante Emma to deal with Ye Feng. Thinking about this, Dixie felt terrible.

But at the same time, she found another question. She looked at Scarlett in surprise and said, "why aren't you assimilated?"

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