As soon as she and Scarlett heard this, she immediately said, "we've looked for it before, and I know almost all the buildings on this island. There's no sign of Monica at all!"

Scarlett then threw out a wonderful question and said, "is it possible that Monica has been assimilated and she has become a robot, so we can't find her?"

But Ye Feng immediately said, "impossible, if Monica has also become a robot, it means that her perfect serum has no effect on detoxification, and it's useless to find it!"

But when she heard the words, she said, "is it that Monica has actually left the island?"

Ye Feng immediately asked Dixie, "since Monica and I landed on the island, have any ships left Suoxi?"

Dixie thought about it, then shook his head and said, "no, unless Dante Emma is carrying me..." But then he denied his idea and said, "it's impossible. This island is so big that no boat can come or go without leaving any trace! Unless there's something else on the island I don't know! "

Ye Feng listened to what Dixie said, and immediately fell into a burst of meditation. For a long time, he did not speak.

Scarlett and Dixie see Ye Feng silent, know Ye Feng must be thinking, also did not disturb him.

But at this time, Ye Feng suddenly said, "there is such a place, you may not know!"

Dixi Si smell speech can't help but surprised to look at Ye Feng way, "where?"

Ye Feng didn't say anything and walked directly to the door. Dixie and Scarlett knew that Ye Feng must go to the place he said. They immediately said nothing and followed Ye Feng out of the office.

After Ye Feng left the building with Scarlett and Dixie, he immediately went to the entrance of the star spaceship he had been to before.

Standing at the entrance and looking at the small patio like opening, Scarlett and Dixie could not help but wonder, "where is this?"

Ye Feng said to Dixie and Scarlett, "this is the entrance to the starship, that is, the spaceship of those alien robots!"

When they heard the words, they could not help but look at Ye Feng in amazement. Although they were surprised that robots and people on the island could be assimilated into robots, they were still stunned to hear that there were alien spaceships on the island.

Ye Feng didn't say much. She jumped directly from the entrance of the cave and slid down the patio. After Scarlett and Dixie looked at each other, Dixie took the lead in jumping. After a moment's hesitation, Scarlett also jumped.

When Scarlett got to the bottom and walked along a passage to the end, she found that Ye Feng and Dixie had already stood in the hall of the spaceship, and the lights in the hall were lighting up one after another, and the whole hall cabin of the alien spaceship was at a glance.

Scarlett, just like Dixie, was looking around in surprise when she heard the man say to them, "look around and see if there are any other exits or entrances!"

Ye Feng said and walked toward the walls around, Scarlett and Dixie also learn Ye Feng's appearance, groping on the walls around, want to see what dark grid button and so on.

However, three people did not find anything unusual after a round, let alone any dark buttons.

At last, all three of them returned to their central position, and Dixie said, "there's nothing here!"

Scarlett also said to Ye Feng, "is such an empty space an alien spaceship? Is it a little too simple? "

Ye Feng did not answer the two people's words. At this time, he felt that something was not right in his mind. Dante Emma could not leave his own office, and his consciousness could not enter the interior of the spaceship. So how did he bring Monica here?

But then I thought, it may be true that Dante Emma can't leave the office, but it may not be true if she can't get in here.

Judging from the current results, Dante Emma may have cheated herself into coming in, and then deliberately let herself see the "corpses" of those robots. Then she found the button behind the robot's head, and finally released the virus of the robot with her own hands, thereby infecting the whole island. If so, it means that Dante Emma's consciousness is a lie if she can't get in, Thus, it can be proved that Dante Emma can bring Monica here.

As for Dante Emma, she can't live without her own office, but he has so many employees that he can let her own hands complete these tasks. Therefore, the possibility of Monica here is not small, but at present, there is no possibility of other space.

Seeing that Ye Feng didn't speak, Dixie and Scarlett knew what he must be thinking and didn't disturb him. Instead, they continued to look around to prevent their mistakes.

Ye Feng was thinking about it, but at this time, he heard Dixie say to Ye Feng, "come here and have a look at this side!"

When Ye Feng and Scarlett heard this, they immediately went to Dixie. But Dixie was squatting on the ground. At the edge of the corner, they found a string of characters that were obviously different from those on the wall.At this time, Dixie said to Ye Feng, "although I can't read what I wrote, it's obvious that it's not in the same department as the one on the wall!"

Ye Feng naturally also saw that the wall is more like some symbols, and the corner here is more like some hieroglyphs.

At this time, Ye Feng reached out and touched the character, but he didn't feel any different.

Scarlett suddenly said to Ye Feng, "do you want to look at this character upside down?"

Ye Feng and Dixie can't help frowning when they hear the words. Ye Feng looks back at Scarlett and says, "do you know these characters?"

Scarlett shook her head and said, "I don't know. I just think I've seen similar characters somewhere. At that time, an expert said that what we see is upside down. If we need to see clearly, we should look upside down!"

After taking a deep breath, Ye Feng immediately turned over and turned over to look at the characters. His face suddenly moved. After looking at them for a moment, he immediately stood up.

Scarlett then asked Ye Feng, "see what?"

Ye Feng asked Scarlett, "where have you seen these characters before?"

Scarlett frowned and thought for a while before she said, "it's in a museum of monuments, isn't it? It seems that the exhibition was all about Egyptian things! "

Hearing this, Ye Feng immediately nodded and said, "no wonder, after I look back, I feel that these characters are a bit like ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs!"

As soon as he heard this, his face suddenly moved and said, "the hieroglyphs of ancient Egypt?"

Scarlett immediately turned over and looked at it. After a while, she stood up straight and said to Ye Feng, "yes, it's very similar to the words I saw last time. They should be ancient Egyptian words!"

But Dixie said, "what's the connection between stele and ancient Egypt?"

But Scarlett said, "how is it possible that these people on Star stele are alien robots? What connection can they have with ancient Egypt?"

Ye Feng pondered for a while. After thinking for a long time, he said, "isn't the pyramid that has been spread in ancient Egypt made by aliens? Now it seems that it's not from nowhere!"

Dixie si then immediately toward leaf maple way, "you should also can't believe those groundless rumor?"? Moreover, the pyramids of Egypt have long been tested by instruments. They are all made of stone, so there can be no alien spaceships or anything like that! "

After pondering for a moment, Ye Feng said, "let's talk about these unsolved mysteries later. Our goal is to find Monica, not to solve the mystery of the ancient Egyptian pyramids!"

But Scarlett sighed, "at present, there doesn't seem to be any dark grid here. Should Monica not be here?"

Ye Feng then remembers that he accidentally fell to the next floor and found those alien robot "corpses". He immediately went to the center, trying to arouse the cylinder that should have protruded from the ground.

However, Ye Feng turned around a few times in the center, but he didn't find the column steps. He was surprised. Was it Dante Emma's intention to let him see these things and understand the history of stele that made him see them?

At this time, Ye Feng, Scarlett and Dixie all felt a slight tremor on the ground. At first, they all thought it was their own illusion, but when they looked at the other two and found that their faces were different from their own, they knew it was not their own illusion.

At this time, the vibration became more and more intense, just like a slight earthquake. The three people instinctively leaned against the wall to prevent something from falling from the top.

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